Sunday Selfie Hop


Hello Sunday and hello friends!    Time for us to share our selfies on the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with our hosts at The Cat On My Head.     Mom took some sneaky photos of me this week when I was looking ever so innocent taking a nap.   If you know me, you know I’m a world champion napper – might just be my favorite thing next to spending time outside with Mom and Dad.

This selfie Mom took from the front porch……..I was enjoying some fresh air and she was enjoying capturing me in one of my comfy observation positions with my feet behind me!

And because Mom thought this one might make a good puzzle JUST THE WAY IT IS, we didn’t do any Lunapic fancy filters – just ME and my YARD!!!!

Just click the mini-me puzzle and have some puzzling fun “putting me back together” !!

Continue to enjoy this looooooong Memorial Day weekend!

Hugs, Mom and Me

49 responses »

  1. That is a nice selfie, Teddy. I don’t know if you knew him, there used to be a cat called Monty Q who used to sleep like that and he called it Doing the Q. Once he had a competition called that for all cats who slept or laid in that position, and there was a prize for the winner.

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    • Mom is getting on that mower again today – she has to mow about every 3 days since our lawn is growing like MAD this year. We do have some good sittin’ spots here…..porch, back yard, it’s ALL good!

      Huggies, T-Boy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ted, I love seeing you outside mono railing the sidewalk. I would enjoy lying there beside you in the sunpuddle. We could take up our conversation where we left off.


    • Hi there! Nice to hear from you and Mom and I sure hope all is well there………….Mom had just mowed the lawn and I was making sure she hadn’t missed anything – I’m the yard monitor as well as the security guard at the front door…..Multi-tasking is my talent!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. What a lovely yard that you have to monitor, Teddy!!

    So lush and so pretty! I bet there are lots of birds and critters to admire…and maybe drool over.

    Benji lays like you, sometimes, too…as did MJF, but I don’t recall seeing any o=f our 6 cats doing that. We called it the frog look, LOL!

    Enjoy this holiday weekend.


    • I have plenty of room for visitors here – feel free to visit any time and I’ll give you a tour. I’ll even take you into the jungle in the backyard (well…’s the woods and not a jungle but I can pretend!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Teddy I recently learned from my a new Puppy blogger, Duke, that that when a dog does that pose it is called FrogDogging

    We’ll call yours Feline Frogging. You look comfy

    Hugs Cecilia


  5. You look like you are having the best, most relaxing, most enjoyable and most spoiled time ever Teddy. Have a good one!


  6. Looking good, Teddy. Looks like you had a beautiful day for outside time. Thanks for hopping and for the puzzle. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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