Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday everybody.   You know what we do on Sunday – we join in the Selfie fun at The Cat On My Head!    Our thanks to them for hosting this hop every week.   It’s easy to join – you can click on their badge above and link up if you are ready.

My selfie was a sneaky one – Mom caught me hanging out behind one of the chairs in the library.    It’s a favorite spot of mine.   It’s also right by an A/C vent so it’s also nice and cool.    I immediately turned on my laser eyeballs so she’d be sure and SEE me because – as you can tell – her camera is not behaving AGAIN.    Dad and I keep telling her to get a new one.

Sorry it’s such a BAD photo but at least I’m in it so I guess it qualifies as a Selfie!    Mom then loaded it up in Lunapic so she could try and make something artsy out of a lousy photo and here’s what she came up with:

Now that’s more like it!    Mom used the “SHATTERED” art filter and I like how it turned out – and there I am right smack in the middle of things!

So how about a puzzle from this one?   Bet it’s a toughie!

All you need to do is click this “MINI-PHOTO” and you’ll get the jigsaw puzzle to agonize over.  GOOD LUCK!


Happy Sunday!   

Hugs, Teddy

50 responses »

    • Especially with Mom’s camera being BAD – the photo out of the camera was black – Mom had to “lighten” it about ten times so you could see ANYTHING! Lasers were necessary that’s for sure!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Teddy, you were certainly right to turn on your lasers! That IS dim and we wouldn’t see you without them. And Sunday isn’t a good one without seeing you in all your handsomeness.


  2. Yes, it’s hard to get a pic of our kitties asleep….they seem to have a ‘sense’ that their picture is about to be taken. Looks like the purrfect spot for a kitty nap!


  3. That is a very cozy room you are in Teddy. The filter warms it up! I probably shouldn’t even mention warm. We had a heck of a storm last night that lasted a couple hours… squeaked out an inch of rain… woe is me. I am going to try your puzzle this afternoon 🙂


  4. Your art turned out great Teddy, as you show up much better in that than the photo. We all say, “thanks for hopping,” and Mom says, “thanks for the puzzle.” Love to all at your house from everyone at our house. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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