Friday Fill-Ins Hop and Blog For Peace


Today is Blog For Peace Day so we will start with our poster in honor of this day AND move to Filling In Fun

We are passionate about this effort – Mimi Lenox started it off and it has moved through the years with so many bloggers declaring their believe that all we need to do is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.     You may visit Mimi  HERE  for her post and more information.     It is our hope that one day – SOON – the world will in peace – like a warm blanket or hug – because we ALL deserve it…………….


My goodness – is it Friday already?   Well I guess it is – we’re filling in today and THAT means it’s Friday.    If you aren’t familiar with this Hop where have you been?   Just kidding – it’s a fun hop – you just have some sentences to fill in that our co-hosts give to us and it’s tons of fun.   If you click the badge above you can link up if you like with your OWN “fill-in the blanks”.

Here are the four sentences we have for today.    I let my Mom have the honors for this week and her words are in RED.


1. My list of things to do in November includes decide on our Thanksgiving menu, do Christmas shopping and get a new pre-lit Christmas tree.

2. A lucky Mom is a lady like me who has a big huge ginger cat who loves to hop up on the bed at night and snuggle into his Mom to snooze!.
3. I never would have guessed that our planet would be in such trouble – between politics, the environment, and health concerns we have our hands full!!.
4. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is an unpopular opinion that I have  (my husband is not a breakfast guy – I love breakfast and believe it gives me the energy to make it through until lunch….hahaha).

OK Mom – I think you did a great job – especially with the one about ME snuggling with YOU at night.   I haven’t always done that – and I don’t always stay up there with you for very long, but I do enjoy a good, warm spot with my Mom petting me and whispering sweet things to me…….maybe that appreciation – at least for me – came more slowly since I was an independent feral guy???    Whatever – I love it now and that’s all that matters.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Hugs, Teddy

52 responses »

  1. Oh, Teddy, we, too, would love a nice bed snuggle with you, all gingery and cozy next to us while we spoil you rotten with snuggles! And mama doesn’t eat breatfast either, but papa has oatmeal and good things, but mama likes avocado on toast a little later or maybe her own home-made “efficatios” cereal all ground up with raisins and grilled almonds and bran, etc. You get the picture, haha….and yes, the state of the world is troubling, but the USA is doing everything it can to help anywhere it can, lower med costs, give monetary aid to students, aid to Ukraine, you name it…


    • I hope the USA can continue to help others in need….times are changing and we can only hope it’s for the BETTER. As for you dear Loulou – I bet you are HAPPY that Mama and Papa are either home OR just about home………………here come “home grown tummy rubs” !!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. You know what? My mom whispers sweet nothings to me too. Any time I am up there on the bed with her, and even if I sleep on her lap… she’ll pet me say “I love you, Katie” and I always react with two or three soft slight kneads on whatever part of her my arms are am on….and I twitch my ears hearing her say it. I purr hearing her voice. Spoiled? I reckon!


  3. I love your peace badge. I knew that was on the 4th, but lost track of the days. Thanks for participating in the fill-ins. great answers. I love breakfast too. I get nauseous if I don’t eat in the morning. Your mom is blessed to have you Teddy- and vice versa. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dinner can be the most important meal of the day if you are doing breakfast for dinner… popular here at Casa Bella. Having a kitty snuggle with you in bed makes for a peaceful sleep… sometimes! Pam, your #1… this is your time of year! I love how much you love the hanging of the stockings and seeing what Santa has stuffed them with and your pure joy for shopping for gifts!
    Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


    • Good Morning PEEPS IN THE CASA! Hope things continue to progress in your community getting back to whatever is normal. I do love Christmas – always have. It definitely brings out the little girl in me and that’s a long journey now that I’m 75 but I make it every year because I LOVE CHRISTMAS! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

    • And while I don’t east breakfast, I do eat brunch! Except on Teaser class days when I indulge a whole lot more, LOL!

      I love that you enjoy a nice snuggle during the night hours, Teddy.

      And I somehow wish for the days of old, like when I was a little girl, and Christmas was church, and a nice family dinner…with a few presents under the tree. Not the hoopla and commercialism of today. Same with Thanksgiving. Maybe that is why I don’t mind too much to work on those days, because then I get to make others happy as well.


      • Mom has always been a breakfast fan – doesn’t eat lunch many days but sometimes……..Her Dad used to make sausage gravy and biscuits on holidays (especially Christmas and New Years) and THAT’s why she adores breakfast….reminds her of her Dad. Anyway, yes I do like to cuddle up with Mom but I prefer sleeping on the big green “Granma’s Chair” which is by the bed. We don’t like hoopla either and our holidays are quiet and usually “just us”.

        Hugs, Teddy

        Liked by 1 person

    • HA! That’s what my Mom says about setting up the tree – she works and works and goes nuts making it perfect…..I don’t care if it’s perfect as long as there’s room under it for me to nap!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. I agree with #3. The world is a huge mess. #4 Ivor and I are the opposite to you and David, can’t eat before 9.30 and then I usually have melon or berries. Ivor can eat any time.
    Your Peace Globe is lovely. My wish is for peace too.


  6. Wee are wurried fore this werld….there iss so much unrest overseass an it seemss that sum leederss want to make wAR an NOT PEECE!!
    Pleese Sky Cat watch over this werld an help it get back on track beefore there iss nothin left!!!
    Peece out BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum


  7. Teddy! Your Peace globe rocks! We LOVE it! We also liked your Mom’s answers and the one about cuddling with your Mom is just like me! I don’t come in and sleep all night with my Mom (Koz and Jo Jo do) but I do come for snuggles and sweetnothings before this former feral goes out to sleep in my bed in the living room bay window. we hope you guys have a marvelous weekend (we can’t wait to see whnat the Bacon King has come up with for this week) Purrs Marv


  8. Mom Pam did an excellent job on her fill-is. Our mom agrees with #3. Not what she expected by a long shot. She also is not a huge fan of breakfast but always eats something! She rather have her breakfast for dinner. Excellent Peace Globe. Let there be some semblance of peace in our lifetime. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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