Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Sunday’s here!   That means it’s SELFIE day at The Cat On My Head.    If you’d like to join the hop you can click their badge above and link up.    Our chance to show ourselves off to the world by posting a selfie.

My selfie this week is rather boring – just me sitting on the front sidewalk looking around for some action.    Whether it’s a skink poking its’ head out from under the sidewalk or a chipmunk dashing between holes under the holly trees OR the cat next door who mooches breakfast from us most mornings.   Even though she’s in her own yard I see her and want to flex my considerable muscle (some say its’ fat – I say it’s muscle) to make sure she knows this is MY house.    She can visit (she spends the night on MY front porch when her humans leave her out for the night) and get a meal from here but that’s the extent of how far I put the welcome mat out !

SO – here’s the gem Mom has of the BACK of me on the lookout:

THEN she put it in Lunapic so she could make it somewhat more interesting than a picture of a big cat from the back sitting on a sidewalk minding his own business.


Whoa!  Put on your sunglasses to look at this one!   This is me with Lunapic’s “FLOWERS” art effect at 100%.

Yes of course we did a jigsaw puzzle………………this is quite an effect isn’t it – you can see lots of flowers around – I think if Mom had reduced the intensity to something like 50% it would have looked better but then SHE was the artist – I was the subject matter.    So here’s your puzzle:

  Just click this little photo for the puzzle and good luck!


Happy Sunday to everyone especially our Blog Hop hosts at The Cat On My Head!   

Hugs, Teddy

48 responses »

  1. Teddy, you and your mom are so wonderful to help that poor cat next door. I can’t imagine an owner like that. But yes I can! There is one next door to me! Irresponsible, and must adhere to that myth that cats beong outdoors.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel bad for the neighbor’s cat. I am glad you and your mom feed her and let her sleep on the porch. I love your selfie and the art your mom made with it. Thanks for the puzzle. Have a wonderful day. XO


    • Oh goodie – glad you’ve already got your poem done for this week – Angel Sammy waits until the last second before he sends me his to write one. He likes living dangerously. HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Teddy, it is furry kind of you to allow the neighbour’s cat to have breakfast on your doorstep. Obviously you were brought up as a propurr gentlemancat, and will always assist a ladycat in distress!
    That’s a great selfie – and We love the colourful art!


    • I don’t want any cat who visits us to go away hungry. Even if it is a bothersome one from next door! Mom won’t let me go into their yard but she comes into mine all the time. Glad you like my selfie!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Boring? Maybe BUT it has a good side.

    I was told that gingers who are not being well fed and cared for have paler and less vibrant coats (I had no idea!) but you positively glow with ginger health. So. Borinng NO. Definitely Not!!


    • I’ll check my SPAM folder – you are NOT SPAM and that makes me upset if WordPress thinks you are! I will check immediately and we ALWAYS ALWAYS love your poems!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  5. You’re Selfies are never boring, Teddy, so you have my back on that😺 Your artwork is like a growing flower, it looks like it moves. Will do the puzzle right away🌸Pawkisses for you and your mommy too🐾😽✨


    • Oh I’m so happy you like my Selfie Angel Binky and Granny! My Mom thought maybe it was a little too “loud” but if you don’t YELL – nobody will see you! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


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