Friendly Fill-Ins


Happy Friday……………ready to fill-in the blanks?   I am!     If you want to join in the fun that our cohosts give us every week just click the badge and link up.   The sentences (we get four of them with blanks for us to fill) are there.

Here are this week’s sentences and Mom and I shared fill-in responsibilities this week as we often do.  If Mom is answering – the words are in BLUE and if I’m filling in the blank my words are in GREEN.

1. The highlight of my summer so far has been – well – we haven’t had a highlight yet – but we live in hope!.
2. August is a good time to sweat a lot and be uncomfortable (just kidding – I hate it when it’s this hot – it’s MISERABLE).
3. Whining at the front door too often gets me into trouble.
4. I think I lose about a pound of hair every time I ask Mom to brush me

And that my friends is filling in for THIS week!     We always have fun doing this Hop and thank our co-hosts for putting the sentences together for us every week.


Hey Mom – wake me when it’s Fall will you? 

  Love, Teddy

48 responses »

  1. Oh, Tedikins, you really must suffer with the heat if a pound of fur comes off in the brush, haha. Maybe I should be glad that I have a little shaved part for the sensor, haha, but I’m pretty short-haired and I love the cool stone I sleep on outdoors. Yes, we’ll wake you around October so you can trick or treat!


    • Thanks Loulou! I do have thick fur – every morning Mom brushes me and gets rid of all the loose stuff. I’m sure I’m cooler because of the brushing!!! Mom says she could make three or four cats out of all the extra fur I shed. HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy I need your mom to come brush my furs…I’d love to lose a few pounds.
    It was 85 degrees here at 10 pm last night. I took a walk at 7:45 am this morning thankfully mostly in the shade. I have heard 20 min of walking a day is an excellent thing to do.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Oh I’m sure it is good to walk every day – Mom is not very good about regular walking but she does follow me around the front and back yard when I’m outside and she and Dad try to go to the walking trail in town at least once a week. Neither Mom nor Dad do very well in this humidity so have to walk super early in the morning on that trail. GOOD FOR YOU though!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Teddy, you and your mom answered the fill-ins fantastically! This here human agrees that this sweltering heat is miserable. It’s like walking straight into an oven every time you go outside. And Teddy, you actually ask to be brushed? Can you teach my kitties to enjoy being brushed? Most of them are rather dramatic and think it’s quite a horrible experience, despite me telling them otherwise. Purrs!


    • I like the way that brush feels on my skin…..! Mom gets quite a pile of loose hair off me every day – and I have longish hair so it’s nice not to have all that extra fuzz. I’ve liked brushing from the very beginning when I came to live here. The brush Mom uses has metal spikey things on it that get right down to my skin……I hope your kitties decide to try to ENJOY the brush like I do!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Laughing about your #1 🙂 I had to really look for a highlight too but like you we have hope. OhMyGosh #2 cracked me up too!
    Teddy Boop, I did not realize you like to have a good brushing.
    Happy Friday to you and your Mom and Dad, Teddy!


    • Oh Miss Pix I love to be brushed….but I can sometimes get “over stimulated” (Mom’s words) and get a little crazy – I even sometimes try to give Mom a love bite (but she doesn’t appreciate that part!!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. I love that photo of you in your bed Teddy. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. I don’t like it this hot and humid either. How sweet of your mom to brush you. XO


  6. LOL, T. I wish weight loss was that easy. If that were the case, none of us would ever be on treat restriction! I get crazy with zoomies when Mom brushes me, so she can’t really get a lot done.

    Love and licks,


    • Brushing feels so good doesn’t it? I sometimes get over-excited when Mom’s brushing me and I go a little crazy! Mom says it’s good for my skin to get that brush-massage.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Not too many highlights here either. We’re getting the hot stuff this weekend and storms Sunday. Not the 105 I say you got but; 100 which is bad enough. That’s with the heat index. Have a good evening.


  8. We agree wholeheartedly with #2 and I think Benji would agree with #4! He shheds SO much! I could make a second pup out of it all,LOL!

    I mowed the lawn today, hence I am a lot later than usual…another four hour job…and I lost 2 pounds of sweat, despite drinking about 3/4gallon of liquid…its just such a hot and sweaty job. At least there was a bit of a breeze and the shady parts of the yard help. Yes, lets cheer when tte cooler season arrives!


  9. Everyone is complaining about the heat. In Arizona we have higher temps than you are complaining about. The humidity does make a difference. My peep was born and raised in NY state (born in a small town called NY City) and raised a few miles north in Dobbs Ferry.


    • You’re right about heat – we visited Arizona some years ago on vacation and while the temp was near 100 it was bearable because there was no humidity. Today our humidity is 91% even though our high today will be upper 80s. That humidity is the BOO!!!


  10. Love your photo Teddy! I feel the same way lately with the heat. Too hot to do anything. We get one cooler day and I’m out doing things before the heat comes back.


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