Friendly Fill-Ins and a PAR-TAY!


It’s Friday and time for filling-in the blanks with our co-hosts.   Easy – they give us sentences with spots for our own words and we fill in the spots!    You can join by clicking the badge above and linking up.

We’re going to do our filling in first but after we finish that we’re going to celebrate SOMEBODY’S BIRTHDAY – whose???   I’ll give you a hint:

Yep – today I’m SIX!    Here are today’s fill-ins and of course since it’s MY special day I got to fill in ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the blanks – my words are in RED.

1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell no birthday cake cooking!.
2. Every March I look forward to my birthday!
3. I knew it was my birthday the moment that Mom and Dad gave me a big box of presents!
4. Turning Six is currently my silver lining.


So how did I do????????????????   Now that the filling in is filled in, lets celebrate ME!
Mom and Dad got me a wonderful Chewy Birthday Box.    It has tons of stuff in it – treats, more treats, a bunch of catnip toys, a special collar with a bow tie on it and a big sign to use when Mom takes my photo for my birthday.    Well, since we do our post the day before it premieres on my blog, and Mom didn’t want to give me my box BEFORE my birthday, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see photos – BUT here’s what the box looks like from the Chewy website:
Well I’m so excited.   I’m the luckiest boy in the world today in the mostest wonderful forever home EVER!     Now let’s party!
And if you’re REALLY hungry:


Fried Chicken!

IF you get sleepy – pull up a bed and nap away.

Thanks so much for making my birthday special………….I’ll post photos soon of my GOODIE BOX!   You all are the BESTEST FRIENDS EVER!

82 responses »

  1. Happy Birthday to YOU, Teddy!

    We enjoyed your take for the fill ins:)

    And wow, you sure have a great array of celebratory noms and activities…like napping, LOL!

    Hope your box gifts are all you could wish for and more! I love your BD Hat!

    Can’t wait to see all the new pics! Are you going to frame them with bacon strips? Now that would be fun for you to do…teehee!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d probably EAT the frames if they were baconized! The Chewy birthday box looks like it has a lot of magical stuff inside but Mom says this morning we have to wait for Dad to wake up before I can peek. Mom and I get up WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before Dad does. Meanwhile I’m having an early birthday nap to fill the time.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes!
      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Happy birthday, Teddy! What a wonderful surprise to get that gift box! I am looking forward to seeing your birthday photos too. Great fill in answers from the birthday boy.


    • Thanks Miss Jackie! Six isn’t a particularly noteworthy milestone but Mom and Dad got me this Chewy birthday box and I’m excited to see what’s inside – we have to wait until my Dad wakes up this morning before I get to open it. I’ll have photos tomorrow (I hope).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for the birthday wishes! Mom and Dad will make sure I get as many “out for a cruise around the house” moments today as I want – and the birthday box will be opened if my Dad EVER WAKES UP this morning!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Thanks my Weim buddies – and for the card on Facebook too!! You made my day start with a big smile – Mom also gave me one toy from my birthday box – I have to wait for the other stuff until my Dad WAKES UP!!!! I asked if I could go jump on the bed to wake him and Mom said NO WAY. Gee – I should be able to do anything I want on my birthday right??????

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 2 people



  4. Happy Birthday, Teddy!

    You did a great job with the filling in today.

    Have a wonderful birthday weekend! (Yes, your birthday lasts till Monday at least – those are the rules.) 😀


  5. Happy Birthday, sweet Teddy! You really couldn’t have been adopted by more loving parents, and I know they will make your special day the BEST! Can’t wait to see your birthday photos!


  6. Happy Birthday dearest sweet Birthday Teddy! I can’t wait to see a picture of you looking at all your birthday gifts and seeing which is your favorite. May I share that red bed with you or another guest? Heck, let’s EAT!
    XXX Katie


    • There’s totally enough room on the red bed for two Miss Katie. Totally…………and plenty of eatables so DIG IN! Thank you for the birthday wishes and for visiting me on my birthday.

      Love, Teddy


  7. Happy Birthday sweet Teddy! Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That is a nice box of goodies, you are a lucky boy. Make sure you celebrate all month. XO


  8. It’s your Birthday, Teddy Boop? Ida never known!!! Happy Birthday Sweet GingerMan! Loved your Fill-Ins… I did! Can’t wait to see pictures of you with your Chewy Goodie Box. You are the Bestest Boy!
    Have a most wonderful Birthday, Teddy! All your party treats look delicious.


    • Oh Miss Pix I’m so excited……I’m going to try VERY HARD to cooperate with Mom and Dad as they torture me with the camera and wearing (or trying to anyway) the bow-tie and stuff. Dad says no way can Mom get the tie on me so there’s hope…..HAHAHA Mom says I can wear it as a crown. Thank you for the birthday card……..we love you!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy The Birthday Boop Boy


  9. Happy Birthday, Teddy!!!! I cannot believe that it’s your magical 6th! I cannot wait for the video broadcast of the celebration!!!! If I lived on your continent, I’d try to catch you a REAL mousie! MOL!


    • Hi Miss “C”! Thanks for the birthday wishes – I’m having a fun day so far………..Mom is being hopeful she can catch me in some birthday photos but I have OTHER plans. HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Happy Birthday, Teddy! What a great pawty! My daddy had his birthday on March 2, but no pawty. So happy I stopped by. *takes a Hello Kitty pizza and a drink, and claims the pink bed*


    • Oh gosh thanks so much for stopping by my pawty! I’m one excited six year old today and YES please help yourselves to the foodables and napables too! I hope your Daddy had a wonderful birthday as well.

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Happy 6th birthday Teddy!!!!! I can’t believe you are 6 already!! You know what’s funny? My niece’s birthday is today and she is a “ginger” too!! Ha!! She is!!! Hoping your day is extra special!! Love from all of us! xoxo


  12. ted o natorz !!! DOOD !!!! a MOST happee 6th two ewe N heerz ta 60 mor….heerz two yur goodie box, perch pizza pie, donutz, a ham, gettin inta trubull, rollin in soil, rollin in MOR soil anda yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez ☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ N joy yur day; lovez frum uz♥♥♥♥♥♥


    • Thank you so much Miss Kate and kitties! Yeah the goodie box was very cool. Mom was shopping on Chewy for a birthday present for me and saw that Chewy has “Goodie Boxes” for special occasions you can buy. They had one that was for birthdays so she got it. VERY COOL – there’s a photo of me enjoying it on the blog tomorrow!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Teddy, the final photo of you in the birthday hat is a hoot. We hope you had a most excellent day. Your birthday box was a great gift and your party spectacular. So happy we could join you. You are such a super good friend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • Thanks so much for coming to my pawty gang! Thanks too for your card………I really did have a nice day. Mom made sure to take me outside every single time I asked and she and Dad actually had a busy day themselves so it was specially nice she made more time for me.

      Love and Huggies, Teddy


    • Hi Summer – thanks for visiting – and yep I really would have gone nuts if Mom made me wear ANY kind of hat. I did let her put that bow tie on me but it was just a bit – well – SNUG!

      Hugs, Teddy


  14. 🎉Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday, Teddy dear🎉 What a great Pawty and so many yummy’s and a bed…You sure know how to Pawty, sweet furriend😸 I brought some furresh nip sprouts for all of us and six Extra Pawkisses just for you🐾😽💞


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