Sunday Selfie For The New Year


Happy First Sunday of the new year………………start it off right with a selfie!    Our hosts at The Cat On My Head would love for you to join in the fun – just click their badge above and link up with us.

A new start in a new year.    I wonder what this year will be like?    I hear my Mom and Dad talking about how they hope it’s a BETTER year and I do know that it was a tough year for people with the pandemic continuing, the weather being weird, and a lot of people out of work.    We just HAVE to have a better year and maybe if we all concentrate really hard we can do it.    I’m going to do my best to keep my humans happy – it’s what I do best after all!!

Wanna see how I spent New Years Eve?    No I haven’t been drinking!   I’m just a tad sleepy that’s all……and you know how flashy cameras are so annoying!

I guess you’d like me to make a puzzle out of this one?   Well, let me jazz it up a little first with Lunapic then I’ll make a puzzle OK?

WOWZER…….this is Lunapic’s “SABER” art effect (one of the new ones)…………..interesting isn’t it?    Looks like I have some “hot spots” on me huh?    This will be a challenging puzzle I think.    GOOD LUCK!

Just Click the MINI-ME and do the puzzle……….

  Hugs, Teddy

55 responses »

  1. That’s some amazing artwork, hot spot on, Teddy😺
    🎊Pawkisses for a Happy New Year to the both of you and hope that all your wishes come true in 2022 and when we all concentrate on the good things we sure can make it happen..Roarrr✨🐾😽💞


  2. Yes, Teddy, I’m sure you will definitely make your pawrents happy this year…. they love you SO much, and we know the feeling is mutual. Cute picture of you – not sure I can tackle the puzzle this week though!!!??? Happy New Year!


  3. Teddy, Your art work is lovely.
    We know you’ll make your pawrents happy. We do Our best to make Mummy happy too – despite the Evil Coronavirus and the Weird Weather and things happening that make her sad…


    • Thanks! It’s a filter my Mom never used before because she thought it was too “loud” with color – but on Lunapic you can “downsize” the effect if you want to and she did so she liked it (even though it’s still super colorful) !!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Sleepy or not, you look wonderfully content there, Teddy. And your Mom Lunapic’d you beautifully. Mom hasn’t been to Lunapic in a long time – that is a pretty effect.

    Happy New Year!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  5. Teddy, you are so cute in your snoozy photo, and we absolutely love the colors of your art. Mom enjoyed the puzzle as well. This just has to be a better year than the last two. Love to you, Mom Pam and Dad David, and thank you for hopping over to see us every week. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • We figure it’s time to have some BETTER news – looks like we may have to wait a few months but hopefully we’ll begin seeing a downturn SOON. We need HAPPY……we deserve PEACEFUL……we want to be OPTIMISTIC. The world is ready for GOOD NEWS. Thanks so much for hosting Selfies – it’s always fun to see everyone’s “updates” !!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


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