Bakin’ With Bacon, Teddy AND A Guest!


Greetings Bacon Lovers!

I’m here with my Guest Chef, my good pal Raz from FRIENDSFUREVERCATBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM.     As a fellow bacon lover, he keeps an eye out for possible recipes involving nature’s perfect food – BACON.    This one is EASY PEASY and SUPER TASTY.    Isn’t that just the BEST combination?      Ready for the recipe?    Trust me – you’re gonna LIKE this one……………




8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese – shredded

8 oz. cream cheese – softened

2 cups of bacon crumbles


  • Microwave the bacon crumbles for about thirty seconds. This crisps them up so they taste fresh. (If you do not have a microwave you can just skip this step or pan fry them for a minute or two).
  • Stir together the cream cheese and shredded cheddar. Use a small cookie scoop to scoop tablespoon sized balls. Roll them in the bacon crumbles. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later.
  • This makes about 30 mini cheese balls.

TA DA!!!!!  Yep – that’s all there is to it!

Now is that a delicious snack or WHAT?    Raz and I could probably eat about two or three dozen of these babies but our Moms wouldn’t let us AND we’d probably be on cheese overload if we did (only cheese overload…no such thing as bacon overload).

SO – don’t you think you should add this to your upcoming HOLIDAY IDEAS FOR APPETIZERS AND SNACKS list?   What?   You haven’t started one yet?   WELL YOU HAVE NOW!


Thanks for visiting US today………get cookin’ !



43 responses »

  1. They sound so easy to make!

    I think they’re mistaken about cheese overload. I really don’t think there’s any such thing. Well, at least, I hope not! 😀


  2. Now I will tell you what! THAT seems delicious and Mommy said she’ll save this for holiday feasts here at the house!!! Who KNEW that about the bacon crumbles!
    Katie Isabella


  3. They look so good. Perfect for parties now that we have to deal with COVID. It will be safer to each have their own mini one. Thanks for the recipe. Have a great day. XO


  4. Mom’s favorite recipes are the easy ones, and these sure sound easy and delicious. Thanks Teddy and Raz. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  5. SSNS bought the goods for this yesterday afternoon… going to try them out. I am sure they will be delicious. Much better with the time change typing comments in the morning now. If I don’t get them typed in the morning, I don’t get them done. Raz done good! Thank you Raz and Teddy!


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