Teaser Tuesday Class


“Well Troops – looks like campus is back to normal after Halloween – let’s tell the Profs all is clear for class!”

Good Morning Students!   TIME TO COMMENT!

Now that Halloween is over with and we’re back to regular class I have to admit seeing all of you in your regular school clothes is a nice change from ghosts, goblins and three headed monsters at the desks.     Ready to buckle down and work on a Teaser photo?   Good – let’s get started.

“It was kind of fun wearing a costume instead of a diaper!”

First up let’s talk about the rules for Teaser AND show you the badges that are up for the winning.

We do have a really cool photo of what looks like a really rather magical city for you to guess WHERE it is – our Graphics Department found this one.    Ready?


“That’s a whopper of a photo…..Are you sure it’s a REAL place???”

Yes it’s a real place and I’m sure one of you students will figure it out if you just do a little studying.     Our Cheer Team will cheer you on – no doubt that will get you in the mood to come up with the answer!

Halloween is over it was so much fun
Next is Thanksgiving when everyone’s diets are done
Be prepared to gain weight from here on out
Christmas is after that and we’ll gain ten pounds there’s no doubt
Anyway, good luck with today’s photo as it looks tough
But we have faith you’re not all wimps but are all VERY TOUGH!
We’ll be back tomorrow with a cheer for the winners
Until then let’s go to the cafeteria and have our breakfast/lunch or dinner!

“Yeah…..I need food……I’m feeling rather faint!”

Alright you crew – let’s head to the cafeteria.    You can study after lunch or study at home but tomorrow we’ll be talking badges and winners and we know you would like to be WINNERS!

Well Students Halloween was a lot of fun in our new school but it’s time to buckle down and study…..it’s important to eat good meals to have brainpower to handle the Teaser!    Enjoy!



Your Professors

82 responses »

  1. Finally made it. Love the photo challenge. Even before I saw Ingrid’s response, my first thought was Cappadocia Turkey. But I didn’t research it …. wherever it is, beautiful. Meanwhile, and with no mint chocolate cake on the menu, time for a hardy breakfast …. scrambled eggs & hash browns, fresh fruit bowl, and a banana split … besides, Ingrid has the onion rings. … but we may return for more.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. YooHoo, Teddy and Angel Sammy, I’m in😺 I think this is Fairyland, Fairy Chimneys castles in Turkey Cappadocia…am I right? Now, let me have a double cheeseburger while I’m waiting…yummy! Pawkisses🐾😽💞


  3. The ancient Turduckenstan city of Crappy Valley had been in the Dark Ages for centuries. At least until someone thought of putting the prisoners from Mt. Gulag (That’s it waaaay back in the background there) to work generating electricity to light up the city. The prisoners all do 12 hour shifts running in giant hamster wheels to keep the power flowing to the village. And how do you keep inmates with nothing much to lose motivated to run in circles all day? Have a vicious pack of man eating otters nipping at their heels, that’s how!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sigh, we really DID get Mom up early enough, but she just went to the litter box and then came back to bed and went back to sleep mumbling about “darn cats” and “middle of the night”….And she actually thinks it is Cappadocia, Turkey as her sister has almost the same photo on her family room wall! We hope you guys have a marvellously happy day!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wee think it iss Nevurr Nevurr Land…so purrty Teddy! OKay NO clue!
    Butt wee DUE know owhat wee want fore lunch!
    Missus Dee cuud you serve up 1 order of Hashie brownss an Eggiess fore BellaSita an fore mee a Tuna Sub hold it all butt THE tuna 😉
    Fore ‘ssert may bee have 2 Lemony Tartss an may mee have a teeny saucer of milk pleese an thanx! You are THE bestest!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita


  6. ted o nator….we knead ta place an orderz pleez for sum shrimp saladz…N we hope wear ever thiz iz …peepulz haza eazee way in …and outta town….lookz like they iz inna craterz… !!! hay…may bee itz de MOON !!! 😉 ♥♥


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