Sunday Selfie Hop


It’s Sunday and WE’RE BAAAAACK! (obviously     Mom and Dad had a blast in Maine and I survived my stay at Paws A While Pet Hotel yet another year.    They know be there by now – maybe they even named a suite after me.   Who knows.    At any rate, we’re back to blogging as usual.    Today is SELFIE SUNDAY and if you are interested in participating, click their badge above and link up with us.   The Cat On My Head is our host and it’s always fun to see everyone strutting their stuff.

I have a Fall selfie for you today as it seems that Fall has fallen.    It was rainy and cool yesterday afternoon and I heard Mom and Dad say the words “fire in the fireplace” but they weren’t talking about today – just that it’s time to begin having that cozy fire in the evening.

“What?  This is a Fall photo of me and there’s one leaf in the photo and a big blob of bird poop????”  

Oh well………………we jazzed this boring photo of me up and here’s what we came up with using Lunapic’s “CEREMONY” art filter:

I like it!   We used it to make a jigsaw puzzle for you if you’d care to give it a whirl – might be a tricky one with all these patterns!

Just click this mini-me photo and you’ll get the JIGSAW PUZZLE challenge!  Good Luck!


Hugs, Teddy


68 responses »

    • It was another perfect vacation in Maine. Weather was gorgeous, food was fabulous, relaxed, walked the beach, shopped, saw some friends, but the entire time we talked about Teddy! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  1. Oh, you gorgeois Lunapic tiger, you. So glad your folks are HOME where they should be WITH YOU, Teddy, indulging you to the hilt, whatever that is. Off to find a selfie even without my mama helping me TAKE IT, grrrrr.


    • I bet you are hoping your Mama and Papa come home soon. Even if we have the best situation with someone who loves us taking care of us – there’s just nothing like having our world “right” with our Moms and Dads. I know they’re having a great time though and no doubt will bring you a present! Now that’s worth getting excited about!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back! I’m pleased you had a good time.

    I’m glad your folks are back in their rightful places, catering to your every whim, Teddy! 😀


    • Yep – I knew they were well trained but when we’re separated for a while it’s nice to see all my hard work has paid off! (hahaha) Seriously though I missed them and they missed me and we’re happy to be back in our routine. Missed everyone! See you on Tuesday at school!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Welcome BAAAAACK! What bird poop????? I like this Selfie and the Ceremony filter. Oh, I see the leaf, I was busy staring at handsome you Teddy! Hope you get to have a fire in the fireplace soon!
    I hear your Mom and Dad had a fantabulous time!


    • Mom and Dad had a wonderful time Miss Pix. I had an OK time. It’s not “happy time” for me unless I can see Mom and Dad. The Sisters were wonderful but “there’s just no place like home”. That Ceremony filter is interesting isn’t it!!! Yep – Mom says fireplace days and nights are just around the corner!

      Huggies, Teddy


  4. WELCOME Teddy and Mom and Dad! You made it back…and I KNOW there is a suite named for you. Of course. The Teddy Sweet…er… Suite.
    It got cold here too just yesterday, it fell all day from 66 when mom got up to feed me at 6am to 49 when we went to bed and to 41 when we woke.


    • The chill in the air is refreshing isn’t it Katie. I guess we can EASE into the cold weather with a pretty Fall……..Mom said the leaves changed a LOT in a week – in Maine they were already brilliant colors. Happy Sunday!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. It’s great to see you back!! That is a cool effect for your photo Teddy. It’s chilly here this morning and feels like fall. Lots of leaves to rake today. Hope you have a great day.


  6. Teddy, you look great unadorned by art. We sure did miss you! We are delighted that the stinky hot weather has gone, and we know you are delighted to be home and able to go outside. Thanks for hopping, dear friend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • PLAIN OLD ME………..Mom says the nuns must have fattened me up because Dad could hardly carry me to the car Friday! HAHAHA I missed you guys – and you know we VERY MUCH mourn the loss of beautiful and fluffy Giulietta.

      Love, Teddy


    • I know – isn’t that cool? Lunapic’s special art filters are really WILD. Fun to fiddle around with and see different looks for the same photo. My favorite thing about that program though is I didn’t have to download it to use it. You just use it online.



  7. “Jazzy Sammy”!! Mee thinkss that iss a kewl nickyname fore you deer frend! Wee DID see THE bird poop butt purrtended wee not see iit…mew mew mew…
    Happy Autumm Teddy an Miss Pam an Mistur Davd!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ❤ BellaSita


  8. e are glad that you enjoyed your stay at the Paws A While Pet Hotel! You look terrific! Rested and happy! We are glad that your folks had fun on their vacation! We insited that Mom take a break from Photoshopping and help us comment so we are not 4 or 5 days late (like we have been) and we are looking forward to your regularly scheduled activities…we are even going to try to get Mom up at 4 am so we can be firsties! We hope you guys have a restful and fun Sunday!


    • Good luck tomorrow with class and being a Firstie! Not easy for you all in other time zones we know but it happens and we love it when someone who hasn’t been a Firstie gets to be one!!!! I’m glad to be back to my regular blog work too. Tomorrow’s class will be fun – our Halloween Contest is ALMOST HERE!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Hello!! Nice to hear that your ‘vacay’ was all you wanted it to be and more…and that you are all safely back too.

    We have cooler temps today, too, but finally the sun is shining after too many wet and gloomy days. But the sweaters are out of hibernation:)

    Nice selfie, Teddy! Bird doo-doo and all, afterall you are out in nature, what else could you expect? LOL!
    Thanks for thew puzzle, I think it will be a doozy!


    • Thanks Miss Ingrid…..I am happy Mom and Dad are home and that I am back in my house as well. A little break is fine but so is HOME SWEEET HOME. Fall is falling everywhere I guess and Mom is enjoying wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. I’m enjoying chasing leaves and smelling the “smells of Fall” outside again.

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Admit it Teddy! You had a ball and were spoiled at the cat hotel. You enjoyed your spa days and tasty food – right?

    Welcome back and it is good to see you and especially your filter transformation!


    • YES I did enjoy myself………but I also absolutely went NUTS when I was carried out of the cat hotel part and into the office where I laid eyes on Mom and Dad again and got so excited I squirmed right out of the nun’s arms and wiggled over to hug Mom’s legs. HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi there!!! Yep – it’s actually for dogs AND cats with separate quarters of course (!!) – and it’s operated by some lovely nuns. Boy do they ever take good care of us there…..they don’t even mind getting their black habits all covered in FUR!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. We are so happy that everyone is back home and happy. We know your Mom is probably already planning her next trip to Maine!!!

    That’s a great effect from Lunapic, one we haven’t seen.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • We hadn’t used that art effect on Lunapic before….they also have a bunch of NEW ones but this one was an old one we just hadn’t tried out. Mom and Dad DID talk about next year’s trip to Maine so I guess I’ll be deserted AGAIN in October 2022. Sigh.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • HAHAHA…..I’m not sure the Sisters at the pet hotel particularly enjoyed my stay this time around. Everyone looked traumatized when Mom and Dad came to pick me up……HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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