Teaser Tell All Time


We’re BAAAAACK!  Time for the Tell All!

Well I’m sure it was confusing for those of you who were waiting at the door yesterday and for our Graphics Department lady to NOT be here to comment when you commented but sometimes it just works out that she can’t be here.    Rare occasion true but it happens.  You all carried on as usual though and before you knew it we had FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS and ONE FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!!!!

We coulda been first but we decided to be bad boys FIRST and comment SECOND.

So – who were the FOUR First Commenters?????   Could we have a drumroll puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?




Congrats all four of you and you each get one of these:

I was one of FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of June 15, 2021 – YAWN…….zzzzzzz

Then we of course waited to see the guesses coming in and there were a lot of really GOOD ONES…………..zeroing in on the answer as usual – studying and figuring out and googling hints, etc.   YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO HUNT!    Here’s the photo and as we told you, our friend Frank from “Beach Walk Reflections” (CLICK HERE FOR HIS BLOG)    was the “supplier” of the gorgeous photo.   I encourage you to visit his blog if you enjoy thinking about life, finding peace, quiet and inspiration while taking a walk on the beach and just want to read some thought-provoking ideas, accompanied by beautiful photos.    Lucky Frank has family ties to this lovely town in Italy……….

This is Bagni Di Lucca in the Provence of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

If you would like to learn a bit more about this pretty town and what it’s known for……………………. CLICK HERE !

I bet a lot of you want to put this one on your list of places to see………and experience!   Thanks Frank – it was a grand Teaser.    Please accept our thanks!

I was the Guest Teaser on the post of June 15, 2021!




Yes – yet again she was a First Commenter AND the First Right Guesser

Not only was I a FIRST COMMENTER but I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of June 15, 2021 I’m so excited, I feel faint…..haha

Were you right with your guess too?  You get this:

I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser of June 15, 2021 but I was NOT First!

Were you WRONG?   Well you also get a badge!!

I guessed WRONG on the Teaser of June 15, 2021 but I still got a cool badge……..!!

Cheer Team?   You’re ON!!!


We finally got our new oufits returned
They survived the cleaners – nothing was burned!
So we’re ready to congratulate all our winners
Then off to the cafeteria for lunch and dinner!
Four First Commenters came through the door
Janet, Jackie, Ingrid and Sharon that makes FOUR
Then not long after we had our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER student
Ingrid got TWO awards again today – do you think that’s prudent????
Well congrats to all who won we’re proud of you
Now go back and take your seats with the rest of the Ding Dong Zoo!!

Goodness…..that was a particularly – um – SNOTTY cheer ladies.    But then again we all know you and we know how you say stuff for the sake of rhyming that you might not necessarily mean!   Right?

“On behalf of my girls, may I say we sacrifice NICE for RHYME a lot of the time!!  So sue us! “

Not necessary ladies – I was just making an observation – now let’s head off for lunch before there’s any more hubbub (whatever that is!).

Time for Lunch Everyone!!

Today’s Yummy Menu:


61 responses »

  1. Yes!! I did it!! Again!! Whooppeeeeeeee!

    OK, I’ll settle down now…
    Afterall, can’t have chaos in the lunch room…and then Frank might not want to sit with me at the table reserved for two.

    Um…what will our spouses say??

    Anyways, May I please have some bacon/cheddar/potato pancakes, with some chicken fried rice…yeah weird combo, right?? But I have to pick things I can’t have in real life:)

    Then for afters, some of those holy canolies sound yummy, with Tiramisu. All that food makes me thirsty, so maybe a pitcher of iced tea? And if you put it all on serving plates, then me and my guest can share…oh, better have two glasses, too. Oh, yes, extra plates, napkins and sivlerware too. Do you think you can arrange all that, Ms Dingleberry??

    By the way, I think Frank will enjoy some Irish Mint milkshake as well:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Double congratulations to Ingrid!

    Congratulations to all the first commenters and everyone that got the answer.

    It looks a lovely place to visit.


  3. Well I was wrong in location but right in that I recognised it as somewhere we had been. It was probably a stop during a land tour from Livorno. If we have been to a place a few times and visited the main sights, Florence, Pisa etc. we tend to take countryside tours.
    Congrats to Ingrid and all the first commenters including me!


    • YES you were one of the firsties – and our new front door guard Kitty said all of you waiting to be Firsties were very orderly and polite….that’s got to be worth some points right?

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Double congrats to Ingrid! And Congrats to all the speedy guessers. Your clean outfits look great ladies. Have a wonderful day. XO


  5. Many thanks for the promo and kind words. I invite others to visit not only the calming sands of my beach but also visit the Bagni di Lucca area.

    Congratulations to the winner – and I stand in awe to applaud Ingrid for getting it so quickly.

    Oh … it’s lunchtime and Italian Day in the cafeteria. Feast time …. Eggplant parm with a dab of spaghetti, a cannoli with a scoop of gelato. Nothing to drink because Ingrid already got my shake.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Double Congrats to Ingrid and Congratulations to all the Speedy Ones! A thank you to Frank for the beautiful Teaser photo. Sorry I missed… I must have company not show up on Tuesdays and no appointments early Tuesday morning. We are hoping to go back to boring now. Could I have an order of Bacon Cheddar Potato pancakes, please.


    • You have been busy little bees at the Casa! Enjoy “boring” – we find it very stimulating to be bored! HAHAHA Enjoy your bacon cheddar potato pancakes- sounds like something SSNS needs to make for you!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. Oh My! Concatulations to the 4 firsties and Ms Ingrid did it again with a double win! All before we even get up! We have not been to Frank’s blog often, we are going to head over there today and have a peruse. And Bagni Di Lucca in the Provence of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy looks like a wonderful place to go! |||||||||Thanks for the terrific teasers Sammy, Teddy and Mom and we thank Ms Dingleberry for the terrific lunches! 😸


    • Miss Ingrid is DANGEROUS in class isn’t she…LOL Mr. Frank’s blog is thought-provoking and Mom says it makes her think about things “off the beaten trail” of how she goes through her days and that’s GOOD for her to do. Glad you enjoy Teaser Tuesday – we sure do love doing class!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. HURRAH Miss Ingrid aka Petcretary!! Yore so clevurr!! Wee get another Greenie…..
    Missus Dee may wee have 2 Hammy dinnerss an fore ‘ssert 2 Tiramisu an a tiny saucer of milk pleese?? Many thanx Missus Dee~~yore so kind…….
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an LadyMew too


    • Awful meatballs are so disappointing – that’s happened to us before at restaurants…… I’m sure we have an order of meatballs available for him at the cafeteria AND asparagus for you!


  9. Pingback: Happy Father’s Day, Pawppy! | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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