Friendly Fill-Ins


HOOO HOO!!!  It’s Friday.    Today is the day my Mom is in the hospital having her hip replacement surgery so Dad and I are on our own this morning.    This is my last blogging day until Mom is able to help me – that could be any time from Monday on so don’t be surprised if I’m not around the next few days OK?

Anyway, as you know by now, Friendly Fill-Ins is co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and each of them gives us TWO sentences with blanks.    We fill in the blanks……what’s that do?   Well it lets you know more about us – that’s what.   Kind of fun to know stuff about your friends right?    So here are the four sentences we got for today and because Mom isn’t here today I let HER fill in all four yesterday.   Her words are in BLUE.


1. I learned how to pick the right guy the hard way.
2. Everyone should do something out of their “comfort zone” at least once in their lives.
3. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what in my life I’d like to “do over” if I could.
4. I’ll never be too old to be silly sometimes!

Okee Dokee Mom.    Thanks.    I miss you and hope you’ll be home Saturday so I can hop up on the bed and keep you company while you rest up!     I can be a VERY good nurse you know!!!!

“Just keeping OUR bed warm Mom!!”   

Love, Teddy

45 responses »

  1. OH, good luck and future gymnastics for your wonderful Mom. We have an 80-year old with two new hips and she skis…
    Oh, I’d better say that she skiied before, haha.
    But your mom will get better and walk better and enjoy the miracle of new hips. Maybe they’ll give her a young, hunky exercise teacher, haha. Always helps. LOVE from all of us here in France.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!!!! I’m hoping to get by with just one new hip – xrays showed the other one was in pretty good shape. I’m also hoping for the young hunky physical therapy guy – I’m sure I would be a lot more MOTIVATED! My first exercise session is next Friday. Can’t wait!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 2 people

  2. 1. I learned how to keep my figure the hard way.
    2. Everyone should get a brand new wonderful hip to replace the old one at least once in their lives.
    3. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to reach those whose reality tells them that Democrats are socialists (absurd) and that getting medical insurance for less money is a communist plot!
    4. I’ll never be too old to be silly sometimes! (I like this one, maybe say ALL of the time, haha.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Suzanne…..I agree – everyone should get at least one new hip (and maybe a new knee at some point)!!! For your #3 I’m afraid those people you refer to are “unreachable”…..sad but perhaps true. Silliness is FREEING, and we all need to set our imaginations free from time to time.

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are never too old to be silly!
    Best wishes to your mom and a speedy recovery. Look after your dad, Teddy, he will feel lonely.


  4. Super Fill-Ins! You have to keep the “silly”… it’s right up there with the sense of funny! I know you prepped your Mom well for today, Teddy Boop. You and your Dad hold the fort down till Mom gets home. Tell her we are thinking about her and sending good thoughts and wishes from Floridadoodahdee!


  5. Thinking of you Pam. Will be all during the day. I’ll be waiting to hear from you again. I know the news will be good and you will be happy to have all this behind you. Be a good girl in therapy. Surpassing important. ((((HUGS))))


  6. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We should be allowed at least one do-over. I am praying surgery is going well. And I know Teddy ( and your hubby) will take good care of you. XO


  7. Being silly is something that some peeps have to learn, but I find its just fun to be silly! Silliness gets you through a lot of tough places, cause well, its a way to put the bad stuff in the background instead of ruling you. A good belly laugh helps immensely!

    Meanwhile, you must be out of your surgery by now…and I do pray it went well, and that your pain levels are under good control.

    Your two ‘menfolk’ at home will be overjoyed when you get back home, and they are going to take excellent care of you:)

    Lots of big hugs! ♥


  8. Xcellent answerss from Miss Pam!
    You know what LadyMew did that was outta her confert zone Teddy?? Shee went Bridge Divin! Seereusslee….shee went all over THE place with hubby Dave an they wuud find Bridgess an shee wuud climm up an dive inn….
    Shee was all wayss carefull to check THE area beefore shee climmed up…butt still it must have been purrty scarey. Her highest dive was 75 feet strait down! CATFISH!!!!!
    Guud Luck Miss Pam.
    Wee send lotss of POTP an ❤ ❤
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


  9. Teddy, we are sending lots of purrs and prayers to your mom! We’re wishing her a very quick recovery. And her fill-ins are fantastic! They’re so profound, and #3 really got me thinking. There are a couple of things I’d like to have a second chance at, but I am generally happy with my life and so I wouldn’t want to change anything drastic. Purrs and prayers!


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