Sunday Selfie Hop


Another Sunday arrives which means SELFIE time!    Our host, The Cat On My Head, would love it if you would join in the Hop – click the badge above and fill in the Linky Form and join in the fun with the rest of us!

I’m going another FLASHBACK Selfie today.   Why?   Because Mom hasn’t taken any new photos of me – that’s why!    For my FLASHBACKS I look for a photo taken of me this same date or close to it from the past.

This little gem was dated July 9, 2017…………..

Looks like Mom caught a catfish!!!!!    HAHAHAHAHA     I still have that felt toy and I still like Mom to dangle it in front of me……………….I was a year and four months old in this photo – these days I’m a MUCH BIGGER FISH!

Here’s a puzzle of this photo if you would like to do it!

Click the MINI-ME of the puzzle photo and have fun!   Two of you did the puzzle before (Jackie and Ellen) so you can see if you can beat your time!!





51 responses »

  1. That is a lovely artsy selfie, Teddie.
    I will probably be slower on the puzzle now because of the joint stiffness I get. I am much slower than I used to be most times.


  2. Teddy, mom got tickled at the idea of you being a cat fish and you WERE! And a handsome one too. Beautiful effects.
    XX Katie Isabella


    • Mom loves that picture – actually the whole series of photos that our neighbor took that day. I was just a little kid realizing that I was lucky to have a home and not be living in the shelter!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. You are a cutie Teddy. I beat my time in last week’s puzzle by a lot so I hope I do on this one too. Have a great day! XO


  4. Little fish…big fish…doesn’t matter to us, as you are always one purrfectly adorable cat”fish”. Thanks for being our pal and faithful hopper. Love to all! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Awwwwww….thanks Miss Pix! I used to be small-ish……Mom says she will always wish she could have seen me when I was first born…..she said she bets I was the BIGGEST one of the litter!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • OH wow….those lures and hooks have feathers and little wiggly parts and are VERY TEMPTING for a kitty but scary too – glad “Catfish” was OK after his exploration of the tackle box!


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