Teaser Tell All Class Is NOW!


Well gang – Clowie and company say it’s a GO for class so let’s GO !

How did you like Teaser yesterday?    Pretty photo huh?    Wanna know where that is???   We’ll tell you in a few minutes but FIRST………………….WHO WAS FIRST TO COMMENT???????

Well since you all wanna know…………….we’re gonna tell you!

Yesterday’s First Commenters were (yes – there were 3!)

Sharon of Friends Furever

Janet of The Cat On My Head

Timmy of Timmy Tomcat

Congratulations to our FIRSTIE FASTIES!   Here’s a badge for each of you!

I was one of THREE First Commenters for the Teaser of June 2, 2020! Now can I please go back to sleep????

POOEY – I was here early – had my stroller parked right outside the front door so I’d be first inside !!

Here’s the photo from yesterday – thanks to our Graphics Department for finding this beautiful photo of a beautiful place………………………………….WHICH many of you recognized by the way!

This is a photo of The Narrows – a beautiful spot for a hike in Zion National Park in Utah.    If you google this and look at the photos of this place you will be absolutely blown away.   The formations and beauty are just unbelievable.

Who’s the Lucky Duck (or cat or human or dog, etc.) who guessed it FIRST??



Here’s your badge:

I was the FIRST to guess the Teaser photo location on the Teaser of June 2, 2020 – YAY FOR ME!!!!


Congratulations to Jackie AND to our First Commenters as well!!


Now if you also guessed this one RIGHT – you still get a badge – even though you weren’t FIRST RIGHT you still were RIGHT!   Please take a copy of this badge for yourself!

I wasn’t the first one to guess the Teaser of June 2, 2020 but I did get it RIGHT!

AND if you were WRONG but you actually did GUESS – you still get credit for trying – a copy of this badge is all yours!

I was wrong with my guess on the Teaser of June 2, 2020 but I TRIED!!

We’ll try to come up with a BIGGER challenge for you for next week’s class.    Which reminds us – if you think you might have a good TEASER photo in your pile of photos – just email it to us and we might be using it in an upcoming Teaser………it’s very fun when it’s your photo watching what the guesses are……………….


Who’s ready to eat?    We are always ready to eat right students?    Let’s head to the cafeteria and see what Miss D has for us today………….then it’s HOME SWEET HOME until next Tuesday’s class.


Time for lunch everyone!   We have some good selections for you today so ENJOY!!


Professor Teddy and Professor Angel Sammy will see you in class NEXT Tuesday!

45 responses »

    • Pizza before lab work is like rolling the dice in the casino (tee hee). Good luck! AND yes you were right so at least you have a badge to console you when you get blood work results…….. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  1. Congratulations to the first commenters and to Miss Jackie!

    It does look a lovely place to explore.

    It’s raining today, so I’m hoping to find some puddles on my walk. It’s the first time it’s rained in weeks – not often we get to say that! 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  2. We see the cheer team decided not to participate today. Are they off on their pink Harleys or peacefully protesting somewhere? Concats to Miss Jackie. She has such a good memory of places. Happy to be a firstie with Timmy and Sharon. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congrats to the first commenters!
    When we took the trip to Zion we stopped by the Narrows but didn’t take the trek. I would never have made it back again if we did!
    I’ll have the ribs please.


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