Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


Hello Everyone!   Friday is here and it’s time to fill in the blanks in some sentences.   Yep – FOUR sentences from our TWO co-hosts……….15andmeowing and four-legged furballs.   Wanna play along with us?  It’s easy – just click the badge above and link up.    All you have to do is fill the blanks in and you’re DONE!    Neat way to share information about ourselves with the world.

Here are this week’s sentences and the blanks were filled in by my Mom this week……..I thought I’d give her a little treat and not poke my nose in this time around.

1. I look forward to seeing Christmas decorations in everyone’s yard at the holidays.  (we always go for a drive at least twice before Christmas to see yards/houses/shops/our Main Street all decked out in lights!)

2. I can see lots of NAKED big oak trees outside my home office window.    (our backyard is woods – down to a creek – this time of year when all the leaves are off the trees we can see back behind us to the next street but otherwise we can’t see anything but beautiful woods)

3. Christmas music always puts me in a festive mood.

4. My favorite holiday tradition is hanging a stocking on the fireplace mantel – I love that part – Teddy has one there too!.
Mom admits to being a big old (very old) kid when it comes to Christmas.   She still gets excited about the whole thing.   I’m always happy to see what’s in my stocking but other than that I can take it or leave it.   If I liked boxes I’m sure I’d be thrilled with all the wrapping paper, ribbons and boxes on Christmas morning but I will just watch from a slight distance and think “humans are a very strange bunch of critters!” like I usually do.    HAHAHA
Thanks to our co-hosts for another fun bunch of sentences……………………..!

Hugs, Teddy

Hello Friends!  Indulge me for a second (I asked Teddy’s permission first!) so I can share a link to a sweet and most kind friend’s website at Etsy.   Phoebe is a busy physician in practice but still finds time for a wonderful cause.   If you’re looking for something gorgeous, reasonably priced, and that HELPS a worthy cause – please consider her sea glass handmade jewelry.   Gorgeous doesn’t quite fit the bill !    Just CLICK HERE

Giving the beauty of the sea with a full heart………….

40 responses »

  1. I also love to see the outdoor decorations and to listen to Christmas music.
    We are high up and look out over the trees and fields down to the river and then on to Cornwall beyond. We have a good view for 30+ miles,and on a clear day we can see 50 miles away with the binoculars.


    • I love that people get super creative when they do their yards and houses……’s just so much fun driving around to see!!! Phoebe’s jewelry is beautifully made and the fact it benefits people who need it makes it even more special – the other thing that amazes me is that she has TIME to make jewelry….she’s a very busy physician and I wish to heck she lived HERE because I would love for her to be my doctor.


  2. I love hanging the stockings. I used to do that all the time as a child and so looked forward to what would be in them. I believed in Santa a tad longer than most kids.


    • Howdy! yeah – why didn’t I mention food??? Not sure – maybe because I am bigger than a house. I keep telling people I want to lose 10 lbs. while I’m stuffing my face with popcorn, chips, cheese – what’s with that? I have no willpower!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

      Hugs, Pam
      p.s. Phoebe’s jewelry is gorgeous and you would LOVE her. She’s very special.


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think hanging stockings at any age is fine. I always hang ours and fill my hubby’s even though he never does mine.Have a wonderf8ul weekend. XO


  4. Our fireplace doesn’t have a mantle, and it’s plaster so we can’t really hang any stockings. That’s one of the very few downsides to this otherwise awesome house.


    • Dr. Phoebe is one of the sweetest people EVER – has written some VERY great books about keeping/staying healthy – and has worked with Doctors Without Borders and been all over the world helping people who need help. Such a generous person and here she is making jewelry and donating the profits to various causes. Talk about a SPECIAL person!!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  5. I’m with you on Christmas, T. I like the new toys and treats and stuff, but other than that, it’s a regular day for me. Mom leaves me alone to go to a fancy restaurant. And doesn’t bring me any leftovers!

    Love and licks,


    • Yeah I see my Mom and Dad getting all “gooey” about Christmas but they are older than dirt and have those “when I was a little kid” Christmas memories. You and I are PERPETUAL little kids but we just sit and watch the humans and go “HUH” ???? 🙂 ❤

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Everyone who did fill-ins that we have seen had Christmas music for their #3 fill-in. Mom even rode to it today on Peloton. Thanks, Pam, for the link to the Etsy store. Mom has been going to ask you for it again. Sending love and hugs to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
    p.s. Stinky and Periwinkle are going to do gift suggestions with Santa Paws on their next adventure. They will include your friend.


    • Christmas music REALLY does work on the mood and mind…..and it’s just wonderful to “feel like a kid again” looking forward to Christmas! I hope you will get something from Phoebe’s Etsy shop – such beautiful jewelry and SO well made.

      Love, Pam


  7. Teddy, your mom did a fantastic job with the fill-ins! I love driving and walking around to see the Christmas lights. My town used to have what was called Candlestick Lane, which was a neighborhood where all the houses would go all out with decorations and people could drive through for the fun and festivities. Sadly, though, most of the participating folk have since moved out of that neighborhood, so it doesn’t happen most years. I have photos of it from the past, though, and I look at those to enjoy it these days. I also love your tradition of hanging stockings from the mantle. Teddy, we bet your stocking always gets filled with lots of goodies. After all, you’re such a good boy! Purrs to all of you!


    • I try to make sure Santa sees only the good things I do between Christmases but sometimes I wonder if he isn’t spying on me all the time – naughty and nice – we’ll find out when we see what my stocking holds this year! I love the Candlestick Lane idea…..for us our little town’s Main Street is kind of like that – all the shops have twinkle lights in the windows for five or six blocks and street lamps and trees all have lights – it’s rather magical!

      Hugs, Teddy


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