Teaser Tell All Class


Time To Tell All About The Teaser!

Welcome back to class students………………we will give you the scoop on yesterday’s Teaser – the who, what, where, why, when (well….not quite all that) most importantly WHO WON WHAT!

We thank our Graphics Department for coming up with yesterday’s photo – it was not guessed in the first three minutes (for a change) so that is, as far as we’re concerned, a successful photo.  HAHAHA.     We’ll give you the details on the photo in a bit but FIRST – WHO WAS OUR FIRST COMMENTER?????

Our COMMENT Moderator was standing by as usual…………..and who was first?


Miss Sharon, Timmy Tomcat AND Miss Csilla 

THREE Firsties in the first 60 seconds of class……….oh boy!   Each of you gets one of these:

I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser of November 29, 2019! WOW!


WOW………is right.    We haven’t had three in a while.  The Cheer Team was thrilled.   (cough cough)……..you know how they love a challenge when they have to write a cheer with a bunch of names.


Now this is the photo from yesterday – the Graphics Department was responsible for this one………….so THEY don’t get a GUEST TEASER badge…….they work here!

WHERE WAS THIS TAKEN?????   In Old Quebec City, Canada!   

You might enjoy learning more about this incredible fresco by clicking THIS LINK……………….it’s totally amazing and fascinating.

Who was FIRST to guess it correctly???????

Miss Janet of The Cat On My Head!!!!!

WOW! Yay for her!


And this is for you !!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of November 19, 2019!! Yay for ME!

Concatulations!    And there were others who got this one right too………………..if you were one of the lucky duckies, you get one of these:

I was RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST with my guess on the Teaser of November 19, 2019….maybe next week?

AND if you were WRONG with your guess (and there were some of those too!), you get one of these:

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of November 19, 2019 but I tried – and next week maybe I’ll get it right!

Do I get an award for being cute?    

No Sawyer, sorry about that but you ARE cute.    How would you feel about watching the girls of the Cheer Team as they sing a tune for your Mom and the other badge winners????????

Oh my goodness will you check this out!
Three FIRST COMMENTERS make us jump and shout!
Timmy, Csilla and Sharon were really fast!
When it came to being ALERT they all passed….
Then we waited around for someone to be right
We didn’t wait long when the FIRST RIGHT came in sight!!
Miss Janet took the winning spot and takes home the gold
A very impressive showing if the truth be told!
Next week is turkey week and we’ll be extra cute
As long as we don’t have to put on a turkey suit!!!

Ok ladies – come up with some appropriate outfits for the occasion – turkeys, chickens, hams, pilgrims – doesn’t matter…………I’m sure you’ll be adorable!

Of course we’ll be adorable – we can’t help ourselves!

Now boys and girls, it’s time to head to the cafeteria for our lunch.   Then you can hop on the bus for home.    We’ll gather together again NEXT week for Tuesday Teaser Turkey Style!!

Students!  Time for lunch……….your cafeteria staff hopes you enjoy today’s menu – next week will be Turkey week!


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All Aboard for Home!   We Professors will see you NEXT WEEK!!!!!!


47 responses »

  1. I’m always late for the buss, Teddy, but at least I made it today😸That’s a wonderful place to visit. I think I put it on my Bucket list. Concats to all the winners and to all the last winners… and everyone that’s in between🎉Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday and let me check in by mail, to make sure that I won’t miss the boat next time😸🐾😽💞


    • Hi Little Binky! Glad you came by Class today – we have plenty of room for another student on Tuesdays. Quebec City is beautiful and my Mom and Dad visited there some years ago…..Mom said it felt JUST LIKE PARIS! Thanks for visiting us today……………….hope to see you next week (or any time!)!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Concats to Miss Janet for outrinning me! I chose a rather complicated route yesterday. My search terms were “canvas modern painting on building village austria france germany switzerland”. It is quite hilarious that it worked out – but, it did! I saw a pic similar to the teaser pic (this one: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/66/78/c7667860f58298aad1cfb4d2c05a1b3a.jpg) and found the name “Patrick Commecy” under it. It sounded somewhat strange to me and first I read “Commercy” and thought it might be just another spelling of “commerce”. But it turned out that I was wrong and he is a wonderful artist. Thus, I googled his name to find the city, and I succeeded within seconds. But it was enough only for the silver medal 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I love the research you do to figure Teaser photos out – it’s EXACTLY what I envisioned when I started Teaser Tuesday – people figuring out the photos by clues or different search terms, etc. Sometimes people have BEEN to the locations and recognize them too which is fun. I agree that Commercy is an amazing artist – it’s amazing that there are artists who take projects like this on. YAY FOR YOUR SILVER MEDAL!!!!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Little Sawyer this morning… I’m happy! Congrats to Sharon, Csilla and Timmy! Another congratulations to Janet for figuring out the Teaser! It really was a great Teaser picture… very cool! The Cheer Team did very well this morning. Well, you know what I’m having… Grouper please and thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Quebec City looks a WHOLE lot like many cities in Europe but it looks most (to me) like Paris – around Montmartre maybe. You kind of forget you’re NOT in France actually – lots of people there speak French.

      Hugs, Pam


  4. We are so excited for our mom being first right guesser two weeks in a row. We so enjoyed the cheer as well. Mom says she loved visiting Quebec City and is so happy she had that opportunity. We are heading to the cafeteria for a celebration. Thanks for having Sawyer and Cooper on the post. Sending love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We are sooo glad we were with such an illustrious couple of Firsters! Now if we can get our guessing up we will be happy kitties. Thanks Professors and Cheer Team you really knocked it out of the old city fur sure. Purrs all


  6. That city is really old, and built by the peeps who had direct connections to the ‘Old World’. No wonder it looks so European! I love old places like that in North America. They have flavor and character.

    Concats to the firsties and Miss Janet for being so quick and with the right answer!


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