SPARKS on Monday….and a Reminder!


Monday’s here and it’s time for a SPARK to start this week off……………………What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

My SPARK for today is ALL ABOUT LAST WEEK………………..the feeling I had before we left, the fun we had while away, and especially what I told myself before we left………..and while it’s sort of funny, it’s VERY true!

We only take a vacation once a year and for the past SEVERAL years it’s been to Maine for four days.     It’s just a little break in the routine – we used to stay in Ogunquit but a couple of years ago switched to an Inn in York, Maine.    Very old Inn – very excellent seafood – very friendly and cozy.     Every time we do this – the days leading up to our departure I feel like my head will explode……yeah – that’s a strange thing to say but sometimes life crowds in around you and you really DO need a change of pace – UNPLUG – you can always plug back in again!     So we do.    We all should do that.   I feel like it should be a longer trip – and we’ve talked about making it a week instead of four days.    Just about the time you really are feeling like yourself again, you have to pack suitcases, check flights and head home.     But after all – HOME is where my heart is (oh and my cat too!).

Here’s a little collage of photos from this trip…………………the things I love the most about my annual “escape”………

Of course there’s so much more………….and I find myself thinking about all of that off and on every day.    Anyway, I hope you have a special place you relax in – away from home OR at home.   We all need to UNPLUG sometimes………………

Hugs, Pam

REMINDER:    Professor Teddy and Professor Angel Sammy ask that I remind all of you students at Ding Dong School that TOMORROW is TEASER TUESDAY!    Be ready to stay awake at your desks and tackle a Teaser photo!    You’ve had a week to “UNPLUG” and it’s time to PLUG BACK IN!!   Remember – surprise post time…………..


52 responses »

  1. The view is beautiful.
    For the last 2 years we have been taking 3-4 day breaks several times a year sometimes only 40 or so miles away, sometimes 200, but as you say, it is good to unplug and put your worries to the back of your mind and come back refreshed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this post: your thoughts, the “spark” and the photos! I’m so glad you both had a wonderful time, and that Teddy enjoyed his getaway to the “kitty spa”! But it’s always good to get back home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you liked the collage….I could have had a 50-photo collage but that would have been too much work (haha). These are my favorite things – lighthouses, rocky beaches, quiet, friends…….it’s “all good” !

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 2 people

  3. OH, I love where you went. One of our other blog friends was in Maine too at the same time…Angel Simba’s mommy and Daddy. They came to see me and Mommy too while they were traveling since they were in the neighborhood visiting their kids. You had a spectacular view and I would love to meet Miss Ellen too.
    Katie Isabella


    • Ellen is the sweetest person EVER – her husband is too and we were sorry he didn’t make the trip this year. They don’t exactly live CLOSE to York, Maine – they’re in Massachusetts and it’s a TRIP to visit every year but they do. It’s a highlight of our trip. Maine is so gorgeous in the Fall.

      Hugs, Pam


    • David and I love seeing you every year – so sorry we didn’t get to give your David a hug this year but hope his knees are better soon. Had a wonderful time but we need to stay LONGER!!!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Hi Carol! Thanks – you know when you take a trip and “leave your regular routine” behind it just feels WEIRD to be back when it’s over? I’m dealing with that right now. I told my husband next time we go to Maine it HAS to be for longer than three nights/4 days! Thanks for the compliments on the photo – it’s a photo I used on my mystery novel when it was published. It’s a little dark but taken on my front porch and I liked it too!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ooh Maine (wherever that is). I don’t think my humans have ever been there before and I sure haven’t. My humans “unplugged” when they went on vacation for a couple of weeks. They are back home now and I’ve been noticing a lot of photos of their trip that include pussycats that aren’t me.


    • You mean they were UNFAITHFUL Valentine? That’s awful! How distressing that has to be. Did you snuff all the clothes out of the suitcase to confirm your suspicions? I did…..and found no evidence of any animals….just a couple of bits of food that fell on Dad’s sweatshirt. I’m so sorry – I hope they brought you a present to make up for it?????

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Love the pictures!! it looks like a lovely place. So true we all need to unplug time to time. Chuck and I try to go to the mountains every fall so pretty.


    • We have mountains 30 minutes from here and we go up there all the time……….this year Virginia is so UGLY in Fall that we won’t be going up there to see leaves – we’ll go up there to have lunch at the park Lodge! LOL


    • They told us the foliage wasn’t going to be “AT PEAK” for another week…………but we did get a PEEK at the PRE-PEAK leaves – however the Graphics Department person (who shall not be named) forgot to snap photos. What can I say? Good help is tough to find!


  6. I will be doing that unplug thing in November…and we will meet up with all the cousins, (or as many that can make it), our annual gathering in honor of my dear Aunt who started the whole thing years ago:)
    Its a good thing to do…though sometimes we have to be forced to unplug. like when the tech stuff goes all wonky, MOL!

    You sure stayed in a tranquil and beautiful spot! How nice to gather with friends too:)


    • Oh that meet up sounds wonderful. My Mom and Dad don’t really have a lot of family for a big meet-up but they do see Dad’s brother and his wife and Mom’s sister from time to time. Mom’s brother lives in Florida so that’s not exactly “close”!! I think it’s nice that you have a GROUP that gets together.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, Granny and Grandpaw only unplug for a day, a few times in a year, and then they come home in the evening to plug back in…I made clear they do that😸 We loved the pictures of Maine, what a great view! And how wonderful to meet miss Ellen every year ❤ Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😽💞


    • My Mom says that even a “tiny break” like a day or two helps. Humans seem to need that to recharge their batteries. We cats have self-charging batteries you know! Mom took lots of photos in Maine but since they stay at the same place, the photos start being “repeats” ! Still, it’s a beautiful place so you can’t help but take beautiful pictures she says. Mom loves seeing Miss Ellen when they go – this is the first time Mr. David didn’t come along but his knees aren’t happy and he couldn’t be in the car for that long. We hope his knees get happy before the next visit!!!

      Hugs to you from me,


  8. Lovely place! Glad your getaway was relaxing and so pretty. Very nice to see you and Ellen together with smiling faces! How nice for you two to share some time together. Always special to see sweet friends. Gorgeous view from your room! And now Teddy Bean has his Mom and Dad back home!


    • Teddy Bean was so happy to see us at the kennel but the staff there almost cried when we took him home – what a spoiled rotten little boy he is! Maine is so gorgeous and every time we go I wish we could stay longer. But taking a break is nice and we are ready for some Fall here. We were so happy to see Ellen and her Mom – it’s a “tradition” on our Maine trips even though it’s a long drive for her to get there where we are. We shopped and had lunch and talked and it was tons of fun. Nice to be home again though – always is!

      Hugs, Pam


    • We all do need to figure out ways to do that for ourselves. I have driven out into the country to a favorite antique place and wandered around then stopped somewhere for lunch on my own……that works…….just being out of my “usual” atmosphere is refreshing sometimes!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hard to refresh at home….somebody always needs something from you! I take mini-breaks at home but I guess we all do that – like go out into the back yard (we have woods) and sit on the bench and watch the birds, squirrels, etc…………I can do that for an hour and come back in the house and feel a LOT better!

      Hugs, Pam


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