A Loaded Friday Post!


WOW – this is a BIG blog post today Teddy!

Yes it is………why?    Because it’s Friendly Fill-ins today but we ALSO want to tell you about a visitor we had at my house last week.    So let’s get started shall we?????

First let’s talk FILLING IN…………………

Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday is a FUN Hop co-hosted by our friends at 15andMeowing AND Four-Legged Furballs.    Each of them gives us TWO sentences with blanks in them – and all we have to do is fill in the blanks any way we want to.   It’s so much fun to see what people come up with for their blanks.    In my house my Mom and I take turns filling in or sometimes we BOTH fill in.    If you’d like to join us – click the badge above and it takes you to 15andMeowing where you can link up!

Here are the sentences for this week from our co-hosts and this week I let Mom do the filling in…….her words are in RED.

1. I almost always either HAVE a picnic here or go to a picnic somewhere else on Memorial Day.

2. I try to avoid arguing – usually very “unproductive” time!.

3. If I had a catchphrase, it would be THINK POSITIVELY.
4. Not wanting to be lazy motivates me to work hard.

OK Mom……good job.     I’m glad for #2 you didn’t say “I try to avoid giving treats to Teddy” – that means I’m on the GOOD BOY list!
Now for the second part of today’s post.     We want to tell you all about our wonderful visit with the charming traveling cow from 15andMeowing – “MOO” !!!    We were on the list to host her as she travels the world and she came to us after having a grand time with Miss Cecilia at Down Home in NC .   
She arrived all tucked in a nice travel box complete with some instructions and some other fun things that I’m not going to give away in case you will be hosting her like we did.    She was very happy to get out of the box I can tell you even though she said it was quite comfortable.    BUT she really was tired so the first thing she did was take a snooze.
We tucked her in and in a matter of seconds she was SOUND asleep.    She slept for a couple of hours and when she woke up,  I introduced her to some friends who were JUST HER SIZE and anxious to meet her!
The orange guy next to her is wearing the green beret that Moo’s Mom, Miss Ellen, made for Angel Sammy!
She said she was a COW and she was a GIRL, so she wanted to be a COWGIRL and this little kitty said “hop on” !!
Then I asked her if she’d like to go outside and see my nice grassy front yard – kind of like a cow pasture…….she said OH YES PLEASE!
I could see she was enjoying herself so I went up on the porch to see my Mom while Moo stayed in the yard enjoying the grass.
She said she felt just like Julie Andrews in “THE SOUND OF MUSIC” !!    She twirled around and around like Miss Andrews did!   She even sang the song from the movie and Moo has a quite pretty singing voice!
When we got ready to come inside for the evening, she wanted to pose on Mom’s door wreath because she thought it made a good “frame” for her to show off a bit!
We had dinner then because she was still tired from traveling, she excused herself early and headed to her cozy bed.
The next morning she decided to try some horseback riding with one of my little friends…….I told them I didn’t think these horses were their size!!!
Because Moo had such a long list of places to visit after us, we decided that maybe she might want to be on her way to her next destination – which actually was in Southwestern Virginia – so before she left we had one more super fun thing to do.    What was it?????
Moo told us to go into the kitchen until she said “READY” so we did……she wanted to play “FIND ME IF YOU CAN” in our library.    She sure found a good hiding spot – can you find her?????   It took us a while to see her but if you try real hard – you can see her too!!
When it was time to take her to the airport (post office) we all had a BIG HUG and told her to visit ANY TIME she wanted to – we will always be her friends!

We hope Moo has fun as she travels around on her visits but I just bet she’s anxious to see HOME SWEET HOME!

Hugs, Teddy

65 responses »

  1. I SEE her!!!! I won’t say here in case someone else didn’t yet! And boy, mom said she wishes with all her heart she had grass like that in our yard. We are full of clay and chert. Our green is through the kindness of weeds. XXX


    • Trust me – before we had lawn renovation done our yard was ICKY – the only green we had was thanks to crabgrass and the rest was just dirt patches and dead stuff. It now looks like it did 23 years ago when they moved into this place! Glad you found Moo in the photo….we hope she had as much fun as we did while she visited!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Moo is darling! You showed her a great time. Laughing so hard with her little MOO self standing out in the middle of that big yard… HAHAHA! I found her right away in the library atop the lamp shade! She must have felt right at home with her “just her size friends” to hang with. How fun! I liked your Mom’s Fill-Ins and I am not surprised about her catchphrase, I think it is her deep belief!


    • Moo was a lot of fun to have. We hope she had as much fun as we THINK she did! She’s now visiting the Kitties Blue. I think she will be glad to be home though – travel is great but there’s no place like home!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Glad you had such a good time with MOO, Teddy.
    You have a wonderfully kept lawn at your place to romp about on!
    Have a great weekend,


    • Hi Mr. Pit! My Mom loves mowing the lawn………and with all the rain we’ve had, it’s had a chance to get really nice and green! When the dry summer weather hits, we’ll be complaining about it I’m sure! Happy Friday!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • The way our lawn looks it needs mowing this weekend. But for me, mowing the lawn is just plain boring. It’s not hard work, of course, but sitting on the lawn tractor for 4 – 5 hours of “rodeo” is not exactly my idea of fun. 😉


  4. We found Moo in the last photo right away. We have laser vision! Moo is currently visiting with us and is looking forward to a couple of adventures. She definitely plans to check out the construction and the mosaic mural…maybe even ride the Peloton. Have a great holiday weekend. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I bet she will have a blast with you all. So many kitties to meet and lots of fun spots to visit inside AND outside the house! She’s a model guest too – very thoughtful and quiet (even when she’s singing in the front yard!).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Standing ovation woohoo what a visit. Moo will furever more now be Moo Julie. I loved her out standing in the field. I was very very impressed with her manners and consideration. She was a mootaful cowgirl too.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • She was a model guest wasn’t she? I was sorry to see her go but she has such a long journey ahead and even when she gets home, she’ll be off again for more visiting. Not sure why I decided to do the “Sound of Music” thing but there in the front yard all I could imagine was her twirling around with her arms out singing “The hills are alive with the sound of music” like Julie did. HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Whoo! Hoo! a Grrl Cow (er Cow Grrl…) Moo sure looks like she had fun with you guys! And I did find her .. she was a little difficult to spot! And I must say, you have a few furrends that are her size. If she came here, we don’t have furry many (my hairy slbbery sister Cinnamon has chewed them up).
    And we LOVEd your Mom’s Fill ins!
    A Picnic is the PURRFECT thing to do on a holiday Monday.


    • Glad you enjoyed seeing what Moo got up to while she visited us. She’s already arrived at her next destination – Kitties Blue in Southwestern Virginia! I bet she has fun there too with all the kitties.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. I always stick you or Ellen with my fill-ins.

    1. I always take a long leisurely walkie on Memorial Day, Not y usual quick pace if I can help it. It’s a habit brought about by a memorial day right after Katie’s favorite brother was born.

    2. I try to avoid negative nay-sayer people and those who can’t think for themselves.

    3. If I had a catch phrase it would be Family First.

    4. Not wanting work to build up and become a hard chore motivates me.

    Katie Isabella’s mom


    • Great filling in! A walk on Memorial Day is a special thing for you since you started doing that after KAtie’s favorite brovver was born…….AND it’s just a good habit PERIOD. Negative people are “energy suckers” – who wants that…..not us!!!!!!

      Love, Pam


    • I think she loves to explore so she probably thought the hospital was a GREAT spot to visit people and see new things. She’s a sweet cow though and I’m sure she had a blast with you Summer!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Teddy Mom really did well with the Friendly Fill ins. Dad says he is with her on those and we think he is too. Now Wow what a chock full post! Moo is simply darling. She looks like she had a wonderful time and Moo I See You in the library! Yes you are psst psst shade. Yes I whispered the first part because that is which shade and where Hee Hee. Great and we cant wait to see where she goes next! By the way thanks fur coming to my birthday pawty
    Miss Fitz


    • Hi Miss Fitz! Moo was such a wonderfully fun guest to have – we wish she didn’t have a million more places to visit or we would have let her stay longer! So you saw her hiding place huh? Good for you!!! We had a ball at your birthday party. Hope you did too!

      Love, Teddy


  9. Wow, you sure packed in a lot for the short time Moo was visiting you, Teddy. It looks like she had a great time!


  10. Thank you for being so good to Moo. It looks like she had an amazing time. I hope she left some grass in your yard. 🙂 I had to enlarge the photo to find her- she is good at hiding. And thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love your catchphrase. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Thanks again for being so good to Moo. XO


    • Thank you for allowing so many of us FANS of Moo (and you) to have Moo with us for a couple of days. She was a model guest and so appreciative. We have lots of grass in the yard so we just let her “fill up” !!! It was a fun idea to allow Moo to explore the world. HAPPY WEEKEND!!

      Love, Pam


  11. Teddy, your mom did such a wonderful job on the fill-ins! I can really relate to #2 and #3. Arguments are not my thing, because they seem so pointless. And Moo looks like she’s having such a blast with you! I can totally see her playing Julie Andrews’s role out there in your lovely yard. Purrs!


    • Mom got to thinking that the comparison of Moo twirling around in the grass like Julie Andrews might have been lost on some younger peeps but then again – it’s sort of a classic moment with Julie on that mountain singing so we gave it a whirl!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. Oh goodness, I hope Moo never ends up near the Shelf…. we saw what happened to Bashful when my critters got ahold of him. I think that big eyed kitty in the one photo is a distant relation to a certain Mr. Fox I know…


    • We think Mr. Fox and Miss Big Eyes are definitely distantly related – very distantly! Which reminds me – we saw a fox today when Teddy and I were out in the backyard……..he was in the woods about 20 feet from us so I explained he wasn’t welcome. He got the message.

      Hugs, Pam


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