Sunday Selfie Hop


Sunday!   WOO HOO!    Time to hop on the blog hop wagon at The Cat On My Head and strut your selfie stuff.     We do that every week – you should too!     Just click their badge above and link up.   We’ll stop by and check each other out like the Hoppers that we all are!

Mom caught me being silly Saturday in the upstairs hallway and just happened to have that camera at the ready – she got me making faces and trying to look CUTE as she played with me from the landing below.    I like that – it’s one of our games.   Anyway, here’s the photo she took and it’s my official SELFIE today!

She also took these – I usually don’t sit/lie still long enough for her to get more than one shot but this time I was cooperative for a change!

Now I have been showing a FLASHBACK photo of me from the same time a year ago so just FYI, this was me on February 9, 2018………….relaxing on the Granny chair in the guest room:

Did you remember that Valentine’s Day is this week?   It is – this Thursday………..and I made a Valentine’s Day card for all of you from me!

Mom thought she’d go ahead and make a puzzle out of my NEW Selfie from yesterday…………..she thinks it might be a little bit of a challenge since it’s just ME and not a lot of pattern, etc. in the puzzle which usually makes it easier to do.    If you’re a puzzle buff – GOOD LUCK!

As always, just click on this MINI-ME photo and have fun with the puzzle!!

Happy Sunday!   

Love, Teddy

59 responses »

    • Running up and down the stairs here is my favorite exercise! I like to rest on the top deck hall though so I can see who’s coming up the stairs and I can also see out the front door side windows. Perfect SECURITY GUARD CAT spot!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you like the pix Mom took. I was rather cooperative for ME – I’m a friendly boy but when cameras come out I get shy all of a sudden. I was in the mood to be cute yesterday so I cooperated. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Good Morning from FROSTY Virginieeeeeeeeeeeeee! EIghteen degrees here……..snow coming tonight and for next day or two along with “wintry mix” (whatever the heck that means). Enjoy your nice warm SUNNY house down there in WARMLAND!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


        • HAHA…..I bet – I know how miserable it CAN get down there. When we first moved to Clearwater we lived in a very old house that had no A/C. Talk about miserable! Say – how as that grouper sammmich????

          Hugs, Teddy


          • The grouper sammmich was most excellent! No AC… don’t know how you did it. And Ida been worried about MOLD!… and never having fresh crackers, ha! We lived in Alabama and Louisiana with barely functioning AC, we were young and naive!


          • Yes I was young and barely noticed the heat….it was my “beach bunny” phase and now I’m paying for all that sun with no sunscreen! LOL Glad the Grouper was delish… of these days I’m gonna have some of that!

            Hugs, Pam


  1. Very cute selfies. I wish I could give you a kiss, you are so adorable. Thank you for the puzzle. Last week’s took me 5 days to complete 🙂 Maybe this one will go quicker. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We love all the new photos, Teddy. You are the sweetest ginger Bean. And your Valentine is precious. We appreciate you joining the hop but mostly we are thankful for your friendship. We love you and your mom and dad. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We all love you all too……we hope Sawyer gets his appetite back TODAY so he’ll get those meds in him and we also hope that this week of LOVE will permeate the Blue Household and bring lots of smiles and cuddling to everyone!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


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