Sunday Selfie Holiday Style!


Sunday!   Time to show off ourselves with the Selfie Blog Hop hosted by The Cat On My Head………..and you can too – just click their badge and fill out the form to join in the Selfie hopping fun!

Since it’s almost Christmas, we’ve been decorating my selfies to get in the mood – not that it takes a lot to get in the mood for a wonderful holiday like Christmas…..but still, it’s fun to jazz things up with a holiday flavor.

I was minding my own business in the Guest Room on the Granny chair in the corner when Mom snuck in (she thought she was sneaking but I knew she was there) to take my photo.   She thinks I look cute when I sit in that chair……………..but if I sit there I can keep an eye on her across the hall in her office.    Tee Hee

Whaddaya mean I look like a big fat pillow Mom?????

Anyway, she Christmasized my selfie photo that I ALLOWED her to take and here’s the result.   She used Lunapic’s “DREAMING” at about 50%, then added animated snow AND a snowy border……I think she MIGHT have gotten a little carried away – don’t you????

She made a jigsaw of this photo BEFORE she decorated it because you can’t do a puzzle with an animation!   Doesn’t my tail look FABULOUS in this photo though?

Just click the mini-me and have some jigsaw fun!!!


Hugs, Teddy (now I can continue my nap!)


58 responses »

    • THanks Sundae…….Mom says she does like me to guard her when she’s got her back to the door in her office room. Of course she’s assuming I’m AWAKE while I’m guarding but I’m usually sound asleep – I can guard with my eyes closed!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Looks like someone else’s tail attached to my body! I’m ok with that though because the reset of the stuff Mom did to my photo for the selfie is rather cool with the snow and stuff. Miss Pix I hope you and Mr. Jerry are ready for Santa Paws because he knows where you are down there in Floridaaaaaaaadedoooooooo and I’m sure he knows if you’ve been bad or good. He knows everything (Mom told me so).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha! We have been very good, of course! Santa does know where we are because I had to write him a letter about gifts for our great nieces in England who… wait for it… LOVE horses and are taking riding lessons. Both of them just got their canter down a couple of weeks ago. The “horsing” tradition finally lives on through our niece’s girls!


        • Oh how wonderful!!! My Mom has fond memories of her riding lesson days. She still loves horses a lot but they’ve not been to one Gold Cup Race out here in Warrenton as long as they’ve lived here NOR a polo match! I’m so glad though that your niece’s girls are enjoying their lessons – they have beautiful countryside to ride in!

          Hugs, Teddy


  1. Teddy, this art of you has given me the best smile I am likely to have all the live long day! I love the effect and-you did good. And you do look like a precious pillow indeed. A mom, any mom, could come by and kneel and lay their head gently and lightly on that beautiful tigery side. Smoochies would be given of course.
    XXXXOOOO Katie Isabella and Mommy


  2. Teddy, your arty photo is gorgeous, and you are such a cutie pie. We can imagine that you might make a very comfy pillow. Have a great easy Sunday. Thanks for being a hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I don’t mind being pillow-sized. Mom says she just loves watching me waddle down the sidewalk wit my tail held high and fluffy. I’ve always done that tail thing and I’ve waddled too even when I was nowhere NEAR 21 lbs. I just like to waddle!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. I like the snow in your selfie much better than the snow that used to fall on blogs this time of the year. I noticed that effect must have finally been done away with this year. It apparently required the power of about ten servers to drop fake dandruff in front of the words I was trying to read, and sometimes it even caused my browser to crash. Good riddance to that awful virtual rubbish!


    • I’m not sure that snow stuff really is gone – I’ve seen it on at least one blog…..and it’s a WordPress blog too. Maybe they did something EXTRA (which we haven’t done) to make it happen.



  4. You look like a nice comfy pillow, and a very cuddly one at that! I like your art but I must say I am relieved you are using the original photo for the puzzle.


  5. ALL of you looks so beautiful in that photo, Teddy – original and Lunapic’d – not just your lovely tail!!! We think you make a very nice pillow, and not fat at all.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • I look like I’m a big blob of a kitty pillow in that photo but I forgave Mom for snapping my unflattering self – after all – if I am “fluffy” there’s just more of me to love right?

      Hugs, Teddy


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