Sunday Selfie Hop


Hello everybody and Happy Sunday.    Today is Hop day……well one of the Hop days anyway.  This is the one where we all share our selfies with each other courtesy of our hosts, Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.   Want to have fun with us?   Just click their badge above and go fill out the LINKY form.  Pretty easy.   Then you can visit all the other selfie hoppers.

Mom and Dad were away for Thanksgiving as you all know by now and when Mom came back I knew she’d been around ANOTHER KITTY.   However, I forgave her because the “other kitty” was my Cousin, Railey.   Railey lives with my Dad’s brother and his wife in Maryland.    Whenever her Mom and Dad go to their cabin in the mountains for any length of time, she gets to go along!   Lucky her because the cabin is very nice (not that I would know but Mom and Dad say it is!!).   Anyway, Mom snapped her picture as she was sitting patiently waiting for her dinner dish to arrive.    She’s a sweet kitty Mom says – a little shy but she obviously ADORES her Dad (my Dad’s brother)……………she follows him everywhere.     So HERE’S Railey strutting her selfie stuff!

Obviously Railey knows all about lasers………..she’s got some nice ones don’t you think?   I also think she has a rather magnificent set of stripes on her tail.   So say hello to my Cousin Railey won’t you!

Have a super Sunday everyone………………..

Click little photo here to do a FUN jigsaw of this guy who lives in the Lost Gardens of Heligan (the photo we used this week for Poetic Thursday!)

Bunches of Hugs, Teddy

58 responses »

    • Railey is a pretty tabby – in fact she reminds my Mom and Dad of the first cat they had in this house who they adopted and brought here when they had this house built. He was a stray who actually “adopted” my parents. I love the name Meow-oooo. Hope you all have a SUPER SUNDAY!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 2 people

    • We think Railey must have been used to traveling in a car in her previous life before she was adopted by my Dad’s brother and his wife. She is happy wherever she is – as long as she has food and a snuggly bed!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. A lovely selfie from Railey, and I can understand why you forgave the staff for flirting with another cat 😉 Oh my, a cabin in the forest sounds lovely. I have a sort of cabin_ well more a garden shed, but it is all mine. OK so it is mine but the gardener borrows it but that works well as he attracts mice and I help control them. MOL
    Toodlepips and selfie purrs


    • Oh a garden shed would be a wonderful spot to catch mousies! That’s just like having your very OWN cabin (even if you have to share it with the gardener guy!). The cabin in the mountains is a nice place to visit with my Dad’s brother and his wife – they’ve had a place up there for many years and it seems to be a holiday spot for everyone (except me of course!).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning! Nice selfie of Railey! Hello Railey! I would love to go to a cabin in the mountains and eat good FOOD! So, I am guessing your Mom and Dad had a very nice time. Thanksgiving was nice too and we ate the last of the leftovers last night!


    • It’s a very nice little cottage to go to for holidays and special occasions. My Mom would LOVE to have a place like that. Dad says “it’s just another place we’d have to clean and take care of and pay taxes on and…….(insert other complains here!).” HAHAHA


        • My Mom really would love it – they came close some years ago apparently – ALMOST bought a lot in the same development – it was on TOP of the mountain and when they thought about it they realized how tough it would be to GET to the cabin in the winter and how isolated it really was ANY time of the year. So they didn’t. But Mom believes in that old saying “NEVER SAY NEVER”… who knows. If it was up to Mom, they would have one NOW and we’d all be visiting it almost every weekend but it wouldn’t be on TOP of the mountain. It would be close to her sister and to my Dad’s brother’s place.

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Teddy! You are certainly right about that magnificent set of stripes on her tail. AND about that set of lasers! Mom hasn’t captured my lasers frightening gleam yet, after all these years. I have wanted her to on occasion when I was annoyed but I accidentally turned them off just as she snapped.
    XXOO Katie Isabella

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Riley is beautiful. I am glad your folks could still have a kitty fix while they were away from you. I am off to do the puzzle. I just finished last week’s yesterday 🙂 XO


    • Railey is a sweet kitty. They adopted her from the shelter and she seems to be a very happy girl. She likes to talk – especially when she’s ready for FOOD! Good luck with the puzzle – we think it should be a FUN one!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Railey is pretty! Do you know, my human handles other kitties in FRONT of me?! Sometimes when we are at cat shows and benched next to my breeder, my breeder has two kitties to show, and has my human help her with one. I’m really okay with it, though, as long as the kitty and I don’t come face to face – I would hiss at it if that happened!


    • Well I can understand how you feel Summer! It’s nice of your human to help out – she knows a LOT about kitties – but keeping you separate from other kitties is something I can understand that you’d prefer. Hissing doesn’t mean “I hate you and want to eat your face off” – just “keep your distance please!”………..right?

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Teddy, we were searching all through the selfie photos looking for you, and then Mom told us you might have shared Railey. She does have a pretty great tail, and we love her name…unique. We missed you, but we did enjoy seeing your cousin. Thanks for letting her hop with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. Your cousin Railey is a sweet heart! I too follow my Mom everywhere. She thinks that I am asleep in my cat tree and she goes upstairs and there I am!
    Kozmo and Jo Jo goes everywhere with Dad…I wonder if Mom will ever take me anywhere…


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