Friday Fill-Ins


YAY!  It’s Friday!   Time for the fill-in-the-blanks Hop co-hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing.    We do have fun with this hop and from all appearances everyone ELSE who plays along does too.   It’s also an easy hop.   Just fill in the blanks – but first you need to JOIN US by clicking on the badge above and filling out the LINKY TOOL so we will know we need to visit you and see your fill-ins.

Here are the four sentences we have for this Friday.   Two from each co-host.    I decided to be the one to fill-in this week instead of getting Mom to “go for it” !    My fill-ins are in BLUE.

1. I am going to be super happy for my whole life with my Mom and Dad – they take such good care of me.

2. I want to be more outside than inside but Mom and Dad think I’m out ENOUGH!
3. Once in a blue moon, I catch a skink in my garage and I play with it until it goes to sleep forever (Mom uses the words Rainbow Bridge for Skinks instead of SLEEP!).
4. I have a large collection of toys that belonged to Angel Sammy and lots of my OWN toys but I am drawn to HIS!)
So there you have it – me filling in the blanks and me wishing all of you a happy Friday!

Hugs, Me and Mom too!


49 responses »

    • Our garage is just off the kitchen and Mom and Dad go through the door a whole lot…….I discovered that it was quite a cozy spot and Dad installed a hammock in one of the windows in there for me when I came to live here – now the garage is one of my fave spots!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers Teddy. I know you have a wonderful life with such loving parents. I feel bad for the skinks, but kitties need to have fun 🙂 Have a nice weekend, hope you get to go outside a lot. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Teddy,
    You and I were on the same wave length this week. I put toys for #4 too! I love to jump in the toy box after the Female Human has picked up all the stray toys round the house and dropped them in the basket I like to get in there and select some new ones to “decorate” the house with.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


  3. Those are great answers Teddy. You might think you should go out more, but you are very lucky that your mum and dad take you out on your leash.


    • Mom wasn’t sure if she should leave Angel Sammy’s toys out but I’m glad she did…….I love them as much as HE did! Skinks are weird Cupcake – you aren’t missing much!!

      Love, Teddy


    • You and Ninja are such good buddies aren’t you Marv! Skinks are fun because they are super fast and sneaky AND they can climb up a wall to escape me. Most of the time though I chase them and they sneak out a little hole in the garage wall that I can’t get my paw through. They are VERY sneaky!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Teddy, you are getting really good at completing the fill-ins. We especially love your #1. Sending lots of love to all and healing purrs to Mom Pam. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Sending tons of love back to all of you this fine Sunday morning!! Mom’s face is better and she’s ready for arm surgery this week……all the prayers and purrs from friends help and of course I’m all set to be her “caretaker” on Wednesday!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Deer Teddy:
    “Does a Skink stink??
    Or iss it pink??
    Are they nice or a fink?
    What do you think?”
    Yur furend Purrince Siddhartha =^,.^=

    Pee S: Yur foot with Lady Pam iss pawsum!!!!!!!


  6. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy! You are more than 100% correct with #1. Your mom and dad are purrfect! The kitties around here are often drawn to some of Angel Rosie’s old toys, too (Rosie’s most favorite toys, though, are stowed away in her memory box). We bet your mom and dad love seeing you enjoy the same toys Angel Sammy did, Teddy. Purrs!


    • Yes – I will say when Teddy first came here, the FIRST thing he went after was the white mouse that Angel Sammy had put in his Dad’s dining room chair YEARS ago……that’s where it stayed until Teddy took it for his own. He played with it SO HARD that it began falling apart and that’s how “Mr. Rags” came to be. I patched it until it was mostly patched and no furry white mouse. It is a “keeper” toy…..Teddy’s not interested in it any more but I have put it away.

      Hugs, Pam


    • You’re right – for humans inside is the BESTEST but for me – I like pretending I’m a wild tiger out in the yard…stalking bugs….rolling in the dirt….!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. I didn’t have a clue what a skink was, so I had to look it up. Thanks for educating me today. I still don’t think I’d know it from the regular lizards around here. 🙂

    I am glad that you now have a home where you are happy and well-loved. Have a blessed week.


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