Friday Fill-Ins


Time to do our “filling in” thing!    This is a super fun Hop co-hosted by 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and it’s always TONS OF FUN to read what everyone says when they fill-in the blanks on the four sentences we are given.

Here are our sentences for this week and I got to fill them out ALL BY MYSELF this week.    My own words are in RED !

1. I have faith in my Mom and Dad to know what’s the BEST for me (even though I don’t always pay attention to them!).
2. Yesterday, I hopped up on the bench down in the woods next to my Mom which I hardly EVER do – it was cool down there.
3. My favorite place to be is OUTSIDE.
4. If I was granted one wish, it would be totally impossible for me to choose just one thing to wish for so I’d give my wish away to someone who REALLY needed it.


There you have it.    Teddy Kimmell, UP CLOSE AND PURRRSONAL on a Friday!    Now if you’ll excuse me, I will do my usual morning routine and have a good old snooze-fest on the guest room bed.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!   Hugs, Teddy

60 responses »

  1. oh that was nice to sit on a bench with your mama while watching how the world goes by (and hopefully that heat too). Teddy you can ask for another 3 or 87 free wishes if you are unsure what to do with one wish ;O)


    • It was much cooler in the woods but I’m not sure if it was worth it since Mom got about 87 mosquito bites. She should have to sit on the shameofa because she COULD have used the mosquito repellant but did she? NO of course not. My poor Mom!


      • I rather scream too than to use the repellant … our bedroom is plastered with gadgets and mosquito killers and candles and whatnot… nevertheless there is one inside what attacks me every night…


        • None of those things work – none of them – they make us THINK they will work but there’s always some MONSTER MOSQUITO who is immune to sprays and candles and overcomes all obstacles to stick that nose hose into our arms or legs and suck out our blood and leave behind a big itchy lump. It’s just plain MEAN. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers Teddy. That was sweet of you to sit next to your mom on the bench. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO


    • Mom and I are pals…..we do lots of stuff together including sitting on the bench in the woods. I could stay outside all day but Mom seems to think she has other things to do than let me be outside! Imagine that!~

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy! Isn’t it tough when you know your humans have your best interests in mind, but you also just don’t always want to listen? Sometimes you just want to do your own thing. And I just love how you answered #4. You are such a sweet, compassionate mancat, Teddy. Purrs to you!


    • Mom and I love the fill-ins on Friday and you and Miss Ellen come up with some GREAT sentences that bring out the CREATIVE in our little brains!!!!! WE all thank YOU for that……….

      Hugs and Happy Weekend
      Love, Teddy


    • Miss Jackie I am such a lucky boy that I think even if I could wish for anything, I’d wish to make everyone ELSE happy so passing the wish back is just a tiny step towards that!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Well Mom started this blog originally all about my predecessor here who has now gone to the Rainbow Bridge – Angel Sammy – the original SPOILED CAT. However, not long after he left Mom and Dad realized their life wasn’t complete without a kitty and the rest is history – they got me from the same shelter where they got Sammy. I’m also quite SPOILED so it’s convenient the blog is named that! It’s nice to meet you………

      Hugs, Teddy


      • Our cat Jackie is the daughter from a cat we rescued from a farm, and our dogs are from the local shelter. Good to hear your Mom and Dad have a heart for shelter pets and gave you a loving forever home. Together we can make a difference. Jackie sends purrs.


        • I was lucky for sure….my Mom and Dad just KNEW that Angel Sammy was “pushing” them to visit the shelter that day and when they saw me they knew it was meant to be. Adopting a shelter animal is the way to go!!

          Love, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

    • Well Teddy is a professional napper so I have a lot of days when the photos are of him in belly up napping position! I agree though – cats asleep are especially precious…….or maybe that’s because we just love them to bits?

      Hugs, Pam


  4. We love to be outside too Teddy. And it looks as if your outside gear is the same as ours, harness and leash or pop up catio. We don’t mind, it’s fun to be out there and good to know the Humans are near if we need help.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


    • Cupcake Mom seems to think that before she and Dad adopted me, I was a totally outside kind of guy. I’d say I’ve made a pretty good transition to in/out but I still love outside the BESTEST (in summer anyway!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. We too love being outside, Teddy, but not when it is THIS hot!!!

    You are so sweet to want to give away your wish – that is what a kind being would do.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • It does feel nice inside compared to outside but since I spend most of my outside time UNDER a little miniature tree on the nice COOL dirt/mulch, it’s better than being in the hot and icky SUN!

      Love and stay cool!


  6. Teddy, so sorry we weren’t here on Friday. We were having trouble getting your page to load. That photo made Mom squeee. You are absolutely one of the cutest cats of all time. Is that quilt one that Mom Pam’s sis made. It is gorgeous. Your fill-ins were great, especially #4. You are such a good and generous Scout. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Oh I’m sorry you had a tough time getting our bloggy to load on Friday! No biggie though…..we know how the internet can be such a pain in the tushie sometimes for no reason! YES, my Auntie Carol made that quilt – it’s flannel and so cozy. I love it!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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