Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful Thursday!    Time to join in Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop (click above) and talk about the things we’re thankful for this past week or ANY time.    Well today I had an occasion to be VERY thankful because my parents disappeared early this morning without a “see you soon Ted” or “we’ll bring you a surprise Ted”………poof they were gone.   THANKFULLY they came home this afternoon so I didn’t even have time for a good old panic attack.   I was just thankful they came home – I was able to get them to take me outside for a breath of fresh air and a nice yard cruise.

I’m also super thankful that Angel Sammy sent his poem and message to us again……..I look forward to that every week and I hope you do too!   The best thing is that apparently at the Rainbow Bridge they get SUPER good Wi-Fi so he can use his laptop to send us his weekly poem…….. Shall we see what kind of poem he wrote for the photo he gave us last week?   LET’S!!!


Happy Poetic Thursday Friends!

Time for us to get together and share the poems we wrote during the week based on the photo I gave you last Thursday.  You’ve had a whole week to think about that photo and see what it conjures up in your creative brain in the way of some words strung together in ANY kind of poetic form.   There are TONS of poetic forms too…..I know one of them is right for you.    Did you know that poetry doesn’t have to rhyme?   People write to me saying they can’t do rhymes – well that doesn’t mean you can’t write poetry!!!

So here’s the photo I gave you LAST week to study and see what comes to your mind and write a poem about it – – – followed by MY poem based on the photo – – – followed by a NEW photo to use for inspiration for NEXT Thursday’s poetic get-together!  

“Old Fashioned Fun”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell     July 11, 2018


Back in “the good old days” according to some

There was such excitement when the day would come

The Carnival trucks and tents would come into town

There might even be a crazy old clown!

The tents were full of magic just like in a dream

There were hot dogs, cotton candy and delicious ice cream

Sometimes pony rides, ferris wheels, ladies with beards!

You saw all kinds of sights – some funny and some weird!

There were games like penny toss, bust the balloon, win a fish

You could win tacky stuffed animals or a cheap china dish

But Mom says the one thing she saw most if she stayed there a while

Were lots of very happy people and they ALL had a smile!


Well I don’t really know what a carnival is but if Mom and Dad say they were fabulous then I believe them.    If people smiled a lot that’s a GOOD THING……..Mom says these days you just don’t see as many smiles as “back in the day” (whatever THAT means!).   

Now, how about YOU sharing YOUR poem with us – all you have to do is put your blog link in our comments here and we’ll follow it and read your poem!    Or if you want to, you can write your poem in our comments.    But I sure would be happy if you tried out your creative side and wrote a poem to share with us………..So come on and give it a whirl.

For next week, I picked out this photo to inspire you – how does it make you feel?  What do you think about when you see it?   Just have FUN with it and share next Thursday.

Now that ought to be a good one right?    So can I count on you to join us next week?   I’ll look for you……………..come to think of it, I’m ALWAYS looking for you because now that I’m at the Rainbow Bridge, I look out for everyone I care about.    Especially my little brother Teddy who I never even got to meet……..AND my Mom and Dad who gave me a forever home so many years ago.

Give Poetry A Try – You Just Might LIKE It !!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love Always, Angel Sammy



Thanks Angel Sammy…………I love your poem – makes me wish I could have gone to a carnival.   Mom says there haven’t been any around here in years and years.  They do have a County Fair but it’s NOT at all like the carnivals she went to when she was little (when dinosaurs roamed the earth….hahaha).

So have a great Thursday everybody………………!

Love, Teddy the Napper

40 responses »

  1. oh yes yes yes … that was such a fun… I don’t know when we lost this feeling and the joy… maybe somewhere on the way becoming adults… but it is a sweet memory of a time were we only worried to get sick from tasty stuff and wild rides ;O)


    • When Mom and Dad first moved here, there was a carnival that came to town every summer…… more though – these things are gone – probably unable to carry on because it’s too expensive! Sad but nice to have the memories!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • They have a carnival of sorts at the elementary school here – – just little easy games – no tents or rides but the old timey carnivals haven’t been through here in YEARS.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I kind of think it would take a HUGE HUGE HUGE rain to make any different for any of us who have had heat and daily sun for WEEKS. Sad but true – might as well say bye bye to plants and grass this year!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh Madi we loved you and your Mom’s poem today! You’re right – they were “on the same page” about memories of the carnival – we REALLY enjoyed your poem as we always do!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. OH my goodness, mom said she sure remembers the carnival coming to town. That was so exciting, and all us kids talked about it incessantly when we were at school…hardly standing to wait till evening when we could get our parents to take us. OR maybe we were trusted to go on over ourselves. Mom had a woofie names Jack that she loved and he was the same red color as her hair. He went with her several times. She loved the “Tilt a Whirl”! and occasionally won a prize trying some of the games. xx


    • What fun those old carnivals were……..Mom says she won a few stuffies in her time but wasn’t all that good at the games – she liked it when they had things like the “house of mirrors” and the “ghost ride” – AND she particularly enjoyed the cotton candy!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. I am glad your folks didn’t leave you for long. Excellent poem from Angel Sammy. We used to have a carnival at the church every year until 2 years ago, it was a big event and it was like a giant class reunion for the whole town plus they sold Polish food 🙂 Have a great day! XO


  4. Teddy, we just love seeing you having fun on your porch. You and your home are both mighty good-looking!

    Angel Sammy, your poem is as fantastic as ever. Carnivals sure can have a nostalgic feel to them, and you captured that so well in your poem. And we’re already brainstorming for next week’s poem! Thank you for hosting this fun challenge every week! We always look forward to it.


    • Oh I’m so glad you enjoy poetic Thursdays too….it’s fun to hear from Sammy and it’s fun to see the photos he finds for us to “think on” for a week before we get to read HIS poem and write ours! Thanks for being part of the fun – you did a FANTASTIC story-poem this week!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Ahhh, who doesn’t love the carnival? The rides, the games, the attractions. I always loved visiting the bearded lady’s tent…….. oh wait, that’s just Miss Dingleberry selling deep fried Ding Dongs.


    • HA! If anyone could fry up a Ding Dong it would be her…..and hopefully she’d not get any of her beard in the hot grease or she’d turn THAT into some disgusting snack too – French fried beard????


  6. Mee poe-em about Thee Fair :

    “Mee went to Thee Fair,
    mee lost all mee lunch an hair..
    Mee not go back on a dare!”
    bye Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    Mee-you Teddy lookin mitey fine there inn yur walkin vest! Iss supposed to bee *hot* here this weekend…..hope youss’ don’t get thee heet there!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


    • Siddhartha you made me and Mom giggle a LOT with your poem this week – it’s cute and no doubt if I was at the fair I’d be losing lunch and hair too because I’d want to be on the ferris wheel and I expect I’d lose BOTH there!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Teddy, your photos on the porch make it look as if you were sitting there waiting to scold your parents when they returned home. MOL! We have a huge fair here that lasts for two weeks and is happening right now. Mom and Dad used to go, but Mom can no longer handle the outside hot temperatures. She remembers throwing coins trying to get them to land in cheap dishes to give to her mom. Next week’s photo made Mom think of the trip Scouts took. She may have to resurrect a poem Mau wrote at the time. Love and hugs to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • “Reputting” poems is fine to do – it’s super hard coming up with something new every week but Mom is funny about that….if she sits and stares at the photo long enough WHAMMO – the words just come! Otherwise will will probably reput from time to time too. Mom also said she was lousy at throwing darts at balloons…..and nobody she knew was able to knock the milk bottles down with the baseball either! HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  8. Teddy, your entryway looks so beautiful with its pretty flower pots. And handsome YOU makes a great additional adornment.

    Angel Sammy, Mom says that photo and your poem bring back so many wonderful memories of her childhood times at many a carnival that came to town. Bravo – well done!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty and Timber


    • My Mom has stopped trying to keep gardens around the yard – too much work (!) but she DOES enjoy having plants in pots on the front porch and our back deck……easy to water! LOL I love our porch but for some reason I don’t go on our back deck when I’m out cruising. It’s a mystery. Angel Sammy picked a doozy of a photo for poetry week didn’t he? The carnival really got people thinking because we read some AMAZING poetry yesterday… was tons of fun.

      Love, Teddy


    • I think the aroma of “next door kitty I rarely see” might have been wafting through the air! HAHAHA Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s carnival poem……wish one would come to town – Mom wants to relive her childhood (thought ought to be interesting!).

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Gee Whiz! Teddy, You look smashing in your waistcoat! And loads to give thanks for!
    And I gotta say, your poem about the Midway was spot on! Did you know that Midway (where Kozmo and Jo Jo and Cinnamon live) has 2 reasons for being called Midway. #1 is that it is 1/2 way between Vancouver and the Alberta Border on the US border (it’s Midway), and the 2nd is the mayor of the town called Boundary City was at the Chicago World’s Fair and saw the Midway and thought it was a much more exciting name and would get more people to move there.
    I like the second one best!


    • Oh what a wonderful story about why Midway is Midway Marv…..I love that. There used to be carnivals around ALL THE TIME but nowadays we never see them. We do have a County Fair but mostly that’s judging best animals, pies, quilts and stuff and no rides and yummy food, and clowns. Anyway, we think it’s another one of those things (like drive in movies) that’s a “thing of the past” for much of the country which is rather sad.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


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