Friendly Fill-Ins


It’s Friday!  Time to Fill-In!

YAY!    Friday means fill-in fun with our co-hosts, 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.   If you click the badge above you can fill out the linky tool and join the rest of us as we fill-in the blanks in FOUR sentences – two from each of our co-hosts.  It’s fun – we learn new stuff about each other every single Friday.

I thought I’d let Mom fill-in today……………..give her a little treat you know……….I don’t let her do this EVERY week – I wouldn’t want to spoil her!

Here are this week’s sentences and Mom’s fill-ins are in BLUE.

1. Fireworks are so darn loud and noisy – they scare Teddy and with all the trees around I’m always worried about fires.

2. My favorite 4th of July picnic food is hot dogs – always has been and probably always will be my favorite!

3. I begin every day with A prayer and coffee – not necessarily in that order!_________.

4. Homemade biscotti is the best thing since sliced bread.


OK Mom – you did well…………and I’m glad you worked ME into one of your answers.   I really don’t like all that noise for sure.   Angel Sammy told me that you and Dad used to do fireworks in your front yard and he didn’t like that much.   You haven’t done that since I’ve been here and I hope you don’t start!    Actually he said they were just fountains – nothing loud- just sparkly and colorful.   That I wouldn’t mind too much…… if you wanna have a few, I promise not to be a scaredy cat.


Love, Teddy

65 responses »

  1. Great fill ins, Mom. Our pets don’t seem to mind to mind the fireworks. 🎇 But we only hear them for a couple days. We live in the country. We have had pets that did care. Enjoy the 4th of July.


    • Oh my….well, biscotti is one of those things that you either like or hate I think…..depends on the stuff you add in too probably. Some like plain biscotti and others enjoy dried fruit (my Dad’s fave is cranberry and my Mom’s is chocolate chips and sliced almonds!). It’s easy to make and yummy with coffee or hot chocolate…..

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Great answers, Miss Pam! Mom’s not a big fan of fireworks either…she always think about all the kitties and doggies that are frightened by them.
    Love, Sundae


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We had the same picnic food answer 🙂 Homemade biscotti with your recipe is fantastic. XO


    • EVERYBODY likes hot dogs I think……..different toppings but hot dogs YES………I eat the Nathans brand skinless ones because I finally figured out it’s the casings on them that upset my tum sometimes…..thank heavens Nathans makes the skinless because I couldn’t EVER give up a good hot dog!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. I’m with the four footers on the fireworks anti-bandwagon. The professional displays are nice to look at, but its the amateur illegal displays I’d love to see put a stop to. And with the Fourth in the middle of the week this year, it could end up being weekend to weekend popping and cracking while some of us night shifters are trying to sleep!


    • That’s true – it’s terrible timing for the 4th……middle of the week stinks. I’m sure the fact it’s a work day after won’t stop a soul from being up until all hours of the morning around here doing LOUD fireworks. They don’t even do the pretty ones just the loud ones. What’s with that???!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. You’re so sweet to give your mom a turn to do the fill-ins, Teddy. And she sure did a fantastic job! Amazingly, not a single one of the furbabies at our house is afraid of fireworks. Most of them simply ignore them. Then there’s Eddy, who, though she’s usually by far the most skittish cat in the house, actually likes to watch fireworks from the window. She does the same thing with lightning, which always makes this mom of hers nervous. I don’t drink coffee, but I sure do like to start the day with a prayer. And homemade biscotti sounds heavenly. Yum! Wishing you all a very happy Friday!


    • My Mom says a morning prayer too but it’s so much a part of her life I didn’t think to mention it as a “start” !! LOL Mom makes biscotti once a week….usually cranberry – sometimes cherry and if she’s really ambitious she’ll make chocolate chip/almond.

      Love, Teddy


  6. Those are great answers. Eric used to try to watch the fireworks across the river, but Flynn didn’t like them. That is a lovely picture of you Teddy.


    • Sammy got to the point where he could SORT of enjoy the fountains we’d do in the front yard – they weren’t really noisy and while he stayed inside and watched out the windows at the door, he often sat there the whole time and watched until the end.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Firewerkss SUCK!! Wee nto like them at all.
    LadyMum startss her day kissin mee an sayin “Good Mornin” an doin mee eye an dental treetmint an then putting mee out inn condo an THEN shee makess a coffee an sayss a purrayer, mew mew mew…
    Yur art foto iss berry kewl Teddy 😉
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


      • Wee try Teddy!!! Sum dayss are ruff butt at nite time LadyMum an mee all wayss snuggull an shee singss “Littul Man’ song shee made uppy fur mee. Wee nevurr go to bed uppsyet with each other!


          • Mee-you mee has been unwell with thee itchin an over groomin thee past few weekss Teddy an Lady Pam. LadyMum has been cryin a lot an mee-yowin with Mumma Mary-Ellen about sendin mee to Pure Land if mee not get better. There iss ALOT goin on here….an mee iss sad fur LadyMum an shee iss sad fur mee.
            Say have you efurr used Apoquel Lady Pam? Thee Vet Man finkss this could help mee…..
            there has to bee sumfing. Mee not want to leeve yet….


          • Oh I know nothing about Apoquel Siddhartha but if the vet thinks it might work to help your itchies I think you should at least try it. We do NOT NOT NOT want you to go to Pure Land. You are not ready – your Ladymum needs you and you need her and the world would be a VERY SAD place without you in it.

            Love, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

  8. We don’t like fireworks either. So many of our babies have an awful several nights worth of fireworks.

    Coffee, that’s just about to happen here.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Teddy. ♥


  9. Great fill-ins, P. Mom and I start our mornings with prayers and green tea – IN that order. It’s our favorite and most peaceful time of the day.

    Love and licks,


  10. Great fill in answers. We agree about the fireworks. We’re hoping they won’t be so loud this year…but that’s wishful thinking.


    • Yes I’m afraid we can wish all we want to that it will be different and quiet but fireworks will happen – we’ll all just have to hope for a SHORT amount of noise! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Hmmm, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever had homemade biscotti. None of my cats (or dog) is bothered by fireworks. But Harley is a new addition, so we’ll see how he does! They get set off right outside our house. 😦


    • Gosh – right outside the house would be a true test of “intestinal fortitude” wouldn’t it…….LOL………good luck!! Homemade biscotti is SO EASY to make and so incredibly delicious – the batch I do once a week lasts us all week AND I have plenty to share.

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Lightning doesn’t seem to mind the fireworks as long as he is inside. Misty was fine last year, but she is afraid of thunderstorms now – so we are hoping the fireworks won’t upset her. As for Timber, we shall see, it will be his first 4th here with us:)

    We all love hot dogs too!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • It will be interesting to see Teddy’s reaction this year. Hopefully he won’t mind them. Hard to tell if Misty is afraid of thunderstorms if she won’t mind fireworks but part of the thunderstorm problem I’ve always thought is that you FEEL thunder which is a disturbing sensation … don’t feel fireworks much – just HEAR them!

      Hugs, Pam


  13. Hot dogs are one of those things that seem to vary by region. Some people like chili, mustard, and onions on theirs. Others like relish. In some places in the South if you say you want a chili dog, that is exactly what you get, a bun with chili on it.
    Have a happy fourth and a blessed week.


    • HAHAHA…..well I think I prefer the hot dog WITH chili instead of a bun of chili….on the other hand, chili is good by itself so I guess “what’s the diff” ??? LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  14. We don’t like fireworks either Teddy. Those fountains don’t sound too bad tho’. But, we’d rather just huddle together and luv. Enjoy your hotdogs. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • Well the fountains are pretty but rarely make any big noise like some fireworks. We’ve never understood why people like the NOISY ones – sometimes they don’t do anything but make noise!!! What’s with that?!?!?!

      Stay safe…
      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Mee hearss you Lady Pam an Teddy! Mee iss tired tho’. All reddy….butt mee will try this meddysin an do mee best to get better. LadyMum keepss havin leeky eyess. Mee knowss SHEE knowss mee iss tired all so….


  16. On June 30, there was a huge professional fireworks display right in the field across the street from us. Now that was LOUD. but neither one of us were bothered to much…at least we didn’t show it with our behaviors. Thankful was the peeps!
    July 4th, not much happening around the den that we could hear, it was too far away.
    Win for all of us:)


    • Yes we were very surprised that there wasn’t more noise around here as there has been in the past on the 4th. People seem to get more into fireworks on New Years for some reason?!

      Hugs, Teddy


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