Thankful and Poetic Thursday


It’s Thursday!   Time for the THANKFUL blog hop Brian hosts at his blog AND for Angel Sammy’s poetry day.    First though let’s give some time to be THANKFUL.   If you want to join us, please click Brian’s badge and join in by filling out the LINKY tool.    It’s great to share our thankfuls every week.    This week I’m super thankful that the weather has been nice enough that I’d been able to go outside a LOT and it’s not even really NICE and Springy – but it’s NICER than winter weather so my parents have been taking me out more.   I love being in my yard……..I munch on grass (yes we actually have some coming up already!) and enjoy the sun on my furs (if the sun’s out of course otherwise I just ENJOY the fresh air).    Mom and Dad are positive I was an outdoor kitty before they adopted me – I love the great outdoors and actually enjoy the COLD.    I think that’s why they think maybe I was a barn cat or had a major outside connection.   I can’t give it up but at least I’m SAFE out there with my harness and leash on.

Now for the next part of today’s blog – Angel Sammy transmitted his POETIC THUSDAY poem to me via his internet connection at the Rainbow Bridge so I will show you that now!


Hello Friends!   Ready for some poetry?

I hope some more of you have thought a little more about joining in our Poetry Challenge every week because it sure is FUN.    I didn’t have a lot of time to work on a poem this week because they are keeping us busy at the Bridge with Easter and Passover coming up……..we have a lot of ANGELIC duties to take care of you know.    BUT I did find some time and using the photo I gave you last week as your poetic inspiration, I crafted my poem based on this photo!  

First of all – don’t you just LOVE this photo?   what a fabulous spot this would be to spend a summer afternoon…………all those beautiful tulips and petty green trees and grass????!!!!   Spread out a picnic blanket and VOILA – heavenly!    So here’s the poem I wrote to go with this photo.

“Happy Faces”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell    March 28, 2018


Acres of blooms in gardens galore

Springtime is popping with flowers and more

Trees bud and shrubs grow and nature awakes

New growth needs warm breezes and all the sun it can take

Blooming flowers in colors from pastels to deep hue

Glistening in morning sun as it shines on the dew

Have you ever noticed when you see flowers that they make you smile?

It’s great to observe if you sit down in a garden for a while

People stop and point and smell the bouquet of  scent in the air

For a minute or an hour, you can forget all your cares

Get lost in the glory that comes from the flowers

Their beauty and color contain so much power

A garden of flowers is such a happy place

It’s for sure you will see more than one happy face!


Flowers are special – and you can’t look at a garden full of flowers without smiling at the wonder of the beauty of nature.   I used to go out in to my Mom’s garden when she had one in our backyard and just SIT…….I sometimes would lie down and squash some flowers accidentally (oops) and stay there for an hour – sometimes falling asleep while Mom pulled weeds or cut flowers all around me.   I just found it a happy place.   She doesn’t have a flower garden anymore but it’s a fond memory of mine.    I expect Teddy will enjoy being outside with Mom as she weeds her perennial bed (which is a lot less work to have!).    

I hope you enjoyed my poem today and I bet when I read YOURS I will enjoy them too!    The tulip photo speaks to me of SPRING and EASTER and warm weather…………..what did the photo “tell” you when you looked at it?    If you wrote a poem, tell us you did in comments and give us your blog link so we can read it OR put your poem in our comments and SHARE.   

Meanwhile, I have a photo for your NEXT WEEK’s poem inspiration……………can’t wait to see what you write for this one.   

Our poetry challenge will be to write a poem about this photo – how does it make you feel?  What do you see and what do you think.    I will see the answers to those questions NEXT Thursday when we share our poetry!  


Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Big Angelic Hugs from me to all of you!   



Thank you Angel Sammy!   I love your poem today but then again I love all your poems.   I hope everyone else wrote one – it’s fun to see what people come up with.    Thanks for joining in the fun everybody.

Hugs, Teddy


42 responses »

  1. It feels like Spring here today because the sun is shining and the birds are singing even though it’s very cold.

    I love next week’s photo!


  2. maybe if we all say your poem loud 3 times then miss spring will come to us? it#s worth a try ;O))) the photo for next week is a little scary but you made my daddy VERY happy with it… the mama erased a ride in da orient eggs-press on her life-bucket-list immediately hahahahaha


    • HAHAHA…..My Mom ALWAYS wanted to do a ride on the Orient Express too but it is just a little bit OUT OF OUR WALLET SPACE!!!! Spring is going to be here today but tomorrow it will probably be out of town again. We will take it one day at a time!

      Love, Teddy


      • see… so the photo can help her too to send this wish to the dream-on folder… the orient eggspress sure will ride through such mountains and over such bridges I bet… and 5k for endless fears and the heart in the pants… no way I say hahahahaha


        • I’m not sure if I’d like going over THAT bridge in the photo but I do think it would be rather elegant to be ON the Orient Egggspress eating my kitty food from a crystal goblet!!!!!

          Hugs, Teddy


  3. Another wonderful poem, Angel Sammy! We look forward to them every week. And Teddy, we know you’re going to be enjoying more yard time as spring FINALLY gets here!
    That is an amazing photo for next week….Motor Mommy can’t wait to find out from YOUR mommy where that picture was taken. I don’t know that Mom will be creative enough to write a poem, but she looks forward to Angel Sammy’s and your other readers’ poems!
    Love, Sundae


    • We will have to see if we can determine where that photo was taken……..quite a train ride isn’t it?! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem today – I didn’t help him with it but I think Mom typed it while he “transmitted” it !

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Angel Sammy you are for sure Poet Laureate OTRB…what a beautiful poem and yes when we saw the photo last we week smiled….mom loves brilliant colors and R E D!!! We love the last 2 lines too!!
    OMCs next week’s is gonna be fun. I might have to get my resident train brain DAD to help me with some train lingo.

    my poem for today is here:
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Brilliantly COLORED poem today Miss Madi! Spring means color and we are happy to be able to enjoy colors….it has to be sad for those who can’t distinguish all the colors of the rainbow (including cats I think right???!!!!). Thank you for pawticipating in Sammy’s poetic Thursday and YES your Dad will come in handy for next week’s poem!!

      Love, Teddy


  5. I often think I would like to go out but then I change my mind. That was a terrific poem for that pretty photo. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  6. I LOVE your poem Angel Sammy and Teddy. You made mom’s first smile of the day, you two did. I know mom could write a lot about her favorite flower of all in Spring that makes her exclaim out our when she sees the first one and she will reminisce as to why, all the way home again.


    • Oh I’m happy we gave your Mom her first smile of the day but I bet you this – – – that YOU gave her the first smile of the day when she saw your sweet face looking back at her FIRST thing this morning when she woke up!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  7. That was a beautiful poem. Angel Sammy has always had a way with words. That tunnel looks very narrow for that train-eeks! XO


  8. Yes, it is wonderful to be outside and sniff the Spring smells, Teddy. Something to be thankful for, absolutely! Angel Sammy, your poem was flower fantastic. I hope you are keeping up with all the duties for Easter and Passover. I see deviled eggs in our future… 🙂


    • Oh YES – deviled eggs are a MUST around here too – Mom hides eggs for Dad and those become divided between (1) pickled eggs and (2) deviled eggs. Hope everything is good in Florida———-deeeeeeeeeee———doooooooo—–waaa!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Isn’t it wonderful that spring is trying to make an appearance, Teddy? We, too, are still awaiting true spring weather, but it’s getting there! Angel Sammy, your poem is just as beautiful as the photo! I am having so much fun with these photo prompts. The photo for next week has me very excited, as it immediately reminded me of one of my favorite book series from my childhood. I can’t wait to try my hand at writing this next poem! Purrs, and happy Thursday!


    • Glad you like Angel Sammy’s poem… sure SOUNDS like Spring and makes me THINK of Spring and actually once our fog lifted and the sun popped out here it got warmer……still not really SPRING but “better” !! We’re on our way to read your poem for today – can’t wait -you always “knock it out of the park” with your story poems. We think next week’s photo is a DOOZY too!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • It’s still a weird Spring….yesterday we had temps in the LOW 80s (!) and today we’re back in the 50s. I hope you are enjoying your Spring too Summer – looks like your yard is nice and green so I’m sure you are enjoying being outside too!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Your photo and poem are beautiful and remind Mom of a fun time she had when she was a little girl. Her Mom would take Grandma for a ride on Sunday afternoons, and they often went to a park called Stanley Park that was just filled with rows and rows of beautiful gardens and trails. We don’t live anywhere near there now, but it would be fun to see if it is still as nice.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • That’s a nice memory… Mom lived in Germany when she was little and they were close to a park where her Mom would take a stroller for her little brother to ride in and Mom would stand on the back for the ride too……the park was FILLED in Springtime with bulbs and beautiful flowering things everywhere. My Mom was only four but remembers it like it was yesterday.

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Great poem. We are so glad you like your harness and leash Teddy. It’s wonderful fur a kitty to be able to enjoy a little fresh air so long as they be safe and with their humans. big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  12. We LOVE Poetry Thursday and we love visiting our furrends blogs and reading their poetry. And YOURS is outstanding! I am not surprised you were an outdoor cat and I am thankful that your Mom and Dad got you so I can be your furrend.
    I am not much of a poet and it takes my Mom forever to rhyme…Purrhaps we should tell jokes with your photos as our theme!


    • Oh Marv I think that idea is WONDERFUL – you can be the jokester on Thursdays using Angel Sammy’s photo prompts! Tee Hee I’m happy that you and I are long distance friends Marv – I bet the two of us could get into some FUN trouble together though!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  13. We absolutely love all of Sammy’s poems as well. He is super talented. It is so nice to have spring officially upon us. We wrote a poem as we always do. Her’s the link: http:/www./
    It makes us so happy that the weather is warmer and that you feel well enough to enjoy some outside time, Teddy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We think Spring has finally begun to spring but just about when we believe that, we get slammed with cold and wind AGAIN. I suppose this is typical though! As long as I get to still go outside no matter what the weather is, I’ll be happy. I can keep an eye open for the Easter bunny- Mom says he’s coming to visit us tomorrow no matter WHAT the weather is!!!!! We loved your poem this week – Angel Sammy says he always looks forward to your poetic entries!

      Love, Teddy


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