Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello Friends!!    It’s Thursday and you know that means TWO goodies in one blog day for us.    We always started with our friend Brian who hosts “Thankful Thursday” blog hop because it’s just a GREAT way to start a day – focusing on what we are thankful for.   I look back at my week and come up with thankfuls – how about you?   Want to join the hop?  Click on Brian’s badge above and fill out the Linky form and you’ll be with us.

I am thankful this week that I am FINALLY feeling better.   I guess I haven’t talked much about it because I was pretending it wasn’t there (!) or that if I ignored it, it would go away.   But it didn’t………for well over two weeks I was not myself AT ALL.    I slept all the time, wouldn’t eat or drink much, but after several trips to the vet and blood work there seemed to be no REASON for it.   I did have one degree of fever but nothing else was showing up on any tests or in any exams I had.    I was prescribed what amounts to Kitty Advil (an anti-inflammatory) to take for three days though and I am a bit perkier after taking that.   Coming out of my funk slowly perhaps.   “Just one of those things” I suppose.    But know what?    I’m still THANKFUL that I feel better and am acting more like ME…….my Mom and Dad were worried about me.   Everyone was worried about me – EVEN I WAS WORRIED ABOUT ME!    So I am very thankful for improvement of my “mystery malaise”.

Thankful too that my brother didn’t let me down – he never has……..Angel Sammy sent his poem to me for “POETIC THURSDAY” and I’ll share with you now!


Happy Thursday Poetry Fans!

It’s time to share the poems we wrote this past week inspired by the PHOTO I challenged you to write a poem about.    I hope you’re having fun with this project – I know I do and those of you who have participated so far obviously MUST have fun because your poetry is fabulous.   If you haven’t joined in, please do.   You just have to look at a photo prompt that I provide you and you have a whole week in which to do a poem based on what YOU “see” in the photo, or how it makes you feel……get creative with me!    

Here’s the photo we wrote a poem about THIS week followed by MY poem – I can’t wait to read yours!    I thought this was a truly interesting photo of the biggest cave EVER………I thought it was super inspiring!


By Angel Sammy Kimmell    March 22, 2018

Just when we think we are ever so tall

That we’re mighty, and strong, and in charge of it all

We will see or experience something that shows

How little we observe and how little we know!

The majesty of nature is truly amazing

High cliffs, deep oceans, even caves are hair-raising!

The scope of their “grandness”, their beauty and size

Can move us so deeply, it brings tears to our eyes…..

Our world is so awesome and we need to take care

We don’t ruin all this beauty so in the future it’s still there.

Wildfires, clear cutting, and blasting through for roads

We ask so much of nature, it’s limit we overload……..

Inside this big cave, so dark, quiet and full of power

We may be small but must defend this beauty until the final hour…………


There were so many things this photo made me feel it was hard to single one thing out so I made it about more than one thing……………but the true awesomeness of nature is something we must not take for granted.    Maybe we will all live on other planets one day but for the HERE AND NOW we must take care of this beautiful blue planet we live on.

If you wrote a poem today from this same photo – please tell us about it in comments!   Give us a link where we can read it – enjoy it…………OR show us your poem in comments – write it out and share.  

I have another photo for you for next week………… have all week to look at it and think about it and decide what you want to write about!    Ready?

Spring?    We hope it gets EVERYWHERE soon!

See you all next week…………..thank you for having fun with some poetry along with me every week…………………………….It makes me HAPPY!

Love, Your Angel Poet Sammy

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!


Thank you Angel Sammy and thanks to all of you for tuning in on Thursdays.    Can’t wait to see what poetry you come up with for Sammy’s challenge next week!    Stay warm (or cold) as the case may be.

Hugs, Teddy



55 responses »

    • We had snow yesterday and we are thinking Spring got lost trying to find its’ way to all of us. I wonder if we all put up a sign saying “SPRING IS WELCOME HERE” it would find us more easily? We loved your poem today Phenny. You did a good job with the inspiration.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Teddy. Make sure you get plenty of rest till you’re in purrfect health again!

    I wish more humans were aware of the wonder of our world and that it needs protecting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Clowie we only have this one world to live in so we should take better care of it right? I know you agree……I am resting a lot. It is still a very big mystery what has happened to me but all I care about is that my Mom and Dad love me to bits and I am safe and warm.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Teddy. being in the doldrums is tough! You had te winter blues maybe. We can get the winter woes up here and actually peeps and pets get out of sorts so to speak. Time for some summy and warm weather.

    I don’t know how you and your mom do it but the poem is really great…..awesome even.



    • So happy you like the poem dear Shoko! Hope you are feeling better yourself – depression is tough and people think WE don’t suffer from it like THEY do but we do. We can’t have someone in our lives for a long time and NOT miss them. Hope you feel Kali there in your heart whenever you need her.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  3. Bravo bravo bravo Angel Sammy this poem truly defines the word AWESOME and is a purrfect title!!
    Thank you as always for finding the bestest photos to bring out our creative side.
    Teddy, We too are super duper thankful you are back to your gingerself…..two weeks seemed like FURever right?

    our poem is
    Hugs madi and mom your bfffs


  4. I am so thankful you are feeling better Teddy, not feeling well isn’t fun and always scares the peeps. That was a terrific poem too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  5. Teddy, I am beyond glad that you are feeling more like yourself. My mom was always quiet about the Admiral’s illness and when she mentioned it in Admiral’s bloggie, she tried to keep it so that it seemed not as bad. That was her, mom’s, denial. She took Admiral to the Vet weekly due to the several illnesses going on but didn’t write about it much. It hurts the mom’s and dad’s to say it many times I think. XXXoooXXX always to all of you. Teddy, finish getting all better!


    • Madi that is EXACTLY my Mom….EXACTLY. If you don’t talk about it – it doesn’t exist. LOL They are worried about me but we won’t make it a BIG THING. I am loved and that’s all that matters. Anyway, we sure did love your poem today – it was FABULOUS!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. We’re so happy you’re starting feeling better, Teddy! This sort of thing happened to a couple of my parents’ cats a while back. They became rather lethargic and not themselves, and they had to take an anti-inflammatory to get them back up and going. Purrs and prayers to you!

    Angel Sammy, your poem is, as always, so profound and true. Nature is such a beautiful thing, and we hope some of it can survive mankind.

    I really enjoyed writing a poem for this week’s photo, and I can’t wait to write another one for next week’s gorgeous photo. Happy Thursday!


    • Good to know that others have gone through this kind of thing because it’s a complete mystery to my doctor and my parents…..I might be slightly better but I’m still not right. I appreciate your purrs and prayers. I also appreciate as does Angel Sammy that you participate so wonderfully in our Poetic Thursday challenge. We loved your story so much and we look forward to seeing what you do with the tulips next week!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  7. What great news about you feeling better, Teddy. The best of news.

    I always love your poems. Angel Poet Sammy does the very best Poems.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥


  8. So happy you’re feeling better, T. Maybe you were sluggish because of your weight loss diet. Or maybe if you’re not on a weight loss diet, the THOUGHT of it slowed you down. Either way, I’m glad you’re on the road to being your perky self! xo

    Love and licks,


  9. Soo good to hear that you are feeling better, Teddy. We hope that whatever it is/was, it is on its way out the door for good.

    We loved your poem – as always!!! More peeps in our world need to slow down, take a look at the beauty of Mother Nature, and respect it.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Hello WOOOOOOOOOOs! I hope you didn’t go out and get muddy again – I know foot washing is NOT fun! Yes I feel a tiny bit better thank you so much…..I’m young and healthy so I won’t let ANYTHING keep me down. Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – seeing photos like that makes us realize what an incredible planet we live on and we need to take GOOD CARE of it.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy Bean


  10. ted o nator: dood….. we iz sorree ya hada caze oh de heebeez….ya ate BURD…..dinna ya….. 🙂

    did ya eat a bug ore sumthin maybe….sum times if ya …ewe noe…..hurl…..knot tryin
    ta bee grozz…but if ya hurl, even if itza hair ballz….ya feel better……heerz hopin yur
    bak ta yur ole self soon ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥

    sam o nator….this photoz awesum N sew is yur poem !! ☺☺♥♥

    we like thiz cave lotz
    therz noe batz hangin frum hi
    mouz burd wanna beez



    • Oh your haikus are ALWAYS fabulous! You all definitely have the knack for packing a pile of punch into few words. I’m sure Angel Sammy is happy that you liked his poem this week too. As for me – I am a tiny bit perkier this morning….we may never know what’s up but it could have been inoculation reaction. Not fun.

      Love and Thanks!!
      Hugs, Teddy


  11. APAWS…APAWS…APAWS! Once again, Sammy, you have created an inspiring and thought-provoking poem. We think our poems might be better if Mom didn’t wait until the last minute to write them. Anyhoo, as you know, Cooper Murphy wrote the poem this week, and we all like it, as it is about him and his BFF, you…the Bean. Here’s the link:
    Teddy, you know we are happy you are feeling a bit better, but until you are 100% again, you will remain in Mom’s prayers, and we will continue to send purrs and POTP. We all love you bunches! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I was SOOOOOOOO excited to see Coop’s poem this week with ME and HIM together having fun. That was a very cool thing to do – gave me a big BOOST. I am feeling the tiniest bit better this morning thanks. Thank you for pawticipating in Angel Sammy’s poetry challenge every week – you all NEVER disappoint!!! ❤

      Love, Teddy Bean


  12. Teddy, we’re SO glad you are feeling better. Maybe you had the kitty flu…or something like that. Sammy, another pawsome poem.


    • I’m happy that you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – he never lets me down……wonder what he will do with that tulip photo??? I’d like to tiptoe through the tulips right now myself!

      Hugs, Teddy


  13. We LOVE your poem! That cave is so beautiful. Mom says she would love to go and see that one (she is a bit f a cave buff) and I must say, those tulips are pawsome! Can you imagine the games we could play in them!?!?


    • Oh Marv that’s what I was thinking about those rows and rows of tulips…..wouldn’t that be tons of fun hiding in there???? Do you think we might find the Easter bunny? We thought that cave was the most FABULOUS one we’ve ever seen……great photo isn’t it?!!

      Love, Teddy


  14. EEKKK Teddy wee has no idea you were unwell…..mee iss sorry wee been late inn visitin. Mee an LadyMum are reelieved an fankfull you ARE better now. Mee iss still sednin POTP to you just inn case….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~
    Pee S: Mee iss fankfull fur yur furendship ❤
    Pee S S: Mee not feelin poe-etick so mee will try inn a week or two….


    • Hi Siddhartha – we didn’t talk much about my not being well but I really didn’t feel good at all for over a month – allergic reactions to shots are NO FUN!!!! I’m fine now though so no worries. Hope you feel poetic soon dear boy!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • EEKKK allergick ree-action iss NO fun! Mee had a ree-action frum thee 3 yeer Rabiesss shot…..when mee goess back inn 2020 mee onlee goin to have 1 yeer shot….
        So ree-lieved yur OK now Teddy! ❤


          • Mee-you Teddy that iss what started thee dee-bacle with LadyMum an Docktur Dave. He had given mee a Convenia shot an wanted to give mee Distemper shot an LadyMum refused bee-cause shee worried it wood mess mee uppy! Shee was RITE!! An thrown out of thee practice to standin uppy to the Vet….. **sighsss**


          • Oh yes my Mom remembers that incident with that doctor too. It’s brave to stand up to a doctor but necessary sometimes. We had no idea I would react to my shots – but we know how that I do so we can handle that in the future. It was a hard lesson to learn but no way to know ahead of time that I’d have such a hard time. I’m just happy my doctor and Mom knew what was wrong and took such good care of me until I recovered!!

            Love and Hugs, Teddy

            Liked by 1 person

  15. Glad you feel a bit better, Teddy, but we want you all better, OK?? One of our kitties in the past had bad reactions to vaccines, so we only evfur gave him one at a time spaced the others by about 2 weeks…you didn’t purrhaps get a tick bite that you didn’t see on you, and now you have Lyme disease? That can cause malaise like you have and lack of appetite. (Minko had that a long time ago before he got sick with his other troubles..) Sending lots and lots of POTP! And pawyers, too.


    • I am feeling about 100% BETTER now…….we (including my doc) feel it was vaccine reaction and I will no longer get TWO shots at the same time. It was touch and go…but now I’m ALL GO!

      Love, Teddy


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