Pre-Tease Monday


What Day Is It???????   Oh yeah – pre-Tease Monday!

It’s another cold and icky winter day too…..come in students – let the day begin!

Hurry Students – Time for Class to Begin!!

Happy Monday kids.   Hope you all had a good weekend.    Today we must buckle down and get ready for the BIG TEASE tomorrow so I hope you’re well rested and ready to hit the books!


Well not exactly HIT as in WHACK – we’re going to STUDY the books.   You want to be ready to make an educated guess tomorrow on the Teaser photo when you see it right?    Right!


Before we do that, let’s go over the rules for Teasers – same rules we have every week but just in case we have some newbies joining us, here’s how we do things around here on Teaser Tuesday when it comes to figuring out where the photo was taken:


You will have all day tomorrow to figure out where the photo was taken…………… take your time but remember, if you are FIRST to guess right you get a special badge.  In fact, if you are right but not first or even WRONG you still get a badge and we will award those on the TELL ALL post on Wednesday!

Also, if you are the very FIRST person to COMMENT on the blog tomorrow you will win something too – just remember that tomorrow’s blog post goes up at a SURPRISE time – it’s different every Tuesday so you won’t know when to be here – you’ll just have to be on your toes!   If you’re first this will be yours:

You know you want a badge to show off so be ready!

I can hardly wait Professors!!

Well I like to see excitement but you might be just a little bit WOUND UP there Buddy!!

Miss Dingleberry decided that for today’s pre-recess snack, she’d serve up some of her famous sub sandwiches.   I think it’s a great idea.    Her kitchen crew knows how to whip up a sub like nobody’s business.    After you have your snack you can go out for recess but bundle up – it’s cold enough to put some frost on some areas of your anatomy that you might not want icicles on!!

Yeah I’ve got that Valentine’s Day hairnet again….remember – no jokes!

Turkey Sub

Tuna sub

Steak and cheese sub

Deli meat sub

Hot chocolate bar


OOPS…..I think the snow is a little deep!

I’m bundled up for outside!

We’ll be warm too!


Remember – surprise time tomorrow!   By the way, Suzie has a surprise too!

Professor Angel Sam and Teddy


36 responses »

  1. I thought I was first here, but Phenny has beaten me!

    See you tomorrow. Give Miss Dingleberry my compliments, that steak and cheese sub was delicious.


  2. We’ll all have tuna subs, please. Those are our favorites. We always try hard to get the Teaser, but you know we have a mom who forgets to check in early. But we’ll be here. Sending love and hugs to all and healing purrs to Dad David. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  3. I will absolutely have that tuna sub, purrlease! I’m ready for one right now! Well wait, I have to make mommy play with me first, THEN I will be ready. Want to be able to leap! What can the surprise be?? And Susie has one too? Another new cheer maybe? I will BE here. Want to see the picture and want to get at that Sub. AND see what Suzie has for us. XXXXX


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