Sunday Selfies


Time for Sunday Selfies with Kitties Blue

Every Sunday we hop on board the Selfie Train hosted by our good friends at The Cat On My Head………..the Kitties Blue.    It’s a great way to strut your stuff on a Sunday – if you’d like to join in the fun, click their badge and add your link and you’ll be hopping in no time.

Mom did the Lunapic thing this week AGAIN (she’s hooked – what can I say?) and jazzed my photo up a bit.   I should tell you right up front though that this is an OLD photo of me hitting the water fountain in the guest bathroom.   For one thing, I was a LOT smaller when this photo was taken.   I now take up a great deal of that counter and have to sit on the SIDE of the sink, not on the narrow EDGE like I am in this old photo!    This photo was taken in May of last year and I was adopted in February so only had been in my FOREVER HOME three months!   I had lots of growing to do and of course I’ve done that.

Here is the “before” photo:

And here’s the Lunapic version:

Thanks Mom for making me “ARTSY” for Sunday Selfies!    If you all think this photo makes my rear end look big you should see it now………..HAHAHAHA

Big Selfie Hugs, Teddy

53 responses »

  1. Wow, that effect really made your colours so vivid! I love that basin selfie, and have to say I hadn’t noticed that you grown so. At least it isn’t like the humans do after pizza and wine MOL, Just all natural you.
    Toodle pips


    • I think that was the Gauguin filter she used but I wasn’t paying attention when she was playing around with my photo. DUH. I have other things to do like look out the window and make sure there are no invading space creatures. Hope you and CH are having a wonderful Sunday…..WITH BREAKFAST!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Pingback: The Fifth Annual Contest Of Whatever! | Evil Squirrel's Nest

  3. Lookin furabuluss Teddy! Lunapic sure has kewl effectss don’t they???? Let’ss Lady Pam get all ‘artsy fartsy’ rite???? Mew mew mew…..
    Sorry mee missed so many of yur bloggiess; it was a ruff few weekss. Pawss crossed this week iss quieter!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Teddy, you do look quite small in this photo. You hadn’t even grown into your paws yet. We like the effect Mom Pam added with its vibrant colors. Thanks for hopping on over to see us. Sending lots of love to you, Mom Pam and Dad David. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  5. Another great artsy effect, Teddy. And as for your rear end, it is just good evidence that you are a very manly mancat!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    Liked by 1 person

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