Bakin’ in Baconia


It is I – your King of Baconia – King Teddy

and we’re bakin’ with bacon this morning!

Who says a King can’t cook right?   Right!    I invade the castle kitchen every single Saturday morning to bring you some fun stuff made with bacon in mind because we all are – after all – BACONIANS!

Today I have an EASY EASY EASY recipe but it’s quick and tasty and my Dad LOVES these for breakfast.    Ready??

I’m waiting to sample what you’re making King Teddy!


King Teddy’s Easy Bacon/Egg/Toast Cups


One muffin tin – doesn’t matter if it’s a six or twelve or more size – however many of these eggs you want to make!   My Mom uses a 6-muffin size tin – five for Dad and one for her (!!!!!).


However many eggs you want to cook

However much bacon you want to use but at least one strip per egg cup

One slice of bread for each egg cup you’re making

How To Make them:

Preheat your oven to 400.   Butter the inside of the muffin tins.    Cut the crusts off your bread and roughly fashion into a “sort of” circle and tuck a slice of bread into each muffin tin fitting it to the cup snugly.   Put the tin with bread into the oven and let it toast in the 400 degree oven about 5 minutes until lightly browned.    Cook bacon until it’s cooked but still “pliable” and drain.   Turn oven down to 350.    Take a piece of bacon and wrap around the interior of each muffin cup…….then crack an egg into the “cup” – you can top with a little cheese if you want to.    Bake in oven about 15 minutes or until the whites are set.

They will just pop right out of the muffin tins onto the plate – You can use a fork or spoon to take them out…….!

Your family will think the bacon fairy granted their wish – these are easy and delicious!

So you just can’t get much easier than this so give it a try.    I will also tell you that Mom makes these sometimes NOT using the toast – she will line the muffin tin cups with a slice of ham then add the egg, cheese and bake.   Interesting but with the bread it really is fabulous to have everything inside a crusty bit of bread.


Happy Saturday from the kitchen of Castle Baconia!

Baking is exhausting – I shall now retire to my chair for a snoozer…….

With Kingly Hugs, King Teddy


On a sad note………….

Before we leave we want to say a final farewell to yet another friend………..Mr. Buttons, from the family of Timmy Tomcat – has taken his final trip to join all the other Angels we all know and love and miss.    He had kidney disease and fought a hard fight to stay with his big kitty family and his Dad.    If you haven’t left a message for them, you can visit them HERE to leave one.   Farewell Mr. Buttons.

Graphic by Ann of Zoolatry

50 responses »

  1. Those little bread, egg, and bacon cups sound amazingly good. It is very close to breakfast here but there is no bacon… dang. I think potato cakes are on the menu when CH wakes up but that is probably an hour and a half away and I have a rumbly tummy! I am so sorry about Mr. Buttons, I didn’t know him but always sad to see a loved kitty/pet go over the bridge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Those little cup things are delicious – if you have any deli ham you can use IT instead of bacon !! In fact, sometimes Mom uses deli ham as the “cup” with no toast and puts the egg in the ham! Hope you got some ‘tater pancakes when CH got up – that sounds soooooooooooooooooo delicious too!

      Love, Teddy


    • It’s SOOOOOOOOOOO easy to make and SOOOOOOOOOOOO good for egg (and bacon) lovers! Mom does put a bit of cheese on top but that’s not at all necessary! Hope your favorite brothers AND your Mom love it and that you get some BACON!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. I was very sad to hear about Mr. Buttons, his Dad sure tried to make him feel better. That looks like a good recipe, but 5 more Dad and 1 for Mom is not fair- it should be 1 for each of your folks and 4 for Teddy 🙂 XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA….if I would eat an egg Mom would give me four that’s for sure!!!! I do get bacon though whenever Mom uses it in a recipe! We were ever so sad about sweet and brave Mr. Buttons too………

      Love, Teddy


    • Mr. Buttons fought a good fight…..kidney disease and thyroid problems are a toughie but he was EVER so brave. He’s now feeling like a kitten again at the Bridge……which makes us happy. Glad you like our bacon recipes on Saturday!!!!

      Hugs Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Teddy, you are the bacon king!
        I’m so sorry that Mr. Buttons has such chronic health issues. Mr. M had chronic problems with UTIs until we started doctoring the water in his fountain.

        I once heard a quote (think C. S. Lewis said it) “I don’t have a soul, I am a soul that has a body.” Assuming this is true, Mr. Buttons and all the others who have gone over the rainbow, have returned to their real existence, where they can be guardian angels for the rest of us.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh Miss Jeanne that is a wonderful quote about souls…..I think Mr. Lewis was right too because I DO feel the presence of my guardian angels, especially Sammy. I think Mr. Buttons will always watch out for his big kitty family and their very pawsome Dad. We hope you have a restful and happy Sunday!

          Love, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Teddy, we hope you have a fabulous Sunday, too. BTW, my own mother died after a 3 year battle with cancer when I was 9. That was the day I felt that she had turned into my personal guardian angel, so I’ve had this opinion about souls for years and years.
            Love, Jeanne


          • So sorry you lost your Mom so early in your life….My Mom says her Dad who passed away in 1993 is her Guardian Angel but she “feels” many others helping her and always has. Everyone needs a little inspiration, guidance, comfort and Guardian Angels are ALWAYS there for us!

            Love, Teddy

            Liked by 1 person

    • Summer that’s FABULOUS!!!!! Just FABULOUS!!!! Congratulations on getting such a delish treat – have fun at the show if that’s where you are. By the way I’m getting your weekly blog summary now – thanks for signing us up!

      Love, Teddy


  3. Teddy guess what we have discovered recently…I, Madi, love hard boiled eggs. Yep the white and the yoke. When mom makes potato salad I prance at her feets until she gives me a taste

    Hey good buddy we hope you will send a photo for the CCC2018. We already have one fine looking man in attendance. Mom we see that you are dressed appropriately aka not in a dress. MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • I intend to send in a photo for sure…….Mom is going to try to get a photo of me sitting which is tough since I mostly LIE ON THE FLOOR!!!!! I might look cute in a dress but I’d prefer to wear something MANLY purrrrrlease!

      Love, Teddy


    • Very sad about Mr. Buttons……..kidney failure and hyperthyroid all rolled into one made him just not feel well for a long time. His Dad did everything he could to make Mr. B’s life as comfy as could be…….but I think Mr. Buttons was ready for his wing.

      Love, Teddy


  4. Our human BIL made something like that this week with sausages. We are going to share your yummy recipe with him as we know he and his whole family LOVE bacon!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Oh sausages – yum. Bacon or ham works best but Mom says with a “toast” base and an egg in the middle ANYTHING you add to it would be delicious – I think she might be right!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well dear Seville, I’m not sure you CAN make something this delicious without some bacon – although Mom makes them with ham sometimes but ham is a cousin of bacon so not sure you’d find any of that in your refrigerator either! Time for a strike I think!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Now that sounds like an easy peasy recipe Mom should try to make. Sounds yummy. Teddy, we always love seeing you in your baker’s outfit. You are just so cute. It is so sad about Mr. Buttons. We will feature him on our selfies post tomorrow. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Well it is an easy recipe which means it’s one my Mom makes lots. This is the first time we will do it with toast though – usually it’s bacon in the muffin tin wrapped around with the egg plopped in the middle and a bit of cheese on top. Less messy with the toast “cup” we’re sure!!! Yes, Mr. Buttons is now an angel along with SOOOOOOOOOOO many others of our friends and family. We sure have a lot of Angels watching out for us now…..

      Love, Teddy


    • They are so extra specially good……Mom and I remembered after she posted that recipe that we’ve shared it before but not sure when. It’s just such an easy peasy and yummy thing to have for breakfast. Cinni was lucky to get her very OWN bacon/egg muffin! I hope you got some bacon Marv???

      Love, Teddy


  6. Petcretary used to make things like that, using biscuits from a pup open tube. So yummy!
    Sometimes she wishes she were not on this new eating regime they do nowadays. (Since 2014…semi paleo, non processed food, fresh meat, fish, veggies and fruit…but trust me, its not weight loss, its maintenance of the previous losses, MOL!)


    • Well my Mom probably should be on a diet but like me – she loves all the bad stuff so much she can’t stop……….she says “I’m 70 and never thought I’d get this old” so she’s sort of like “damn the torpedoes full speed ahead” with the bacon and desserts. She doesn’t gain weight though for some weird reason. Maybe just “dumb luck” ??!!


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