Bakin’ with Bacon in Baconia


I May Be King, But I’m Also Head Baker!

Seems our fabulous Chef here in Baconia is not fond of baking – he loves all his other specialties (and so do we!) but baking is not his fave SOOOOOOO, I told him that I would happily take over baking chores even though I am the KING!

First I thought I’d make a Chocolate Bacon Bomb Pie – just the name sounds like something we should all try at least once right?   Bacon and chocolate are a good combo!

Chocolate Bacon Bomb Pie

  • 3 cups pretzel twists (you can use whatever pretzels you have, I used twists)
  • 2/3 cup sugar, divided
  • 1 stick of butter, divided
  • 1 package Fudge Stripes Dark Chocolate Cookies from Keebler (11.5 oz)
  • 12 oz package of bacon, cooked and diced (1/4 cup reserved)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 TBSP vinegar
  • 1 TBSP flour
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  1. Preheat your oven to 350.
  2. Crush your pretzels and in a large bowl combine them and 1/3 cup melted butter and 1/3 cup sugar.  Mix to combine.
  3. Press the pretzel mixture into a pie plate and bake for five minutes.
  4. In the same large bowl (no need to clean it out) crush your chocolate cookies.  Now add the remainder of the butter (melted), the bacon (remember to save 1/4 a cup), eggs, the remainder of the sugar, vinegar, and flour and mix well.
  5. Gently pour the mixture into your pie crust.
  6. Top with the remaining bacon and the chocolate chips.
  7. Pour the sweetened condensed milk over it and bake for 35 minutes or until the edges of the pie begin to turn golden brown.

Alright – so that’s kind of a complicated recipe but doesn’t it sound NOMMY?????

Every Saturday I will share a recipe with you Baconians………………how’s that for a SHARING and CARING King?

Thanks boss…..that’s a load off my mind!

I think we deserve a few laughs now don’t you?    Some of our favorite giggles!!

And since Tuesday is Halloween (even here in Baconia!)

 I thought you’d like to see my Halloween outfit!  

Think this will scare all the little ghosties

who stop by my throne room for TRICK or TREAT???

Have a snack before you go????

A little BRAIN food perhaps?

YUM….FINGER sandwiches!

Spidery DEVILED eggs?

Don’t put your hands in the punch…oops….looks like somebody already did!


Happy Bacon-Ween everyone!

Where’s the door to the throne room???

Bites and Hugs, King Teddy

46 responses »

  1. I will be honest – I don’t care much about the chocolate part (I’ll leave that to my human!) but the bacon…

    I’m at a cat show today but it’s local. They do have food onsite… maybe there will be breakfast, and somebody will have leftover bacon I can score! A kitty can always wish, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer, every time you go to a show I hope that you will score a bit of bacon as a special treat! Seems hotels have decided bacon is NOT something most of their guests want to eat – THEY ARE WRONG! LOL

      Love, Teddy (good luck!)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed this so much this morning Teddy that I will share it with my family members. And that PIE! My mom said that was ambrosia if she ever saw it. You looked scary as can be for the kidlets coming to the house. I think the kids will be pleasantly scared. And that cartoon with a microwaved bacon strip made my mom laugh out loud as did the strip one! Good meowning Teddy!


    • Hi Katie! Doesn’t that pie look AMAZING? Has everything including the kitchen sink in it so how could it NOT be yummy right? I probably will be so excited to see the kids next Tuesday that I won’t try to scare anyone – besides, I’m just a big lovebug – Mom says she will have to make sure I don’t walk out the door and follow the trick or treaters!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh I believe this cake would be one of those things that you can just LOOK at (or SNIFF) and gain five pounds. I’m sure I will be forbidden from having any since I’m somewhat ROUND in size!

      Love, Teddy


  3. King Teddy, you scared the furs off of us with your Halloween outfit. That recipe sounds delicious! We hope our mom will make it for us. Sounds like about 2,000 calories for each piece. We had no idea you were a master baker, Teddy. Mau would like to know if you would like to work for him in his Cat Scout Bake shop We are super excited you will be sharing a recipe each week. Hope you got some bacon today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • I did get some bacon today and I also had no idea that I could bake but the Chef in the Castle at Baconia just seems overwhelmed so I thought I’d take a whack at it – turns out I have a knack for it! They will all be bacon-related baked goods though and if Master Baker Mauricio ever wants me to bring my a basket of bacon baked goods for him to FLOG in his shop, I’ll gladly deliver. That recipe I shared today looks like it has at least 2,000 calories per piece (or maybe if you just LOOK at it!!!!!)…….and no doubt at my SIZE, Mom wouldn’t let me have even a sniff of it.

      Happy Caturday!
      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Eek! You scared me today, Teddy. I like bacon and I love chocolate, but I am not sure about both together. You would have liked it in Ireland. We had a full Irish breakfast every day and that means bacon EVERY day! Diet time now!


    • Oh I know that Irish bacon is super delicious too – my Mom says she remembers the full Irish breakfasts…………she also remembers how delish British bacon is……….streaky bacon……yum!!!!!! Sorry I scared you Miss Jackie…………..but it’s that time of year you know!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Bacon Bomb – sounds delicious. Hopefully Mom will slip us some bacon since we can’t have chocolate – oh, wait, first we have to get her to agree to make it:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  6. That actually looks much better than the bacon costume we sell at Mecca. There isn’t a very wide selection of costumes for grown men for some reason, but the lame strip of bacon is one that turns up every year… always with the same dorky guy modeling it on the label.


  7. That Bacon and chocolate pie looks pretty nummie baker Teddy! and so do the treats…Mommy says I should stay away from the finger sandwiches — she does not want me to get any ideas!!!!
    Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
    Happy Bacon Day!


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