

The Angels called and he heard their song of welcome…..

My very good and very sweet friend Sharon of Friends Furever said the long goodbye to her husband Bill yesterday.   He’d been hospitalized for two months and had been on the ventilator for a long time – the doctors did all they could but Bill’s struggle to overcome was not enough to keep him here.   He passed into the arms of the Lord yesterday afternoon after the vent was removed.

I know Sharon would appreciate your words of comfort……..and thanks to Ann Adamus we have a beautiful badge to honor the love Bill and Sharon shared for so long………you can click on it and visit Sharon’s blog if you like.   Sharon was so brave……their love will live on in her heart forever………..that’s what love is – FOREVER.


This is our regular Friday post………even though we have broken hearts…..

Fill In The Blanks

Here I am!  Today is Friendly Fill-In Friday………..Friendly Fill-Ins co-hosted by McGuffys’ Reader and 15andMeowing.    Each week we have FOUR sentences with blanks and we fill them in and SHARE.    You’d be surprised what you learn about people this way and it’s a lot of fun too.    If you click on the badge above, it goes to McGuffy’s and you can use her Linky Tool to add your blog address in if you’re going to “fill-in” and share……………

This week I’m letting my Mom do the filling in………….the sentences seem to be more “human-friendly” than kitty friendly so TAKE IT AWAY MOM (her fill ins are in BLUE!).

1. I have broken NO bones.  (I’ll qualify that answer….no bones broken officially although I’m sure smacking my bare feet against HARD furniture legs has resulted in some broken baby toes through my many years!)
2. When I go out to breakfast, I order something I don’t often make at home – like Biscuits and Sausage Gravy.
3. As Summer officially comes to an end,  I will miss the view out my office window with all the trees in full leaf mode but Fall brings all the gorgeous colors so I don’t REALLY mind!

4. Before this year is over, I really need to  clean out my closet – yet again – that’s usually EASIEST to do after Christmas when Santa has brought me lots of new things!.


OK MOM!   Well done………………………..maybe next week I’ll take a whack at filling in.

Now I think I’ll let you in on some little not so secret secrets as a result of my vet visit last week.    You see, Mom and Dad are going away for a few days next month and I’ll be staying in the kennel where Angel Sammy used to stay when Mom and Dad went somewhere………He loved the place – and they adored him too.   I hope they adore me!    Anyway, I had to have a shot that they require so Mom packed me off to the vet.   While I was there the tech weighed me, took my temperature, checked my teefs and ears and found everything to be in order except deep in my ears she saw GUNK.   So she got out the dreaded LONG q-tip and got out a lot of stuff which Mom was astounded to see.    I was very good – I did squeak a couple of times though.   Then my doc came in and the tech told him about my ears – he put some instrument in there and said that there was still more and that they should take me to the other room (eeeeek) and work on my ears.   I suppose the other room meant I might scream and they didn’t want Mom to worry????    He also told my Mom that – well – er – um – ……….. that I MIGHT be getting a teensy bit too BIG.   I weigh 16.8 lbs.  already and I’m not going to be 2 until March.   Uhoh.   Well they carted me off to that “OTHER ROOM” and finally when I got back, the doc said I had a yeast infection in my ears and gave Mom some drops for them.   I HATE THE DROPS IN MY EARS!    Anyway, I have to go back in 4 weeks for ear re-check and they will also do my blood work again to check my lymphocytes AGAIN.    My first two checks I was in “HIGH NORMAL” range and my doc would like me to be in “NORMAL NORMAL” range.   Maybe my ear infection had something to do with that?????

So, of course now my Dad is calling me CHUBBY, BUTTER BEAN, and I even heard him call me FATSO once but Mom smacked his arm when he said that so I hope he won’t call me THAT again.    Mom says I’m big-boned.   I kind of like that one.    YAY MOM!    I can only have one cup of dry food a day.   Mom used to leave a bowl for me to graze in but no more.  ONE CUP A DAY PERIOD.    I’m ok with that actually.    She’s also increased my “heavy exercise” time with lots of laser chase which really makes me run like the wind all over the house – up and down stairs and definitely gets me moving.

I bet before long Dad will be calling me SLIM or instead of BUTTER BEAN maybe STRING BEAN?????!!!!!

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ with it!!

Hugs, Soon To Be Slim Teddy!

I just have big bones Mom!

68 responses »

  1. It is fabulous to be a big boy ;O))) trust me… I’m a small thing and it is hard to become the boss when you are small… and a bacon king has to look a little bigger, right?
    we are very sad for sharon raz an allie… we hoped so much for a miracle… but…


    • Everyone hoped for a miracle for Mr. Bill…..his lungs just were so very tired and could no longer do the work of breathing for him – we know he’s resting on a cloud now in Heaven. Yes, I’m afraid I’m just a bit TOO big. My doctor didn’t say I was WAY TOO BIG….just a little….so maybe this starvation/exercise thing Mom’s doing with me won’t last forever!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. In no time you’ll be Tiny Teddy with all that exercise. We hope your ear infection goes away fast. It took me a month to get my closet cleaned. Threw out the old so I could get new.
    Our hearts sunk when we heard about Bill. 💔


    • Bill is at rest finally….and in a way so is Sharon – this has been a difficult few months for her. Yep – I’m a super duper fatty boy and while I’m INSISTING I’m just a big cat, Mom has begun a heavy duty exercise regimen for me with the magic laser dot AND cut back my foodables. I guess I’ll go along on this program – at least for a while!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Teddy be thankful you get one entire cup. I get 1/4 cup in the morning and 1/4 cup in the evening for a grand total of 1/2 cup of food a day. Siblings are good for exercise, we play THoE and other games that have helped me slim down so your laser dot is a good idea on your Mom’s part. ~Scylla

    PeeS: we are all very sad about Dad Bill.


    • Hi Scylla…..I bet if Angel Sammy visited me in purrrrrson instead of in my dreams, we could chase each other all over the house and I’d be thin in no time! A half cup of food isn’t much for sure……at least I’m getting a cup – Mom is thinking of making it a dup of DIET food but since I’m just a bit PICKY about what I eat, that ought to be a challenge for her! I HATE wet food and only like dry stuff – right now I get Fancy Feast but I have this funny feeling it’s gonna be NOT THAT GOOD if she switches to diet. WHAAAAAAA……..I guess I’m just gonna whine now thank you!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Aw, we are so furry sorry about Mr. Bill. We’ll be sure to visit Miss Sharon’s blog and leave our sympathy.
    Great answer to the fill-ins, Miss Pam! Yes, Motor Mommy broke her big toe once when she stubbed it on the vacuum cleaner; it turned all shades of blue and purple!
    As for you, Mr. Teddy Bear….we’re hoping that your ear infection will be all gone and your blood work will be good! Sounds like your mom is really working on helping you….ahem….”reduce” just a little! But we thinking you’re just big boned too! By the way, Motor Man USED to be very slim, and his nick name was “String Bean”. He says he woke up one morning and was FAT.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Yep – your Motor Dad is right – I was skinny and one morning WHAM BAM I was Butter Bean! Mom is whipping me into shape though thanks to that laser dot thingie – I am like a madman chasing it up and down the stairs and all around the house. I’ll be STRING BEAN before you know it like your Dad used to be called!!

      Hugs, Teddy the BEAN


  5. That is very bad news and I hope Sharon will be okay. As far as the kennel people go, I’m sure they will love all sixteen pounds of you. A little secret, my Chris just weighed in at just shy of 18 pounds. I have been trying to keep his kibble to a minimum but it seems I have to lower the minimum.


    • Thanks for telling me about Chris – maybe gingers are just BIG???? LOL I really think the exercise program will work for Ted. He goes outside 2-3 times a day for a walk but that’s not really WORKING – I think running him up and down the stairs and all around the house with the “red dot” will help a lot. So far he’s not objecting to the cup of food a day vs. “grazing” when he wants. Hopefully THAT will last!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kibble is fattening and grazing is the worst. I would eliminate the kibble but Chris won’t eat the wet food I give m. He eats a little of it but not enough to sustain life. I tried depriving him of kibble but he still didn’t eat much wet food.


  6. Angel Sammy and Teddy and Mom we were so sad to learn Cat Daddy Bill passed. He was very much a loved and cherished husband, Cat daddy and Friend.

    Ok Teddy aka Butter Bean I have the answer to your teeny weenie weight gain….it is the YEAST. Everybuddy knows yeast expands when damp and I bet dollars to donuts your extra poundage is in your ears..Just my professional opinion…and I won’t charge you for the diagnosis. I’ve had eye drops before but never ear drops. I bet they tickle going in
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Madi you’ve CRACKED IT! Yes Mystery Maven Madi has figured out why I weigh so much and of course it must be the yeast! If I get rid of the infection, I will not be so heavy and I can go back to eating whatever and whenever I please……oh I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO relived you figured this out!

      We are very VERY sad about Mr. Bill and hope that Miss Sharon will feel all the love we’re all sending to her………

      Love, Teddy


  7. Our Sneaky Pie is a big mancat, for real, all over. He nearly fainted at the one cup of kibble a day! Eeeewwwww ear infections! Our Mumsy gets those – they are no fun. Hey, this is beautiful for what you did here for Mr. Bill. We kept hoping, and purring and praying, well, you know. We just feel so bad for Sharon. Its just so hard when someone you are so close to goes to Heaven. Well, hey, hugs and love to you with kitty kisses. You guys take care!


    • I know there are a lot of us FULL FIGURED kittes out here – I’ve told myself I’m just a BIG BONED BOY but my vet seems to think otherwise and he’s the BOSS! I’ll get along on a cup a day instead of free-grazing but it won’t be pretty I can guarantee that! HAHAHAHA We too had hoped Mr. Bill could get his lungs to take back the load but they were just too damaged we think. He sure fought to stay…..and both he and Miss Sharon were EVER so brave.

      Have a good weekend!
      Love, Teddy


  8. My heart is broken for poor Sharon. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers , as always. I am amazed you have never broken bones. Cleaning out my closet is the toughest because I have different sizes hoping to fit in them again.I am sorry poor Teddy had to get his ears thoroughly cleaned, poor guy. And drops are no fun either. I think you are the purrfect weight Teddy, but I guess the vet is the expert. XO


    • I’m rather amazed I’ve never broken a bone too – I’ve had other “disasters” but no broken bones officially. I did used to walk around barefoot a lot when I lived in Florida and was always (clumsy me) banging my feet into table legs, chair legs, etc. and I’m SURE I’ve broken my little toe…..but they can’t do much for that anyway so I never was told I’d broken a toe. I’m famous for being clumsy so it’s a total miracle believe me!!!

      love, Pam


  9. Your post made me very teary. My heart goes out to Sharon. I added the badge, after I read about Bill’s passing. Bill’s favourite is biscuits & gravy, and yes, it has to be sausage gravy! There is a diner her that used to be run by a retired NY cabbie. He made the best! He retired and moved and the sisters who bought it continue as he ran it. Enjoy that Autumn view! Take care of You. HUGS!


    • That’s right! That’s what humans call a rich dood – Fat Cat. Gosh – I think I’ll tell my Mom if Dad wants to call me FAT CAT he will have to fork over a big pile of CASH into my PIGGY BANK.

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. So very sad that Dad Bill have to leave for heaven yesterday. He gave it a good fight but was unable to get better and come home. My heart is so sad for Raz, Allie, and Mom Sharon. I now pray that Mom Sharon will have the strength to go forward without her loving Bill.


    • We all are praying that God gives Sharon the strength she needs…..even when you think you’re prepared you never really ARE. The loss must be tremendous – they were so very close.

      Love, Pam and Teddy too


    • Thank you Lola….I’m gonna try to withstand those horrid ear drops to get rid of this infection that’s for sure! We are heartbroken too for our friends……we hope they find some peace knowing that Mr. Bill is no longer struggling and is at rest.

      Love, Teddy


  11. Ugh, bummer about the ear drops and diet, Teddy. I hope that yeast infection goes away and stays away. Not much you can do about the food thing! We are very strictly portion controlled here. Binga is skinny because at her age she doesn’t metabolize food like she used to, and she’s the only one who can eat as much as she wants.

    We too are very, very sad about Bill.


    • I’m determined to become a STRING BEAN instead of a BUTTER BEAN so I’m exercising more AND eating less. I’m getting lots of extra hugs too for being a good boy about all of this (other than the ear drops of course which I HATE!).

      Love, Teddy


  12. We too were very sad to hear about Daddy Bill. He fought long and hard and now he is at peace. We hold Sharon deeply in our thoughts and hearts and prayers and hope that the memories she has of a beautiful life together will help to heal her broken heart.

    We hope all the High numbers are due to the infection, Teddy, and will return to normal soon. We sympathize with you on those drops – not to our liking either.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • We are praying that Miss Sharon can find some peace in the coming days just knowing her Mr. Bill is at rest finally after such a long struggle. They made a lot of great memories and they will help I’m sure!

      Mom and Dad hope the ear infection caused the “high normal” on my blood work…..we’ll find out in October. THANKS FOR THE GOOD THOUGHTS!!

      Love, Teddy


    • I hope I get a better report from my doctor next visit. My Mom says she thinks maybe my blood panel (high normal lymphocytes) MIGHT have had something to do with my ear infection… hopefully the ear infection will be GONE and the blood will look fine and she can stop worrying about me!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement.

      The whole blogosphere is heart broken about Mr. Bill………he tried SO HARD to stay but after two months, he just used up all his strength. He is at rest now…..and we know Miss Sharon’s heart is broken. Hoping time will heal it.

      Love, Teddy


    • I wish our doctor had thought Ted was just a BIG BOY but apparently his frame is not BIG enough to support the weight SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we’re on a diet (well, he is – – – I probably should be too!) and I’m giving him a real workout every morning with 15 minutes of “red dot” up and down the stairs and all around the house. He loves that anyway but now he has MORE of it and that ought to get him in better shape. The things Moms have to do – right?? Yes, we too have broken hearts over Bill’s passing and know that Sharon’s heart is broken….we do hope that it heals over time and with help from her friends and family……..

      Love, Pam


  13. That is a lovely tribute for Bill. My heart breaks for Sharon. Like everyone, I had hoped all the purrs and prayers would help him pull through.
    You are getting to be a big boy, Teddy! Don’t worry though, you have a long way to catch up with Eric. When he was his errr chubbiest he was 23 pounds.
    Your mom is lucky to not have broken any bones. I think I am a walking disaster sometimes! I have broken my left ankle (straightforward) my right leg (two bones in 7 places) my left wrist, and fractured my skull (not as serious as it sounds, a hairline fracture). Oh and I almost forgot my big toe!


    • Yikes Miss Jackie! You have had a lot of broken bones….my Mom can’t believe she hasn’t because she is VERY CLUMSY (she’s had some bad falls but NEVER broken a bone!). She usually has at least TWO bruises on her somewhere! Yep – I’m thinking that I could certainly be a lot bigger than I am but my doc says I’m heading down an unhealthy road so I’m on rations now. I’m cooperating so far with the new plan – including more exercise…..let’s hope when I go back to the vet he says I’ve at least lost a little bit!

      We are so heartbroken about Mr. Bill but we also know that God calls all of us “home” when it’s time and it must have been Mr. Bill’s time. We hope Miss Sharon and the kitties can feel him with them always though……..

      Love, Teddy


  14. We feel so sad for Sharon, Raz and Allie. They stood by Bill and we all sent love purrs and prayers but God calls the best people home the reasons why we find a mystery but accept with heavy hearts. Thank You for your words
    On a lighter note we thank you Teddy and Angel Sammy (Hope your friends liked the brown bags we sent up with you) for helping us celebrate Einsteins Birthday. He was sooo happy you both came.
    Timmy, Einstein and Family


    • Angel Sammy said he just couldn’t believe Einstein turned FOUR. He remembers when your Daddy saved the little tiny boy in the middle of winter…..brought him inside and warmed him up and gave him the BEST name ever……and talk about a “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” !!!! Anyway, we are with you about how sad it is Mr. Bill had to go to Heaven – he really did try to stay and try to get better but God needed him for other work. You’re right – we have to accept these things as they happen because it’s part of God’s plan but sometimes we just have to wonder why.

      Have a super weekend (with bacon!).
      Love, Teddy


  15. Dear Mr Teddy and Mommy
    We, my Mommy and I, Marvelous, are so very sad to hear about Ms Allie and Mr Raz’s pawpy Bill! He has been fighting so furry hard. We know that Ellie, Cubby and Clifford as well as all the other before animals were there to greet him.
    And I must say, Teddy’s Mommy, I LOVED your answers to the fill-in. And Teddy, I am sorry about your ears! Especially the ear drops! And You don’t look extra large to me…you look extra luscious! My Mommy tells me I too have gained weight since I moved to Canada. But Mommy says I was too skinny. Now I am looking sassy!


    • I Marv! I think you not only look GREAT but you look HAPPY and both of those make us know that the bestest thing in the whole world was when you moved to Canada to be with your new Mommy in your FOREVER HOME! We are very sad about Mr. Bill too – he tried so hard to stay but God needed him to come to Heaven. I know that he will watch over Miss Sharon and the kitties always….. Thanks for your comments too Marv about my weight – Mom loves me just the way I am but my doctor doesn’t think I “should” weigh as much as I do. I guess he knows his stuff so I’m working hard with more exercising and less foodables so hopefully when I have my next checkup I’ll make him SMILE!

      Love and Huge Hugs, Teddy


  16. We were so sad about Mr Bill. We uphold Muiss Sharaon and her furmily in our hearts and prayers.

    Teddy, you are a portly dude! Pipo used to be sort of getting to be that way, too…so he too went on a rationed feeding regime, a grain free food…with lots of ‘strenuous’ playtime, and now he is about 12 pounds…which fur a meezer is still a bit large, but whatevfur! MOL!
    We love you no matter what size you are:)


  17. So incredibly sad for Sharon. I can’t even imagine. I left a comment on Sharon’s FB yesterday morning. Two beautiful badges honoring Bill and Sharon’s love.
    I enjoyed your Fill-ins! Biscuits and gravy sound wonderful. I still love the name Butter Bean for you Teddy!


    • We get a LOT of leaves here being surrounded by trees -it’s a lot of work keeping them OFF the lawn in the fall but Mom and Dad are still enjoying that…..Mom says she thinks they are getting to the point where they will have someone ELSE do that for them – maybe in the next couple of years – it’s hard work for the 2-3 months that the leaves keep coming down! The colors are so gorgeous….

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Hello honey’s. I’m sorry to know your friend has passed away. What a hard decision for his wife Sharon, arms around you all x
    Poor Teddy, you’ve had to endure the long Q-tip and…worse. I don’t think I want to know how the go deep in there. Blossum is big-boned too. I love her too much and never want her to cry, I think she’s figured that out and every time I’m in the Kitchen, so is she 😀 I must get tougher. Good job Pammy to help Teddy be the best he can be. We’ll try too xoxo Boomdee


    • Hi Boomdee! Teddy seems to be enjoying his increased exercise and hasn’t complained AT ALL about less food. He’s just the dearest little guy ever. It hurts me knowing he had an ear infection but hopefully the meds are working to clear that up but he sure hates getting those ear drops! We’re also hoping his next blood panel shows everything to be good – he means the world to us like your sweet kitty-girls mean the world to you…..

      We love you!
      Pam and Teddy too


  19. That was a beautiful tribute to Dad Bill. It is such a sad time right now. Teddy, you know you are in good company with Cooper Murphy. Wonder if the third gingersnap, Chip is “Big-boned” as well? Seems the three of you better start working out at CSU. We are praying that you get that yeast infection cleared up pronto and you get your lymphocytes in the NORMAL NORMAL range. Sending love and hugs to all. Looks like a gorgeous day for some outside walks. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Angel Sammy did an exercise class in the Track and Field Group the other day for chubbies (!) but since we can’t let everyone know about the post until Denmaster fixes that option I think things will be QUIET around that Group and so many others for a long time to come. I’m hoping my ear drops will work too…AND that maybe that was the problem with my lymphocytes being high normal. Guess we’ll find out soon! I’ve already her one nice long walk – hoping for more!!

      Love, Teddy


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