Tag Archives: cat on diet

Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Time for some filling in sentence fun.    This is a great blog hop co-hosted by two of our friends…………Miss Annie at McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing.    All you do is fill in the blanks in the four sentences these ladies give us Hoppers every Friday – easy right?   It sure is, and if you visit all the Hoppers, you learn all kinds of stuff about each other from what they fill those blanks in WITH.   Yep – trust me.    Want to play along?    Click the badge above and go to McGuffy’s and LINK UP!

This week I decided that I – Teddy the Tiger – can fill in the blanks all by myself instead of letting Mom do them.    My fill-ins are in RED!

1. My favorite president is the president of whatever company owns the company that makes my cat food because I like my foodables a lot!.

2. This weekend, I have plans to sleep, eat, and play – not necessarily in that order.

3. I love my life, and my Mom and Dad.

4. I believe that it will be hard for me to lose weight even though my doctor wants me to and I’m on a DIET now!  BOOOOO.


Yep my friends – that #4 is true.  I had a vet appointment yesterday for shots and he had the NERVE to tell my Mom that I weigh too much.   I’m not even TWO YEARS OLD and I’m on a diet?   Well, the fact I weigh 20 lbs. already could have something to do with that I suppose.   Still, if I do lose weight maybe my Dad won’t call me Bubblebutt any longer and Mom won’t call me her little Teletubby (or Teletabby).     I’m now on a prescription diet food!     Sniff.   Oh well – I know I can do this!    I already get lots of exercise because my Mom and Dad play with me a LOT up and down three flights of stairs and with the red dot and walks in the yard but they can “step it up” and play even more with me.    I’ll LIKE that!   Let’s just hope I don’t STARVE.

This print my Dad bought a few years ago which he said reminded him of Angel Sammy NOW looks a

lot like me – at least with the SAD expression; not the SIZE of him though that’s for sure!!!!

Love, Poor Pitiful Me……..Teddy





The Angels called and he heard their song of welcome…..

My very good and very sweet friend Sharon of Friends Furever said the long goodbye to her husband Bill yesterday.   He’d been hospitalized for two months and had been on the ventilator for a long time – the doctors did all they could but Bill’s struggle to overcome was not enough to keep him here.   He passed into the arms of the Lord yesterday afternoon after the vent was removed.

I know Sharon would appreciate your words of comfort……..and thanks to Ann Adamus we have a beautiful badge to honor the love Bill and Sharon shared for so long………you can click on it and visit Sharon’s blog if you like.   Sharon was so brave……their love will live on in her heart forever………..that’s what love is – FOREVER.


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