Teaser Tell All


Welcome Back Class for the Tell All!

OK class, settle down and I’ll tell you all you wanted to know about yesterday’s Guest Teaser!    Is everyone ready?    Well, first of all I will tell you WHO was alert enough when we went live yesterday with our Teaser post to have been FIRST COMMENTER…………….there were TWO winners!

FriendsFurever and Da Phenny    BOTH commented in the first minute so TWO winners of this:

Congratulations my friends……………..very alert of you to be READY for the post to be posted (huh?).    Each of you can show off your badge and I’m proud of you both!

Now, would you like to know WHO our Guest Teaser was yesterday???????????????????   I bet you would……………….it was our super good friend Miss Michelle of MyThreeMoggies and here’s the photo she sent in which all of you had to AGONIZE over yesterday:

Isn’t it a super duper photograph?   Really not a lot of clues to be seen in this one……..purrrrrhaps the church spires in the background but you would have to be VERY familiar with this town to know that even………….our surprise for you is that Miss Michelle did a VIDEO TELL ALL for you so if you’re all comfy in your desks, and ready, here’s the scoop on the Teaser!!

She also sent in some extra photographs of this beautiful city…………………my Mom and Dad visited Edinburgh some years ago and it truly is a wonderful exciting and gorgeous place to visit.   Michelle and her husband were there for a marathon but they also got to see some of the beautiful countryside:

I think I could go DOWN these stairs but not UP!

Oh what a glorious country Scotland is!

Status of William Wallace near Michelle and Craig’s hotel in Lauder

Now you’ve had your TOUR of Scotland……………….let’s thank Miss Michelle for the photo shall we??   This is for you Michelle and THANK you for the fabulous video Tell All too!

For Michelle’s photo AND video for Teaser of 6/6/17


Miss Carol of CarolMayWY!   You get this Miss Carol!

Everyone else who guessed Edinburgh, Scotland gets THIS:

If you were WRONG – well – we don’t forget you – you get a GREENIE for trying!!!!

Oh how we love Tuesdays and Wednesdays around here…………………….class you did very well too so thanks for paying attention and not falling asleep during the Tell All……….Teddy is going to give a cheer (not quite the same as Suzie would though!):


So I hope we see you in class again next week????????????????????   Meanwhile try to behave – or Sarge may be making a HOUSE CALL!!!!

EEEEEK is right!  

Angel Prof Sammy and Assistant Prof Teddy


61 responses »

  1. Yeah! We were right! Not first…but well who cares! MOL! Wheeeee! We are furst here though we think.

    Who *was* the furst right guesser???

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations to the first commenters and thank you for a great teaser!

    I’m sure someone mentioned Edinburgh yesterday. Who was it? Teddy, have you been distracting your mom? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Sleeps and Teaser | My Three Moggies

  4. Congrats to first commenters, FriendsFurever and Da Phenny! Congrats to the first right guesser too who appears to be nameless.
    I managed to get it right which is fortunate as I was in the area only 2 weeks ago. Pity I didn’t get here earlier but it was pouring with rain so we decided to spend some money instead. We bought more planters for the barbecue area that Ivor is building. He has built a natural stone water feature too. Photos when it is finished!
    My Angel boys loved water so would have had the time of their lives with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • EEEEK! I forgot to post who was FIRST RIGHT – well I’ve just fixed that – thanks for noticing – I guess my Mom was half-asleep when she helped me with the post!!!! Oh how wonderful you’re building a BBQ area outside – with water??? Mom says she can’t wait to see it – she’s been whining to my Dad about doing something like that – they have their BBQ area on the back deck but Mom would like a separate patio area in the yard. YAY!!!!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


      • Concats to Miss Carol!
        Teddy, I only just noticed that in the very last photo it looks like you are tempted to play with Angel Sammy’s wings. I know he won’t mind, just be gentle with them okay.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Mom and her husband went all over Europe and the middle east. Never made it to England, Scotland or Ireland. That still amazes her. What happened that she didn’t goo…


  6. Congratulations for being the first to guess Three Moggies Teaser picture, CAROL! Yay for you! Congratulations to Phenny and Friends Forever for getting to the blog lightning fast! The pictures of Edinburgh are beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Darn, another place our humans aren’t visited. We did se that some guessed Edinburgh. We’ll get it right one of these days. Good job to those who did. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
    p.s. Mau gave Cooper a bath last night as they were lying next to each other on Mom and Dad’s bed.


    • Oh that’s SUPER about Mau giving Cooper a bit of a clean-up last night! That either means Cooper tastes good (!) or Mau has a bit of “big brother-eye-tis” (!!!) which is GREAT either way!

      Hugs, Pam


  8. Edinburgh – I should have known since I was there 3 years ago. But then, the teaser WAS difficult, I think. Well, for me anyway.
    Talking of Michelle, her Three Moggies and Big Ben: let’s keep pur fingers crossed for that fellow, that he gets good results from his visit to the vet and that they can help him with his arthritis.
    Have a great day,


  9. Good morning. Yippee for me. Thanks to Michelle for providing the photo and bonus features!
    Congratulations to Phenny and FriendsFurever for being here first. You are early birds.


  10. ROFWM!!!!! LadyMum was so far wrong it iss purrty funny Unccle Sammy an Teddy!! Lady Michelle ALL WAYSS stumpss LadyMum!! Mew mew mew…..
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


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