Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Double Bubble Thursday – TWO Posts in One!

First we celebrate Thankful Thursday with Brian at his blog HERE and this week I want to say that I continue to be thankful that my little brother Teddy is making my Mom and Dad so happy.


He’s a laugh a minute and smart as a whip – he talks CONSTANTLY and Mom and Dad get a big kick out of it…….GO TEDDY GO!    If you want to join in Brian’s “Thankful” Hop, click his badge and go – use the linky tool and hook your blog up!


NOW we tackle Thoroughly Poetic Thursday!


Today we are writing poems that are about something beginning with the letter “K” !


“Krispy Kreme”

by Angel Sammy Kimmell 2-23-17

What a delicious dream

Is a donut from Krispy Kreme

Mom can’t just walk by them

She simply HAS to buy some!

At home she finds a spot

Where Dad thinks they are not

It is a sinful need

Perhaps it might be greed!

But she hoards them like a treasure

Tasty goodness such a pleasure!

When she eats one she gets a smile

When at last they are no more

She will travel back to the store

And begin all over again……..

With her TASTY, KRISPY sin !!


If you have written a poem today and would like to SHARE it – you can either put the link to your blog where your poem is located in MY comments so we can follow you and read it, OR you can even just post your poem in my comments here!   Either way – WRITE A POEM TODAY – you’ll have fun with it I bet!   We sure do……………

Thanks for stopping by for a little POETRY!


Oui Oui – it’s ME!  

Monsieur Angel Sammy


87 responses »

  1. Can you believe my human has never had a Krispy Kreme donut? She should try one someday to see what the deal is! I’m so glad to hear that Teddy is making your humans happy.


    • They are extra soft and seem to always be super fresh but I suspect they really aren’t any different than Dunkin or any of the others – they’ve just been around a long time and make a DY-NO-MITE glazed!

      Love, Angel Sam


  2. Uh-oh, Angel Sammy is telling Mommy Pam’s secret!!!! Motor Mommy and Motor Man do love some KK donuts, but they try to avoid them as much as possible, lest they become addicted!
    Love that picture of Baby Teddy.
    Love, Sundae


  3. Oh Teddy I’m so happy you are making your peeps giggle like teenagers!!

    OMCs Krispy Kreme….what a great K poem.when mom was a kitten she used to walk by KK every afternoon on the way home from school. KK would give all the school kids free donut holes every day. KK started in NC about 2 hours west of us.

    We have a k poem at
    Hugs madi and mom


    • Oh we didn’t know that KK was a NC company!!! Imagine living next door to a KK……….MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Your K poem was fabulous Madi – you and your Mom are GREAT poets!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam and Ted


  4. Our pawrents don’t bring home donuts very often. The KK’s are several miles down the road. DD is .04 of a mile!! But somewhere in between those two is a local place, Nord’s! They do the Maple Bacon things Dad loves!! Sammy would, too!!
    Hermes and Chip


    • Oh yes my Mom has had those bacon/maple things………they remind me a lot of when I was still living at home before the Bridge and Mom would make pancakes and bacon……the syrup would get on the bacon and oh boy what a GREAT taste treat – bacon/maple!!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  5. Mama just asked us if we could go bring her a raspberry filled donut from DD!! Is she crazy!! We can’t cross the street! We can’t even go outside!! She’s milking this knee thing, we think!!
    No, we know she isn’t. It really does hurt. But we still can’t go get her donuts! 😿😿


    • Hermes I know what you mean about humans wanting us to “fetch”! My Dad often says “Teddy why can’t you go down to the mailbox and get the mail for your old Dad” – HUH? He’s not even one year old and hasn’t even been outside yet! Get a grip! Anyway, I hope your Mom’s knee gets better real soon but it sounds like it might be a while…………maybe your DAD should be fetching donuts for her!

      Love, Angel Sam


  6. OMC when Mom ate stuff like that she absolutely LOVED Krispy Kreme! The first time she had them was when she and Auntie El were doing a Cat Show in Charlotte, NC. They bought a giant box and ate the WHOLE THING that day! PIGGIES!!!! They were so excited about getting them that they forgot to close the side door on the van…they made a turn onto the road and stuff started falling out of the van……VERY embarrassing! They had to go back and pick everything up!!

    The Florida Furkids


  7. Wonderful poem Angel Sammy. Our Crispy Creme closed a few years ago but my mom was addicted to them. It makes me smile when I read how happy Baby Teddy is making your mom and dad.


    • Hi Charles! So wonderful to hear from you my dear friend…….What a TRAGEDY that you lost your Krispy Kreme! On the other hand, they are dangerous to the hips (my Mom says)……….but I think sometimes a little comfort food helps us get through the day right? Kind of like a “catnip cupcake” for humans!

      Love and huge hugs, Angel Sammy


  8. Mom just erased our entire comment. She agrees about Krispy Kreme, but she’s only ever had five in her whole life as they are so additive. Seems as if Mom Pam has discovered that. The poem perfectly described this yummy confection. We did write a poem. It is here: And we are having a giveaway.
    XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We LOVED your poem and the giveaway too – Cody did a review/giveaway of that same toy and it looks INTRIGUING! Krispy Kreme are sort of “out of fashion” compared to Dunkin and some others but Mom thinks KK’s glazed donuts simply cannot be beat! Thanks for playing along with the poetry again this week!

      Love, Angel Sam


  9. LOL, you hide them so the hubby can’t find them! That poem made me laugh. Jim really loves them too. Thankfully, he can only get them on holidays to the USA since they haven’t come to Canada…..yet! xo Boom


  10. doodz… lee awesum donut poem… food gurl sayz her can handle like 1/4 oh one
    oh thoz atta time… coz they iz mega sa~wheet 🙂

    me, boomer, likez a cake donut everee now N then …with butter… ore without !!!

    two day we wood like two haiku K

    king oh de salmon
    king kongz one big azz monkee
    R brush izza Kong



  11. Dad has gotten those tasty donuts but alas only when away from home. No stores here. Bah.
    So lets see… K huh

    K is for Kitten
    With whom we are smitten
    Except when he bites
    It is such a sight
    With kitten we are no longer smitten

    Yes Einstein that is you on your bad days MOL


  12. It makes us so very happy to know how fun Teddy is and how much joy he is bringing to your Mom and Dad. Our Dad loves all donuts, but Krispy Kreme are right up there at the top along with Dunkin Donuts.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Teddy is a wonder…..he’s the perfect kitty for Mom and Dad and the best part is they are happy again……they miss me too but have Teddy to keep them company and make them giggle every day!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  13. Sammy darling, of course yous would choose a smart protégé ! Yous knows exactly what your pawrents would loves!
    And yous knows what…mes has been known to indulge in donuts too!
    Kisses Your Nellie Bellie


    • Donuts are pretty yummy…….Mom used to give me a taste of them and I enjoyed that but just a BIT..never liked sweet stuff. Yes, Teddy is a “force to be reckoned with” and truly has brought FUN back into the house!

      Love you,
      Your Angel Sammy


  14. We do not have a Krispy Kreme here in our town…but we have Sweetwater’s…you fur sure want to stay out of that place, MOL!!! There is a KK about 50 miles from here and when petcretary was going for her chemo treatments way back in 2006/7 she often would make a stop in there…Mmmm! You could watch them being made! OMC!!!


    • Your Petcretary had chemo in 2006/7? My Mom had treatment that year too for recurrent melanoma! WOWZERS…….coincidence. Anyway, there isn’t a KK around here ANYWHERE but they have KK in all of the grocery stores in our town. We have a Dunkin but – well – they are good but Mom prefurrrrs KK!

      Love, Angel Sammy


      • We can buy the packages here in the grocery stores too…but there is nothing at all like the fresh!

        Petcretary had stage 3b ovarian cancer, discovered in July 06…several surgeries, and 16 months of chemo…and God has blessed her with no further evidence of disease. She sees the oncologist once a year.


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