Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thursday!! Double Blog Day!

First is our celebration of Thankful Thursday with Brian at his blog………… on his badge to visit and see how THANKFUL all of us are and WHAT we are thankful for!   As for me, I’m thankful that my Mom helps me do a blog every single day – yes it’s a lot of work but it’s also a lot of fun!


THEN, we move onto PART TWO of today’s blog……and that’s:

Poetic Thursday (Letter H)


As we work our way through the alphabet, we pause today on the letter H and write a poem for it!  



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 2/2/2017

I love hats

Hats are where it’s at

My favorite berets are green and red

AND, I wear a stocking cap to bed!

Hats keep heads warm

Cold days or in a snow storm!

Hats reflect our mood

Show our style and attitude!

Hats are for any season….

Or to wear for ANY reason.

If you want to be “where it’s at”

You’d better wear a HAT!



IF you have an”H” poem you’d like to share you can post it in my Blog Comments for everyone to read OR, if you posted one on your blog, leave your blog link in my comments so we can all come and visit you and see your FABULOUS poem for today!!

Next week’s tricky – the letter “I” !!!

Thanks for coming by today………….reading my poem…………Mom said she got sad looking at all my “hat” photos but those days are going to happen when you miss someone……….we all know that!


OUI, OUI, It’s ME! 

Angel Sammy the Poet!

63 responses »

    • Tee Hee! I actually only had three hats – two Christmas ones and my wonderful green beret. The others – well – let’s just say at least I didn’t REALLY have to wear them!!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  1. You look so handsome in all your hats!! I understand your mom getting sad when looking at all those photos. My sweet Angel LadyBird has been gone over a year now and I still can’t look at her photos without feeling sad. Healing a broken heart takes time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WooHoo A.S.
    I give you an AMEN to that hat poem. Hats are where it is at. You look like such a Southern Gent
    in that straw hat too. Love the collage

    Hugs madi your bfff who has been known to wear a hat or two too


  3. Sammy love, I know mom and I sure miss you but we are grateful you are still blogging. You know we would be, because you are filled with love.


  4. We are also so grateful that your mom helps you with your blog every day! Definitely a bright spot in our day, especially when its so cold and dark. We had no idea you had so many hats. Oliver would never wear a hat, but I bet I could totally rock a hat. I’m going to ask mom to get me one 🙂 Have a great day Angel Sam and Miss Pam 🙂


    • Hats say a lot about us…….I always wore one for a special occasion -which most of those photos show………but my “real” hats (the Santa hats and my green beret) were special gifts from people and even though I wasn’t THRILLED to wear them, I did.

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • My Mom won’t wear hats because they mess up her hair! She’d rather have frozen ears and head than wear a hat….crazy Mom. I am a man of many hats – mostly virtual ones though!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  5. Sammy, you look good in the hats, real or not. You are right that hats can show style and attitude. Way back when i was a sticky little, you never saw a man that did not have a hat on and any Lady that was dressed for church or special occasion had a hat on, too

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mee-you Angel Unccle Sammy mee luvss yur tophat fotoss… look deb-o-nare!!!
    An LadyMum sayss shee luvss yur Vie-sor hat….
    An yur poe-em iss grate!!
    Sorry mee not pawticipatin. LadyMum has not been well an mee iss still ‘on duty’!
    ***air kisses*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


      • Fankss so-o much Unccle Sammy an Lady Pam fur thee purrayerss!!! LadyMum has been feelin better-ish an goin out an then comess home feelin ruff again. So mee iss purrin mee paw down an makin her stay home fur a few dayss 9even more, mew mew mew….)
        Mee iss doin mee Purr-amedic duty an beein good an feelin BERRY grown uppy Unccle!
        ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


        • You are very grown up Siddhartha……you’re handling grown up things and not acting up as much as you did as a baby too which is good for both you AND Ladymum! I’m super proud of you……super proud.

          Love, Angel Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sue-purr proud of mee Unccle Sammy??? Mee has ^^blushie earsss^^….
            Mee feels more grown uppy now an mee not freekin out anymore. Mee iss calmer an mee can show LadyMum what mee needss or wantss now.
            Fankss fur stickin bye mee Unccle an Lady Pam! Yur THEE bestest efurr!!
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


          • My Mom and I are so happy that your Ladymum STUCK with you Siddhartha even when you were sometimes out of control due to things beyond your capability to understand or fix. She figured things out and now your life is so much better and the two of you “get” each other more than ever before. What a pair you make – for LIVE.

            Love and Hugs, Angel Uncle Sam and Mom Pam

            Liked by 1 person

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