Thoroughly (and Thankful) Poetic Thursday


Here We Are Again!

Thankful to be blogging still from the Rainbow Bridge……thankful that you all stuck with me even after I left for my cloud……thankful that you are my FRIENDS.    We are joining up with Brian’s Thankful Thursday and you can too if you just CLICK HERE and link up!


Now, let’s get POETIC!


Today is “G” day!  

If you want to participate in the poem posting today, just make your poem about something starting with the letter “G” and you can post it in my comments here, or put your blog link to your poem in my comments to share.   You’re WELCOME to join me in celebrating poetry.  Next week we’ll do “H”…….and on and on until we finish the alphabet!



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 1/26/2017

When I was young – a little kitten

With Mom’s plants outside I was quite smitten

I’d leap around like a crazy cat

I’d hide from Mom she really loved that!

My ginger head popped up here and there

Mom never quite knew when or where!

As I got older I learned to be calm.

Just watching the butterflies was my soothing balm.

Oh yes I’d chase them from time to time

But Mom allowed that – it wasn’t a crime!

Then came the day when I’d lie in the shade

By then the “fate” of our gardens was made.

The deer had discovered this bountiful treat

Everything Mom planted, the deer would eat!

So in the shade I’d stay with my nose in the air

I had not a worry, I had not a care.

Mom quit planting flowers it became too much work

The deer came along and pull out plants with a jerk…..!

So in my old age I’d simply sit by Mom

We both would relax, and enjoy all the calm.

At the Rainbow Bridge we have flowers and green

But my old back yard was the PRETTIEST place that I’ve ever seen.

Nice to stop and smell the roses....I mean mums!

I hope I’ll see you all NEXT Thursday when we do “H”…………I wonder what I’ll come up with for THAT one!    Come to think of it, I wonder what YOU’LL come up with too!!!!!


I’m a Poet, and I know it! 

Monsieur Angel Sammy


58 responses »

  1. Angel Sammy that is just lovely!! absolutely lovely!!
    Good buddy you are the only cat I know who had ‘several’ green thumbs too. Which is why you wre a good gardener. OHHH all this warm weather has some of our daffies popping up to say HI.
    Hugs madi your bfff
    our G poem you will either laugh or be hungry


    • I LOVE YOUR “G” poem!!!! I would love for some daffies to have survived in our yard for my Mom to enjoy but alas the squirrels taught Mom that one of their favorite foods is BULBS!!!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  2. Great poem Sammy! Gotta loves gardens! We had the same problem with the dear deers in Midway. And they really loved our vegetable garden. Wes had to puts a fence around it.
    Your Nellie Bellie


  3. That was a beautiful poem Angel Sammy. Deer do ruin gardens, we have levels of security around ours including a regular fence, an electrified wire on top of that and tin pie pans that make noise. XO


  4. Sammy, you made our Mom cry again. She thought she was over that. Just this morning she was lying in bed thinking about Fiona and remembering how much she loved to go outside with Mom when she was working in the yard. The expression her face was always one of purr joy and amazement. This was a masterful, beautiful and perfect poem. Mau wrote one for Allie at
    Love to Mom Pam, Dad David, and you, our special angel friend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • My Mom keeps thinking she’s over things too but she (and Dad) aren’t………..Dad just walked in to Mom’s office while she was adding my angel picture to my post for tomorrow and saw it and said “I sure do miss that boy” with a “catch” in his throat… hasn’t been that long since Fiona and I left so it’s still very fresh……our Moms and Dads will ALWAYS miss us like we miss them. I’m glad you liked my poem AND I absolutely LOVED yours too for Allie……I’m sure she nearly fainted when she read it !! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Love and tons of Angel Hugs, Sammy


  5. ***sniffullsss***
    That iss THEE sweetest poe-em EFURR Angel Unccle Sammy
    Yur so poe-etick…even frum Pure Land. LadyMum iss down with Flu so mee not goin to pawticipate today; sorry. Mee iss ‘on duty’!
    ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  6. dood ! total lee awesum garden poem….

    we noe yur mom total lee N joyed garden dayz
    N we bet her plantz a vizshuz deer free tree for
    ewe thiz spring…. ♥♥♥

    may bee a nice boxwood !!!

    R haiku thiz week:

    monsturr moovees rock
    we lovez R pal Godzilla
    mothra …..knot sew much



    • HAHAHA…… Mom and her brother went to see Mothra when they were kids living on a military base in Alabama……they had to leave and call their Mom to come get them because they were too scared. Mom saw Mothra again about 3-4 months ago and laughed all the way through. Time flies……HAHAHA I love love LOVE your poem……monster movies DO rock!

      Love, Angel Sammy


      • We have lots too. It spreads around here and is also a perennial. We had to put up a high, enclosed fence to keep the deer out. We have a pond and that attracted them too. It’s the rabbits that eat my veggies now. Why they come into a yard with two dogs, I’ll never know.


        • You have BRAVE rabbits! We occasionally see a rabbit here but there are a lot of foxes around so they keep them away for the most part………also see skunks munching on the impatiens and other tender things……Racoons and groundhogs and deer all seem to like sunflower seeds…..the birds have to fight for some!

          Hugs, Angel Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  7. That was a beautiful poem, Sammy, and it seemed just the perfect way to sum up your time with your humans. We have always loved seeing the beautiful flowers you always have at your entranceway!

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Glad you liked the poem Miss Pix! We really did have a pretty back yard (and front yard) for many years……erosion has taken away our pretty grass and old bones and arthritis have taken away Mom’s desire to keep up with a garden (!). Living on a hill is nice except when you plant grass seed it all washes DOWN HILL…….we have the prettiest BOTTOM yard ever! HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • For years Mom would take me out on my leash…..after a while I knew our yard boundaries and preferred just to lie in the sun… no more leash but I was never allowed to be outside without one of my parents with me. They were my “bodyguards” !! HAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • Thank you Jean……..we keep thinking we’ll feel better as time goes on but somehow that’s not really happening…at least yet. The “writer” in me just keeps going with gentle thoughts of him and that feeling seems to translate into poetry so easily!

      Love, Pam


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