Tuesday Teaser


Welcome Class!


Here we are AGAIN on a Tuesday morning getting ready to take a peekie at a photo and try and figure out WHERE it was taken!    BUT before we do that – have you commented on this blog post yet?  HMM???    You have to hurry – you DO want to win a badge right?   So – what are you waiting for?!?!?!?!?!


You’ll get this little gem if you were FIRST to comment today!!

NOW, we have a lot to do today so bear with me while we do EVERYTHING OK??

Yesterday you all met my new TEMPORARY Teaching Assistant, Freddy Farkelbomm.    We have decided due to his rather difficult to pronounce last name (especially after a few beers) we would just call him “SARGE” since he is a former Marine Drill Sergeant.  So, “Sarge” ?  Would you like to come to the front of the class and say anything?

Yo! Lemme just say I'm trilled ta be here. Yowsa, I promise ta be a good partna wit ya Prof. If you need me ta help wit DISCIPLINARY issues - dat's my specialty. Jus gimme the high sign from da fronta da class and point to da offender and I'll TAKE CARE OF IT for ya.

Yo! Lemme just say I’m trilled ta be here. Yowsa, I promise ta be a good partna wit ya Prof. If you need me ta help wit DISCIPLINARY issues – dat’s my specialty. Jus gimme the high sign from da fronta da class and point to da offender and I’ll TAKE CARE OF IT for ya.

Oh boy……..well, thanks Sarge, I know things will certainly be under control from now on here in the classroom – no more paper airplanes or notes being passed – because if that happens as you would say “it ain’t gonna be pretty” !!!

OK, let’s move on (quickly) and bring in our SuzieQ who was kind enough (ahem) to refer you to us for the Temporary Teaching Assistant position, Sarge.    Suzie?

Sarge, Sarge, give us a charge Your backside is as wide as a barge Your voice is loud like a megaphone If anyone's asleep in class you'll send them to the zone! You're old and kinda rusty Your fur is kinda crusty But welcome to class Just keep your hands off my..........backpack.

Sarge, Sarge, give us a charge
Your backside is as wide as a barge
Your voice is loud like a megaphone
If anyone’s asleep in class you’ll send them to the zone!
You’re old and kinda rusty
Your fur is kinda crusty
But welcome to class
Just keep your hands off my……….backpack.

It occurs to me that we spend a lot of time in class avoiding words on the NAUGHTY list thanks to you Suzie but I have to admit, everyone pays attention when you’re cheering so I suppose I should be GRATEFUL!

Let’s get the photo out here so all of you students can begin studying it and coming up with your guesses……I’m sure you want to impress me and Sarge and probably Suzie with your geographical knowledge so Mr. Silver Briefcase could you please bring out the photo you’ve been protecting with your life and post it for us????

Here I am in my Park Ranger/Courier outfit with today's PHOTO!

Here I am in my Park Ranger/Courier outfit with today’s PHOTO!


SO, study this photo and when you have a guess – MAKE IT………..you might be my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, or if not that, you might be a RIGHT GUESSER, or if neither of those and you guess but are wrong, you’ll get a GREENIE!    Remember please that when you guess, you have to guess the town/city/village AND the state (if USA) or country (if not USA) where you believe the photo was taken.   OK?    Can’t just say “Alaska” or “New York City”…….

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GOOD LUCK CLASS…………………and thank you for paying attention in class today.  Are there any questions?


Yes Bobby????

“Can I purrrrlease visit the litterbox?”

YES Bobby – here’s a hall pass.   Hurry back now or I’ll have to send Sarge after you!

“Uhh…..nevermind Professor Sammy…..I don’t have to go now……..”

OK – then in that case, let’s go ahead and spend some time studying the photo…………………..whatever you do, don’t fall asleep…….The Sarge is watching!!!!!

Good Luck!


Angel Professor Sammy

See you tomorrow here for the Teaser Tell All when I will announce winners (and losers!)


96 responses »

    • I think we’ll have to keep a CLOSE EYE on “Sarge” don’t you? HE’s just a bit – um…….. “different” and I’m not sure I should THANK Suzie for bringing him here or PUNISH her! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  1. OH, a Green Streak! I hadn’t thought of its quite like that. Maybe I could include a few near misses if that were possible. Heeeee. I don’t know where it is but I know mom said she’d love to see it.


  2. Well, I don’t suppose “a castle somewhere in France” will get me very far. But at least I am in attendance. It looks like an odd mix of ancient (Crusades?) and modern.


  3. Oh my cod! Mes knows this one! Its the Mostar Bridge in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mommy wrote a paper on it in Art School! She remembers when it got bombed into rubble in the early 9th and then got rebuilded. Very cool shot.
    Nellie Bellie


    • Hi Nellie! You might be right dear girl – if you come by tomorrow you can see if you and your Mommy are right FOR SURE though………..sounds like your Mom might be sure already (!!!).

      Love, Angel Sammy


  4. I have no clue , as usual. Sarge, I think you need to give Suzie a little discipline . That wasn’t nice of her to say you had a big backside, you look quite thin to me.XO

    Liked by 2 people

  5. MOLMOL Suzie Q…OMCs you are brave and feisty today. I hope Sarg Freddy is in a mellow mood when he sees your cheer.

    Mom has not looked at the other comments not that it matters we are not first in any category
    but we say the Bridge from Buda to Pest in Budapest Hungry.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! Thanks for coming by – and taking a peek at “Sarge” and of course Suzie’s Tuesday cheer………….also thanks for taking a guess – who knows – you might be right……..my Mom and Dad have been to Budapest!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  6. It’s got a name too! Stari Most is a 16th-century Ottoman bridge in the city of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina that crosses the river Neretva and connects the two parts of the city.

    Whew….We needed to do our homework so Sarge wouldn’t “discipline” us for shoddy work!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Sarge is on another planet most of the time I think (Marineland?) and not sure he knows who to discipline and who NOT to discipline but thanks for the additional info on what MIGHT be the right guess!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  7. I’m back earlier than I expected, so I came straight here!

    I don’t know where that is, but it looks lovely.

    Sarge has an ego bigger than Suzie’s! Shhh, don’t tell them I said that!


  8. Well, Sammy, Sarge and SuzieQ, we sure aren’t first (that stupid 50th reunion cr@p), and we don’t know where this is, but it sure is a beautiful place and photo. Heck, we come for the Teaser just to be amused, and Sarge adds an entire new layer to that! Keep us laughing Angel Sammy. Sending love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  9. Furry medieval looking buildings so we know its not in the US of A!!

    We are going to go with the masses that guessed…ahead of us…even though I checked in here at 1 am your time, MOL!

    We think its an aerial view of the anciant bridge in Mostar, Bosnia, Herzegovina; across the Neretva river. Our cousins have been there, maybe one day our petcretary might like to walk on that bridge. Its amazing that way back they could build things that still endure sturdily even to this day and who knows for how long still??!!


    • OK gang! Come check out the scoop on the photo tomorrow along with the rest of the Teaser fans and see what’s what!!!! It’s true though that they do NOT make ANYTHING the way they used to…….nothing lasts – it’s called “built in obsolescence”!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  10. Alright, here I am and without a clue. Nice bridge though. I’d like one in the backyard. I could dangle Cow Kitty on a rope from the bridge and see if I could catch a frozen fish. hehe I think the Fur Kis are right. They are smart ones.



  11. Ferst: Wee iss LATE!! As in it iss 8:30 Pee Em. Mee tippytoed into thee classroom waitin fur Sarge to MEE-YOWL at mee….butt no iss here….
    Seckond: LadyMum was out with Mumma mary-Ellen this afternoon so it iss her fault mee iss late.
    Third: LadyMum iss comin down with sore throat an headache tonite.
    Forth: Shee told mee thee Castle an Bridge are breathtakin an shee has absolootlee NO CLUE where such a place iss….
    Fifth: This iss how hi mee can count so pleeze pass thee Greenie Unccle Sammy!!!!
    ***air patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  12. Hmmmmmm…. that couldn’t be another penitentiary, could it? Huge building complex with enough room for 2,000 miscreants (and Suzy Q), large shark infested moat surrounding the structure, easy access bridge to allow for conjugal visits for those on good behavior (Sorry Suzy)……. naw, maybe I’ve just got a wild imagination and prisons on the brain. Nope, probably just a castle or something somewhere. Yeah, that’s what it is…


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