Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday



Thankful that my Mom decided to let me keep blogging – I love it even though I’m doing it from a laptop at the Rainbow Bridge!   Joining Brian’s blog hop for Thankful Thursday.  You can join too by clicking his badge below!


Now let’s get POETIC shall we?


Today’s letter of the alphabet for a poem is the letter “F”.   We’re working our way through the alphabet with our poetry for the second time around!  I hope you’re having fun with it -if you write a poem you can share it in my comments OR put your blog address in comments so we can stop by and VISIT you and read your “work of art” !!



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 1/19/17

Fun is what we all enjoy

Whether catnip or a brand new toy

Doesn’t matter – we love it all

Cats are made for fun; it is our “call” !

We’re born to play, and we do it well

Although we stop to rest a spell!

We fly around like crazy YES

Destroy the house and leave a mess!

Our humans love to watch us run, run, run

It’s all a part of having FUN.

Mom and Dad loved watching me play with my toys and run up and down the stairs………….of course when I got older and my arthritis began acting up I really didn’t do much playing or running but one thing I did manage….and I did this until the last time I was outside with my Mom a week before I went to the Bridge…….it ALWAYS made her laugh and hug me.   I did it since I was TEENY TINY.    I would be snuffling around in the leaves or walking around in the yard (always with human snoopervision though) and Mom would stoop down and call me and I would run fast as my little legs would carry me right up to Mom………I just loved coming to her and hearing her tell me what a good boy I was……she’d usually scoop me up and carry me back into the house………gosh that was truly what I would call………………………..FUN!    I miss that………a lot.

Now, let me hear YOUR “F” poem and next week we’ll be tackling “G”!  


Oui Oui!   We are finis for today mon amis – see you next week!

Zee Poet known as Angel Monsieur Sam

P.S.  WHOOPS I almost forgot!  My Mom was at an antiques emporium yesterday and spied something she just HAD to have.   You will know why if you remember my Balloon Trip on December 2nd!


Made in Segries, Rhone Valley, Provence, France…….and maybe that’s ME in that balloon????

76 responses »

  1. There are few things that bring me more joy than watching Bear (or any cat) play and just enjoy being a cat. Crouching down behind something that is way too small to hide behind, the wiggly butt, putting his whole heart into it … always fills me with wonder of our fur babies 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh that was a find for a reason… and I LOVE it. I also love your poem… fun is such a good word for the letter F… it’s the thing efurrybiddy should add ot it’s life, right? and just between us… I’m glad the mama had no poem for the letter F today… I’m afraid she would use another word hehehehe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Phenny I’m afraid after you spent the morning destroying the newspaper and thereby ruining your Mom’s chances for some BARGAINS, she might just have used the WRONG “F” for her poem!!!! Isn’t that cream pitcher wonderful? Mom did a lot of research online to find where it was made…..we were so excited to see other items at one of the pottery places in France with the same hot air balloon design on them…cups, saucers and bowls.

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • The little cream pitcher we found that had the hot air balloon design sold for 59 Euros…..and it doesn’t seem to be an antique but something available now from the stores. The only thing we COULDN’T find was the artist’s name but I’m sure people come and go from the pottery factories. We think the signature was “Pierre Dello”……….anyway it’s cute and “works” well as Mom used it this morning for coffee cream!

          Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh watching Kitty Capers here has me cracking up…Marbles is hilarious…if i used to yell for one of the kids when they still lived at home…no matter where she was she would charge down to headbutt me..i think she was trying to shut me up lol…a lovely poem Angel Sammy and a perfect find of that sweet little jug ..loves Fozziemum xxx


    • We cats can be VERY entertaining! Once we learn that you “understand” some of the silly things we do, we do them all the time just to make you laugh!!! Isn’t my Mom’s new cream pitcher PURRRRRFECT?

      Love, Angel Sammy


  4. We are thankful you are blogging too Angel Sammy…WHY….well you said it in your poem FUN
    you are a fun guy and make us laugh.

    OH MY WORD that Come Fly with Me vase is amazing my goodness me…..and from France too.
    It was destined to live in your house. For sure that is you in it.

    We have an F poem today too
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Amazing little hot air balloon pitcher isn’t it Madi? How TOTALLY perfect a find that was! Good thing I went with Mom to the antiques emporium yesterday isn’t it!! I’m on my way to read your poem – I know I’ll love it – you’re a GREAT Poetess!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  5. Angel Sammy, we loved the poem. Motor Mommy is betting that it made your Mom teary-eyed to remember that special little fun thing you did running back to her when you were playing outside…… And that is a PURRfect teapot your Mom found yesterday…I have a feeling YOU had something to do with it being there for her….
    Love, Sundae


  6. We’re VERY thankful you are still blogging from the Bridge. We think of you and your Mom doing your early morning walks together when Mom goes outside in the morning. We love the pitcher….we’re pretty sure you sent it to your Mom to put a smile on her face.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Mom is still having a hard time being outside in the yard filling the bird feeders or just walking around looking at the trees. Lots of Sammy/Mom memories out there. Anyway, we ALL love that pitcher – it’s good Mom listens to me when I try to guide her (tee hee).

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  7. That pitcher was meant to be for your Mom! I am so happy you continue to blog Angel Sammy because you keep the FUN in every day! Perfect poem for today… find the fun in each day, right?!! The picture in my head of you running to your Mom makes me smile in a BIG way!


    • Oh it sure made my Mom happy when I would do that…..I used to be fast as the wind. Dad would wait with me in the backyard when we knew Mom would be coming home from her job at the church nearby and when I’d see her car I’d FLY through the yard to her. Sure did that for a lot of years….and until the day before I died although I was a bit slow that time! The pitcher is wonderful and perfect and I took Mom to it the minute she walked into this HUGE HUGE antiques emporium!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 2 people

    • Wasn’t it amazing Mom found that cream pitcher? Well, considering I dragged her over to it maybe it’s not so amazing but gosh what a GREAT find in a HUGE HUGE HUGE emporium full of antiques and collectibles!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam


  8. Sammy, our mom gets the best laughs when we are playing and having fun, especially when Astrid gets a case of the zoomies or when Mau starts carrying a toy all over the house meowing the entire time. We know how much Mom Pam misses those fun times as well. We did another poem for Fiona. It is entitled, “Love is Forever.” If anyone wants to read it, they can do so at:
    Thanks for having poetry day every week. Sending lots and lots of love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We just love your poem today for sweet Fiona……yes my Mom does miss so VERY many things about having me here – Dad does too…..and their hearts are going to be ready for a new little pal soon I’m sure. I’m working on it!!! Thank you for always pawticipating in my poetry day – it sure is fun isn’t it?

      Love and hugs to ALL of you!
      Angel Sam


  9. Even though you are doing it from the rainbow bridge we know you will always. Be in your mom’s heart. Now let’s have fun
    Lily & Edward


  10. We are thankful too sweet Angel Sammy that your mom decided to let you keep blogging. What a cute balloon pitcher. We love the picture of you on your dad’s shoulder, what a face, made us smile. Love the poem, as we read it we could picture in our mind all that fun you had and what fun it was for you mom and dad to watch you. Hugs and nose kisses


    • Thank you so much for reading my poem today. I really am happy I can keep blogging too – wifi up here is good (!!)……..The picture of me on Dad’s shoulder makes my Mom smile SUPER BIG…..I sure did make a funny face for that photo and I suppose that and the beret make this one of Mom’s FAVORITE pictures of me.

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam


  11. What would life be without a little or a lot of fun!!! Super poem. We bet there are endless opportunities for fun over the RB, Sammy. Misty is missing her fun this week but she sure is full of mischief:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


  12. dood…yur poem total lee rocked N sew doez yur momz Find…..purrhapz Easy sended it two her…what cha think !!!

    two day we haiku with F:

    Flynn lives in devon
    but him can knot eat Flounder
    heez a Friend two all



    • Flynn is one of my FAVORITE “F”s! Great poem….I bet he’d like to eat a bit of flounder…….! He’s one of my bestest buddies and Mom loves Miss Jackie too.

      Love and hugs to you all and your Mom!
      Angel Sammy and Mom Pam


  13. I am glad you are still blogging from the Bridge, Sammy. I like your poem, and my mum loves it when I still want to play.
    The jug is lovely and I know you guided your mum to finding it.


  14. One of the joys of having real brothers in Ody and Spilly were the fact that they LOVED wrestling with each other… they kept me quite entertained! Biskit, like me, is not a fan of rasslin… so Ody has to settle for just chasing him around.


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