Thankful Thursday and Thoroughly Poetic Too!



Hello my friends!  Time to write a poem honoring the letter “X” and I decided that I can CHEAT because it’s MY blog and if I want to I can – right?


X Marks The Spot

By Sammy Kimmell, 11/24/16

Thanksgiving….being thankful

Sometimes it can be a handful

So many things to be thankful for

But “X” marks the spot and it’s a bullseye score.

The “X” is on my heart where my love is stored

I absolutely couldn’t possibly love you all more.

I’m feeling my age and I wish there was more time

My “slot machine of life” needs just one more dime!

But before I must go, I’ll most thankfully say

I’m especially thankful on Thanksgiving Day –

My life has been grand, by life has been good

I’m glad you’ve all been part of my “blog neighborhood”.

Enjoy your blessings and count them out loud

I’ll promise to visit you one day on a cloud.


From Sammy With Love

I feel that I must say a little something to everyone about Sammy although it’s not easy to do……..because of course our beloved pets MUST live forever right?   They must – they are such a huge part of our lives and hearts.  Well Sammy is just tired and his body is failing him and there is little that can be done.   I have NOT wanted to talk about it – because it’s difficult – very difficult.   He spent a day and a half in the hospital having constant IV drip with a variety of treatments all designed to do what we hope is NOT impossible – give him just a little more time…………Sammy has loved Christmas since he was tiny.   He loves lying under the tree and watching my husband’s train go round and round…….he loves present boxes…….he loves just being WITH us when we unwrap our presents and when he gets to look in his stocking to see what Santa Paws has brought.   SO our wonderful vet is trying to give Sammy a “rally” – – – a boost so that he will be able to enjoy one last Christmas with us.    We are NOT doing any “heroics” for him……I honestly feel he wouldn’t want us to.   He’s had a wonderful and long happy life and he deserves to have a good long rest.   He will always be in my heart and I think in many of your hearts too………..I’ve LOVED sharing him with you and right now, it’s my intention to continue – after all, Angels DO blog you know!

Don’t be sad…………..just sent us all your purrs and prayers and ENERGY so Sam will hang in there – I’ll keep you posted on the blog…………no long drawn out medical reports but just to let you know how the “rally” is working.


We are hooking up to Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!   We’re THANKFUL for you too Brian!!!




Thanks thanks to the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for this lovely badge…….it touches my heart.

133 responses »

    • Thank you SO MUCH! What a sweet thing to say and believe me – I want very much to be here for Christmas so with some luck (and my vet’s help) I will!!!!

      Love, Hugs, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Sammy


  1. Oh Pam…I’m in tears again. I knew the news was coming eventually…but still…hearing this makes my heart ache. We love you soooooo much, Sammy…..

    You and Sammy are so loved by all of us here in the blogosphere and beyond (even my mother who doesn’t blog knows about Sammy!). Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. We are rooting for you, Sammy. May you be given this one last Christmas…

    Huge warm hugs from Samantha and me! Oh I got so caught up in my emotions that I forgot to mention your poem….we loved it!! Truly a poet. 🙂 🙂

    samantha and phoebe

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    • Thank you Phoebe and Samantha…..what a sweet note. I have loved being a blogging kitty for all these years and maybe I’ll STILL blog from the Bridge one day. I think they probably have Wi-Fi there right? I don’t want anyone to be sad as I’ve had a wonderful and long life. I am going to do my best to be here for Christmas and beyond. I really will. Mom will keep everyone posted.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

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    • I know my Mom and Dad will do the right thing for me – they always have and even though I will miss them and all my friends I will always be in THEIR hearts and in the hearts of my friends. I hope to see Christmas but if not, I bet Santa will let me ride in the sleigh to visit everyone!

      Hugs, Sammy

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  2. Oh Pam, I am so sorry to hear this. There are so many of us who love Sammy and are willing him to have a good Christmas with you. I am praying for him. Love, Jackie
    Sammy, we are brothers in this. We both became ill at the same time and we have fought it together. I am still able to fight but if you are tired, I understand. I am purring for you and always will my friend. I hope you can rally and enjoy your Christmas with your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi my ginger brother………I am fighting but I’m tired and thanks to my doctor, I’m feeling just a bit more like myself so I’ll TRY to stay for Christmas and my 17th birthday too!!!! You and I have been through a lot together and I’m hoping that you will go on and on as your Mum and Dad are like MY Mom and Dad – they love us and NEED us. That’s why I’m still here…..

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy is ALWAYS in our purrs and prayers here always..we too know that rotten age thing..and we just wanted to tell you all we love you and are keeping you close to us..a rally for Christmas would be wonderful..we know that Sammy will do his best..Pam and David we are offline with this wedding but online at ALL times for you and our Gingerbread Man..Much love and know we are here for you.
    Bev Phil and the furries xxxx

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  4. My dear friend, Pam, although I knew all this through our emails, it’s still sobering to see it here on Sammy’s blog. You and Sam have touched SO many people with this blog: it’s staggering how many fans you two have!
    And every single one of us are being cheerleaders that sweet Sammy will be strong enough to enjoy another Christmas with you and Dave. No more loving pawrents has there ever been!
    We are here for you….whatever…whenever….however you need us.
    Love you, Dianna, Sundae and Gypsy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Dianna…….thank you so much and I know that you know how things are right now with us……we will hang in there and try to enjoy every second of time we get with our boy. Through his blog we’ve been able to share his beautiful personality….it’s been quite a ride!

      Love, Sammy


  5. That’s heartbreaking…. but… well ya know. I send a lot of POTP and hugs and weim-power to you dear Sammy… and I hope for a wonderful christmas for you. Even when it will be so bittersweet with knowing this fact…. Happy Thanksgiving my bestest ginger friend…and I hope the biggest turkey in town lands in your bowl today…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sammy my handsome mancat…mom and I love you and your mom ‘two hours and a bunch’, that is a saying my human sis made up when she was 2. We are sending with every breath we take purrs and prayers that you rally and are able to stay with us…just for a wee bit longer.
    with love and kitty hugs Madi and Mom

    We have put up a POTP at
    Your are the bravest and most handsome Gingerman we are behind you whatever you decide is

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  7. Dear Sam and Miss Pam, we’re sending lots of prayers and love. We won’t deny our hearts are broken today. We know that you have had and continue to have a great life and that your mom and dad will do everything they can for you, just like they’ve always done. We hope with all our hearts that you will get to spend Christmas together! We’re sending you all the ginger love in our hearts!

    Love Oliver, Calvin and mom, Melissa

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    • Thank you Oliver and Calvin and Mom Melissa…… are such wonderful friends. I will be here for a while longer – I’m not in a hurry to go………..believe me. Life is good -you guys know that too!

      Love, Sammy


  8. Happy Thanksgiving sweet buddy. We’re purring and praying that you get to spend Christmas with you family and with us and you birthday too. We love you so much. We can’t imagine getting up in the morning and not having you here to brighten out day.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

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  9. Happy Thanksgiving Pam and husband and Sammy.

    I can’t even tell you how much I love you as a family. I have followed Sammy with my heart since I met him. After having gone through a very similar experience with Admiral and assessing her lack of quality of life, I know how wrenching it is to stop the heroics.
    God bless you three. Sammy, I with everyone else, am right here beside you.

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  10. Such a sweet poem, Sammy… sweet like you. I am teary, I knew I would be. Of course I am sending all the thoughts, prayers, and love that I can that you can be here for Christmas with your Mom and Dad and all of us! Can’t tell you enough how you and your Mom have brightened my life and taught me so many lessons about living life with gratitude and happiness. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving… I know you will get a Thanksgiving kitty buffet today. Love and HUGS heading your way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so kind to say such lovely things – we have just been “us”……and trust me, it’s not at all easy leaving all of this behind! I have loved every minute of my life. Mom and Dad named my blog One Spoiled Cat and I HAVE BEEN!!!! I’ll be here for a while so there’s more fun to come I’m sure…….meanwhile, just know that you are FAMILY to us………always have had that feeling too. Really.

      Love, Sammy


  11. Sammy, your poem was purrfection as always. Mom is sitting and crying as she tends to do. You know that you are our bestests friend ever and take up a huge portion of each of our hearts. Rest well today while Mom Pam and Dad David celebrate Thanksgiving with family. We know they will bring you some tasty tidbits to tempt your appetite. We love you more than we can express and will be sending prayers, purrs and POTP as we count down to Christmas and your birthday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mom and Dad brought home turkey and all the yummies and I got to have a little of EVERYTHING! I even ate green bean casserole! Imagine that! I am going to concentrate on STAYING as long as possible so I’ll just pretend I’m a kitten again – that ought to do it right? I wish!!! Anyway, I’m hanging in there – not well today but I was fine yesterday….it’s one day at a time…….thank you for the prayers my friends – you are more FAMILY than friends and always will be…………….

      Love, Sammy


  12. I definitely add our prayers and purrs for Sammy’s rally! Just a couple weeks ago we lost our dear Aggie Girl. Her health was failing and we knew we were on ‘borrowed’ time but you always wish you had more time 🙂 She also loved Christmas with the boxes, wrapping paper and bows. We will miss her this year.

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  13. We do love you Sammy, seriously pal, and I do wish I would have found your blog sooner. I really don’t know of any kitty with so much love from all over the world. When it’s time you will know and rest assured all of us will be here to help your Mom. Purrs and prayers from all of us dear Sammy, and gentle hugs too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Brian I am absolutely overwhelmed with all the love from everywhere……it’s unbelievable. I have so many friends and I truly love every one of them certainly you guys as I’ve known you a long time. I love the work you do for kitties and the love you show each other – it’s an inspiration. I am going to try and hang in here as long as possible believe me………This life is too good to leave in a big hurry.

      Love, Sammy


  14. Sammy you know I read your blog everyday but I am terrible at commenting, I don’t do it often enough. Our Momma has been going through some difficult times and it’s all she can do sometimes to hold it together and that means she just can’t help us do much blogging or write blithely happy words. She has changed a lot about our blog in that she hardly ever says much, just posts our photos from the past mainly because she lost her desire for photography, but i digress. Not trying to lay out our problems. We are praying and purring and we will keep you in our thoughts and we hope that you will indeed rally and enjoy this one extra special Christmas. It will be the best gift anyone could get Sammy. BIG HUGS and whiskerkisses.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much………..I’m trying believe me! As for your Mom I hope and pray that things get better for her too – it’s not easy in this world – I know that………but with patience and love ANYTHING can happen! Thank you for being my friend……….I mean that.

      Love, Sammy


    • I hope Mushu will be with you for Christmas….it’s such a happy and magical time, having sadness along with it just wouldn’t be right! I’ll pray that your buddy enjoys Christmas with you……

      Love, Sammy


  15. I remember when I knew my Jazz would be spending his last Christmas with me. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time because sometimes when you know the inevitable is coming, it gives you a different perspective and you truly do appreciate every single second you are given and make the most out of each and every one of them. Purrs of love to your precious boy.

    xoxo from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

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    • That’s exactly right Deb and I know that you DO know what I’m going through……’s a tough time but I am filled with love and the knowing that I gave Sammy the best life EVER. He’s such a big part of our lives – it will be so hard to say goodbye. But we will do the right thing….hoping for Christmas but who knows. Thank you so much for your purrs………..

      Love and Hugs, Pam


  16. Pam I have been dreading this day. I know Sammy is 16 and his life is filled with your love and care. We are purring that he can comfortably be with you for Christmas. He was savannahs first real blog pal and her mentor. We just started making a tent again and Nana went right in. She is loving it and Sammy taught her that as well as how much fun tissue paper is. I feel like I have touched him, pet him and love him.

    Liked by 2 people

    • What a sweet thing to say……….Well the fact is my little guy is tired and worn out….he’s had a GREAT life though – I know that in my heart. So many wonderful friends and so much fun. We plan to continue blogging though – Sam says he’s SURE there’s a good Wi-Fi connection over the Bridge! We do have a lot of wonderful memories though of our blogging time……and it would be amazing if he could be here for his 17th birthday but we’re taking things one day at a time.

      Thanks for your caring and prayers, Pam


  17. What a GRATE poe-em deerest Unccle Sammy! Yur an innspirashun to mee……
    An LadyMum has been purrparin mee that you were not well an that this wood bee yur last Katmas here…mee will try to bee brave Unccle…..butt mee not over losin mee Pappaw so pleeze stay a littul longer OK? If you can…..all mee ❤ LUV<3 yur neffkitty ❤
    All tho mee iss sad mee wantss to rite a poe-em so here goess:


    Mee Unccle Sammy iss so kewl
    Hee iss so smart an no one'ss fool.
    Hee iss mee Unccle 'heaven sent';
    Unccle Sammy iss mee "Unccle Xcellent"!!!!!

    bye neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

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      • Mee iss so glad you like mee poe-em Unccle!!! You are mee 1st honorary Unccle!!! You all wayss will bee! An deerest Unccle on Decemburr 9th mee will bee 21/2 yearss old so you HAVE watched mee grow uppy!!!!
        Yur thee BESTEST Unccle Sammy…… ❤ ❤ ❤


        • Oh Siddhartha you can’t possibly be 2-1/2 already! Time has flown……….you’re growing up to be a most special young cat. I know your Ladymum is proud of you and also glad she stuck with you even though you brought her to tears many times and frustrated her beyond her limits -in the end the two of you realized you were meant for each other………as it should be.

          Love, Uncle Sammy

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          • Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee can hardlee believe mee iss that age either……mee grew uppy so fast!!! An yur rite mee made LadyMum frustrated an inn tears butt shee an Mumma Mary-Ellen werked to figure out what was wrong with mee an now mee iss calm an good fur thee most part…..wee still have a moment or two butt nuffin like it used to bee….
            An wee will stay together as long as LadyMum can keepw alkin an carin fur mee.
            ***nose rubsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  18. Oh, Pam, I was so afraid of this. I suspected, but didn’t want to push. It is hard not to be sad, as tears run down my face. Just know we love you and Sammy so much, and our hearts and prayers are with you.

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    • Thank you Jan…………….thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s a tough time and you know how that is – we all do who have had all the joy of having a pet and losing them when their time came even though we were NEVER ready for it. Sammy is being very brave but he’s so tired……I’m hoping he’ll be here for Christmas because he loves it so much but it’s hard to say. Keep the prayers coming……….

      Love, Pam


  19. Oh Sammy and awnty Pam, we just don’t even know what to say. Furst, we luvved your poem, it was very bootyful. Ya’ know, you were one of da furst bloggys we ever followed. It was back when you were goin’ to outer space and each day we got an email with new kitties in space suits. We didn’t have a clue why we got those emails or what in da world a cat was doin’ in a space suit. MOL Oh how far we’ve come…We didn’t know how to comment, or even where or dat we were ‘posed too. Again, how far we’ve come. We ‘member da very furst blog award we saw. It was on your blog and given to you by Nissy. We didn’t unnerstand awards at dat time, and hoped dat someday we would be good enuff to receive such an award. Me ‘members your kindness when me joined Cat Scouts and didn’t have a clue what to do. We ‘member awnty Pam helpin’ us figger out da world of WordPress and foto editing. We have so many memories dat will be with us furever. We hoped dat you and sis Lexi would be too. Fur some reason, God seems to need ya’ll more than we do. We sure hope you rally and van enjoy Christmas. me and sis Lexi luvved da lights dat graced us at Christmas time. Me will be teachin’ Raena ’bout them this year and missin’ mes sissy. But she will always be a pawrt of me, just as you will. We’re sendin’ lots and lots of purrayers fur all of you. We know da dark feelin’ of loss. We are so fankful ya’ll are a pawrt of our lives. Big hugs to all of you.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi, Raena and mommy A

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    • Thank you dear girls…………I’m so overwhelmed by the love and sweet comments from so many since I told everyone how I was feeling……..I didn’t WANT to have to tell but I HAD to tell because I didn’t just want to disappear without having time to truly say how much I love everyone. Because I do. I remember all those things about your early days and I’m so happy Mom and I could be of help. We do love to help – we just DO. You guys have come so far and are now blogosphere stars! I’m very proud of you and I hope you girls have a wonderful life together with your Mom Miss Audra. All three of you are very special – and I hope God will be on your shoulder always helping you when you need it.

      Love always, Sammy

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      • Fanks Sammy, you’re so sweet. We’ll always be here fur you and your mommy. We have come a long way, and we have a long way to go. But we know da blogosphere will be here to help us all. With so many pawsum anipals and peeps, at least none of us are ever truly alone. We’re glad you got some turkey left overs. OMC is tom delishus or what?! Big hugs to ya’ll.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Raena


  20. We are sending all the POTP we can for You and Sammy to be together for Christmas,and to be able to celebrate one last Speedy’s countdown to christmas we understand if you can’t Sammy,Speedy is sending all he super size speedy snuggles too,much love to you all,xx Speedy and Rachel

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  21. Oh Sammy, my buddy! I am purring just as hard as I can for you. You know that whatever happens, you’ll always be the Best Boy Ever, and we’ll all, Humans and kitties alike, meet up soon enough again. I hope your stabby guy can get you perked up enough to enjoy the holidays with your beloved Peeps. Love you, Bro. And your Mama too. XOXOXO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Spitty my man……you are special to me – always have been……and I appreciate the positive thoughts. I need them now for sure. Even with the help from Doctor Stabby, I’m struggling. But I’m strong and I’m determined………hopefully that gets me something!!!! My Mom and I appreciate your note and I hope ALL of us will have a great holiday……HERE!

      Love and special Hugs, Sammy


  22. Oh, Sammy! I just know you’ll be around to celebrate Christmas with us all. I’m sending 87 billion healing ear licks to you. I’m so thankful you’ve been a part of my life the last few years. You’ve helped mom and me through so many hard times and you’ve also been there to celebrate the great times. You’re a true friend. I’ll be asking Santa to make sure you get to celebrate Christmas one last time. Love you! Noodle

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    • Oh Noodle what a SWEET thing to say! You’re a sweet little guy and I hope you have a most magical and wonderful life. Thanks for the encouraging words – I am going to try REALLY HARD to be here for Christmas. I’ll keep everybody posted on my blog……and I am going to most of all be STRONG and brave.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

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    • Decembers are rough months – seems humans and animals say farewell in December more than any other month but I’m going to TRY not to punch my ticket until well after Christmas. I love life………a lot.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Claire…….I’m as sad as everyone else is believe me. I’ve loved my life – every minute of it and I’ve been HEALTHY too – but now I’m old and very tired……..we’ll hope I have lots more time and only God knows that part but I’m hanging in there………..Christmas is coming and I’m being hopeful!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  23. I’m in tears, Scout Sammy. I hope you can rally for Christmas, but if not, Skeezix, Mao, Rocky, Buckaroo and Junior will be ready with head bonks at the bridge when the time comes. I hope that won’t be soon. Seriously crying now.


    • Dear Denmaster………..I just found this sweet comment in my blog spam – sorry it took me so long to discover it! I don’t want anyone to cry – I’ve had the most amazing life and have had SO much fun so I’m going to leave one day with a big smile on my face (and my Scout neckerchief on!)……Thank you so much for your kindness and support. I know how devastating it’s been for you to lose your guys especially Buckaroo but truly ALL of them. My Mom and Dad are sad a lot of the time but I do my best to have more GOOD days than BAD so that helps. Tomorrow I’m back to the doctor again – bloodwork. I had a BAD day today……sick again. I’m trying VERY HARD to stay for Christmas and that trip to the North Pole with my Scout buddies…..I hope after I go to the Bridge, I will be able to stay at Scouts as your first Angel Troop Leader.

      Love and Hugs………and thanks from my heart,


  24. Love, hugs, and prayers my dear friend that you will be comfortable and hang around here for a while longer. We all love you so much and want you to enjoy the holidays with your folks and celebrate another birthday year. Love to you and your folks. ❤

    Happy Thanksgiving.

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  25. Oh Sammy, hang in there – we want you to have one more Christmas too, and maybe the rally will give you even more. We hope you will be feeling a lot better soon. Lots of POTP and prayers from Mom, we love you, Sammy.

    Hugs and Woos – Lightning and Misty and Mom too

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  26. Most X-Cellent poem dearest furrend (and Mommy and Daddy)! Yous in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping this day holds all the warmth, contentment, and love of a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.
    Many Kisses
    Nellie (& Kozmo & Jo Jo & Cinnamon & Mommy)

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  27. Dear Sammy, M and I just love you and are very sad to read this. Ours hearts are breaking, but we do understand that you are tired out and your body is wearing out. Know that you are well loved. M said she’s say some prayers for you and I’m going to purr like crazy. Hope the vet can help you out with some magic medicine to make you feel better for awhile anyway. Love you pal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh how sweet you are………….I am overwhelmed with all the love I’m getting and feeling since I told everyone that I’m not doing well. I love my life and my friends and I don’t want to leave but maybe there’s some work for me over the Bridge that only I can do? Perhaps I’ll be in charge of bacon? I appreciate the prayers and POTP – honestly I can use it all……………..

      I love you too
      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Sharon……..the boost did work for a couple of days so far…..this afternoon is a little “off” but then again all days can’t be GREAT right? I’m hanging in there – I want to be here forever but that PROBABLY(!!!) isn’t going to happen.

      Love you though!
      Hugs, Sammy

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  28. Oh, Sammy we are going to keep prayers, purrs and positive thoughts for you sweetie. Prayers for your sweet mom and dad too. Lots of love, hugs and nose kisses for all of you. Pooh, Chancy and Mumsy

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  29. Oh Pam my heart is just breaking. I know somewhat of the pain you are experiencing (having lived it), but each of our pain is unique. I am praying with all of my heart and soul that Sammy hangs on. Dear, Sweet Sammy……….we love him, and YOU to pieces. Please know that even if we are awful about commenting on Facebook, and even if we don’t always visit every day, ALWAYS KNOW we are only an email or a phone call away……….we are ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU!!! We love you! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh sweet Caren and Cody I know how you feel about Sammy…..and we both love you for it……I know that you “KNOW” what I’m going through – and it’s pure hell isn’t it. I’m going to do the right thing though and Sammy will be the King that he is for as long as he’s here! Bacon tomorrow included. No need to comment or be there all the time because I know that you are in my heart and I know that I’m in yours. That’s what matters!

      Love and Hugs, Pam


  30. Sammy we love you very much. We want you to stay around forever but that would be selfish. We will certainly cry when you say goodbye but we understand that when the Angels come for you they’ll be taking you to a better place free of pain and suffering. Lots of love to you and for humans. Love Sabina and the Wrecking Crew.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you gang….what a sweet sentiment and I know it comes from your hearts….you are special friends indeed. I am doing my best to stay here for the holiday and who knows how much longer than that – I’m stubborn you know!

      I appreciate your friendship……so much.
      Love, Sammy


  31. My gracious, the outpouring of love here is beautiful….you both must know you are loved by so many. We, are among your admirers and always will be Sammy and Pam. Your poem was a toughie to read. I’m sure it was a toughie to write. Yet the poem is true and beautiful.


    Shoko and Kali

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  32. That is a wonderful and heartfelt poem, Sammy, and one that brings tears to my eyes.
    Sammy, please do what you can to be with your family this Christmas, but if you can’t, know that we all loves you very, very much, and we will be with you Wherever and Forever.
    You and your family are in our hearts and prayers, and when the Rainbow Bridge calls, and you take that path as we all must, but I shall raise a glass to you now my friend and salute a life well lived, with good family and friends…. till we meet…. Purrs, Erin


    • Erin what a SWEEET message………Near or far, I will carry every friend I’ve ever had in my heart forever……I’m doing well today and each day that I am well, I’m ever so grateful. Thanks for your prayers.

      Love, Sammy


  33. Deerest Unccle Sammy: You have helped mee grow uppy inn to a good an gentull mankat an mee wants you to know how much wee luvss an reespectss you!!! Yur mee bestest Unccle inn thee entire werld. An mee an LadyMum are fur ever….purromise!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ❤ LUV ❤ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


  34. **wipess tear away with paw**…
    Mee iss goin to bee brave when yur time comes Unccle… you tott mee. An yes pleeze watch over LadyMum an mee……
    Butt fur now wee are here together an mee iss berry happy!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty~~


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