Tuesday Teaser




Oh how I DO hope that all of you have spent this past week since last Tuesday Geography class studying your textbooks or watching travel programs or reading travel brochures because TODAY we find out who’s been paying attention!   

I have to remind you NOW that if you want a chance to be FIRST COMMENTER on today’s post you’d better move your buns ASAP and get to the comments to leave one – otherwise someone else is gonna beat you and get the badge!    Go on – hurry up – get back here and sit at your desk as soon as you comment!

Before we go on, perhaps this is a good time for me to drag bring in our little cheery cheerleader, SuzieQ so she can fire you all up and get your creative juices flowing (please do not get those juices all over the desk though).    C’mon in Suzie and do your thing!

Do you wanna be a winner? Or do you wanna be a whiner? Do you wanna be a waiter Or would you rather be the diner? Do you want to get a badge or be left out in the cold? Are you gonna be a scaredy-cat or are you gonna be bold? Get to work and do your best.... Show the world that you're the BEST! Wicky Wacky WOOOOO Good Luck To You!!!

Do you wanna be a winner?
Or do you wanna be a whiner?
Do you wanna be a waiter
Or would you rather be the diner?
Do you want to get a badge or be left out in the cold?
Are you gonna be a scaredy-cat or are you gonna be bold?
Get to work and do your best….
Show the world that you’re better than the rest!
Wicky Wacky WOOOOO
Good Luck To You!!!

Thanks a bunch Suzie – I know that your rousing cheer will fire everyone up and we’ll start getting guesses on the Teaser any second now!    Are the phones ready?

I'm ready too!

I’m ready !

Let’s get today’s photo up and those guesses coming in!    Mr. Silver Briefcase, you’re up buddy!

Here I am Professor.....I've guarded the top secret photo and now it's time to post it for your students!

Here I am Professor…..I’ve guarded the top secret photo and now it’s time to post it for your students!


Well?   Where was this taken????  Hmmm??

Here are the badges you might win depending on how well you do with this geography quiz!





I’ll be waiting…………….Don’t disappoint me!


The Prof….


Exercise your right!

86 responses »

  1. Hi sammy! I’m late as usual. My mum says it looks very familiar, but she always says that. Off to look through her photos starting with Norway.


  2. It could be Budapest, Hungary, but I’m quite sure it’s not. The buildings and the cobbles are to a certain extent similar, but such a street market is rather alien. Maybe Easy is right and Paris?
    BTW: The Hungarian term for cobble is “cat stone”.


  3. Sammy, Mom says she knows Paris, France, and Rome, Italy, have these arched sidewalks everywhere, and she suspects every other European city does as well. It is totally non-specific, but she’s guessing Paris. That’s probably not good enough, but that’s what she’s got! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  4. LadyMum sayss defo in London, England…Soho District purrhapss???
    Shee soundss so-o sure of herself Unccle Sammy….do mee dare trust her knowledge (or lack thereif….) Mew mew mew….
    An wee made it here befur 10 W Em! A Meeracull fur sure!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Well we’ll see if your Mom has it this week or not when we get the TELL ALL tomorrow – stay tuned – you just never know what’s gonna happen on these Teasers until it’s ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL over!!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good America Votes Morning! Lucky you Sammykins! Life will be the same tomorrow no matter what happens today. You’ll still be all cozy on mommy’s loving lap and the apple of our eye! It’s great to be a Bloggy Kitty Star! I really don’t have a clue (not a surprise, LOL) so will throw my trusty dart and it lands in Dummfries, Scotland. A market town. That’s a wild wild west guess if ever there was one, LOL ta ta for now, I’m going to go shake my sheleighlee in my craft room xoxoxo hugs!


  6. I like this picture. There are cars so it’s modern. I know Easy guessed a place in France but mom and I have been chattering and mom thinks this is River Walk in Savannah, Georgia. She’s surprised Bacon didn’t guess this too.

    Shoko and mom


    • OConnell Street???????????????????? In downtown Dublin???????????? Well me little Irish leprechauns (aka cat) ye may be right and get yer pot-o-gold tomorrow, or ye may be lookin’ for a pot to make Irish stew in instead! Visit me tomorrow and find out…….Deal?

      Love, Sammy O’Kimmell the Teaser


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