Pre-Teaser Monday


It’s About That Time!

Welcome Students of Geography……


Here we are again – it’s Monday and we’re prepping ourselves for tomorrow’s TEST!    The TEST is of course guessing where the photo I will show you was taken.   We make it harder though by saying you need to say what TOWN/CITY/VILLAGE and what STATE or COUNTRY the photo is snapped – you can’t just say “somewhere on Earth” and get away with it I’m afraid!

So be ready – think you can do that?  Oh c’mon – of COURSE you can especially if you are a “seasoned” Teaser fan!

I thought I’d ask SuziQ to give you a little encouragement so you come here tomorrow in the proper frame of mind……..Suzie?

Slim Slam I like ham Wicki Picki I like chickie Bluesday Crewsday I love Tuesday! I wasn't quite prepared To have my cheering aired I usually cheer tomorrow This cheer is a horror I think I'd better go Before I ruin the show!

Slim Slam
I like ham
Wicki Picki
I like chickie
Bluesday Crewsday
I love Tuesday!
I wasn’t quite prepared
To have my cheering aired
I usually cheer tomorrow
This cheer is a horror
I think I’d better go
Before I ruin the show!

Well Suzie I can tell you really were NOT prepared to give us a cheer today – that one was all over the place – BUT it’s the fact that when I called on you, you showed up that counts!   Let’s hear it for SuzieQ !!





I’m sure she will have a whopper of a cheer for us tomorrow on THE BIG DAY………..she never – hardly ever –  mostly – pretty much lets us down right?

Remember the Teaser post will pop up at a SURPRISE time………….almost always before 10AM Eastern Standard Time but then again who knows.   Only the SHADOW KNOWS (just kidding) – actually only me and my Mom know since we do the Teaser Post together and we’re not tellin’ !!!

Tomorrow morning, whoever is the FIRST PERSON to comment on the Teaser post will get this:


So you need to be on guard for the post to arrive on your doorstep tomorrow morning………………………..

Meanwhile, have a PAWSOME Monday!

Keep studying your geography!

Keep studying your geography!

I'll be here tomorrow......will you?

I’ll be here tomorrow……will you?

Hugs, Professor Sam

Pee Ess – Before I go, may I say HAPPY WORLD CAT DAY!


Here’s to cats everywhere – long may we wave (our tails!)



61 responses »

  1. Good Morning, Suzie! Not bad considering you were not given much time to prepare… still fun to see your sweet little face and hear what the heck you came up with!!!!!!!!!!! Going to try to be here but we are heading to St. Lou tomorrow morning early. Happy World Cat Day!


    • Oh have a nice trip to St. Lou! I’ll miss ya – I like seeing your smiling face in class on Tuesday but I’ll forgive you because you will be with CH and probably having fun and a cheeseburger too!

      Love, sammy


  2. Great job Suzie! Being that you had no notice and were on the spot. Happy World Cat Day! I somehow missed the memo for that one. XO


  3. Happy World Cat Day Sam my man. I’m betting dollars to doughnuts the Tuesday Teaser is gonna be somewhere in Brazil.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. Oh Sammy,my buddy, my pal! Yes, I do have the white-towel still going on…BUT (knock wood) it has been over a week since there has been any flea dirt evidence and more than that since a live flea was turned up by flea combing. I’m due for my next Advantage treatment next weekend, but the Human thinks we have gained the upper hand on the little pests. Thank you for noticing!

    I am working on trying to get the Human to make up some kind of visiting schedule for us because I miss keeping track of what’s going on in Kitty World! ManCatly hugs to you Sammy and your Mom too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAY! It sounds like you’ve won the war against the evil flea-devils. I had a feeling you and your Human would WIN. Now to keep them GONE FOREVER…..banished from the Kingdom…… Kitty World is not the same without you my man…… nor is Scouts! You missed a FAB trip to Montana to the Paws Up Resort – we had a blast and a half. Missed YOU though!

      Mancatly hugs back atcha (and one for your Human too!)


    • She did pretty well with her Tuesday cheer…………of course I can’t say WHEN the world will hear it since it’s a surprise time for the Teaser today but eventually you will!!

      Love, Sam


    • Suzie was HOT with the cheering yesterday and today – more of the same! I hope you are keeping yourself busy catching up on Nellie-Naps now that your Mommy is back to work!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • BRAVO!!!! May we call you CsillaQ?????? Tee Hee………well done, you’re a poet and you now know-it! See you “WHENEVER” this morning – a bit later than usual maybe…… 😉

      Love, Sammy (and Mom too!)


  5. Happy belated Cat Day, Sammy. Our mom has been so disorganized lately, we even missed World Cat Day. We think her brain has finally blown the one fuse it had left. Hope you had a purrfect day. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Your poor Mom……well, we ALMOST didn’t know about World Cat Day either – seems we’ve just been too darn busy to keep up lately – Mom says we REALLY need to go to Paws Up Resort for a week………..maybe she’s right?!

      Love, Sam


    • Munich……I thought there would be some Germany, Italy, Austria, France kind of guesses – – – but I’m afraid all of those would be wrong since it’s a photo of my David standing in the square of OLD QUEBEC CITY!!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • Canada is HUGE and it’s impawsible to see it all – like here – same deal……and so many places LOOK like Old Quebec City………Mom always said it reminded her a whole lot of Paris……….we’ll forgive you for not knowing it……after all, it’s an ENIGMA (tee hee).

          Love and Hugs, Sam

          Liked by 1 person

  6. OH no….my clock is 1 minute slow…hit enter at 2:00 eastern time…gah…burn! xo BTW, Hello lovely Pammy & Sammy. Are you sleeping already? Does Sammy sleep in your bed too? I love it when kitties cover their eyeiiiii


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