Tuesday Teaser


“Attention Students…..

Geography Class is about to begin!”


Yes indeed it is, so students, please come in and take your seat because your test is about to commence!   You know the drill – the FIRST to Comment on today’s blog post gets a little SOMETHING/SOMETHING – or as is more commonly uttered, sumthin’ sumthin’ (or sump’n sump’n).   This:

First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 5/24/16

First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 5/24/16

Give us a ringy dingy NOW in the form of a comment!   Then come back to figure out the Teaser (and hear SuzieQ’s trash talk of the day) !

Hello? Yes you ARE first commenter!

Hello? Yes you ARE first commenter!

So why don’t we start this boat floating, this train running, this plane flying, this bee buzzing, this……………….oops I got carried away.  Let’s just bring Suzie in to cheer for us before we show you the photo for today!

Bim Bam Bum Let's have some fun What do you see? No, not my knees! Where is this place? No, not outer space! Ricky Ticky TOOO Good luck to YOUUU

Bim Bam Bum
Let’s have some fun
What do you see?
No, not my knees!
Where is this place?
No, not outer space!
Ricky Ticky TOOO
Good luck to YOUUU

Uh………….OK………..thanks Suzie, other than the knees thing most of this makes sense for a change!!   You’re learning.    However, all that cheering still brings us back to what we’re here for – to look at a photo and guess WHERE it was taken…………..and I don’t mean a “general” where, I mean a “specific” where.   What town/city/village and in what state or country did SOMEONE (my Guest Teaser) take this photo????    If you are the very FIRST to guess right, you get this:

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 5/24/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 5/24/16

If you guess CORRECTLY but aren’t the first one who does, then you get this:

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 5/24/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 5/24/16

And of course, there’s the “ALSO RAN” category – you were HERE, you looked at the photo, you examined it thoroughly but you still either guess WRONGLY or don’t know PERIOD in which case you still get THE BIG GREENIE!

I didn't have a CLUE on Sam's Teaser of 5/24/16!

I didn’t have a CLUE on Sam’s Teaser of 5/24/16!

READY?????  OK!

Mr. Silver Suitcase with the lock on your wrist for protection, please bring in today’s TEASER photo for display!

Yes Boss.....I've got your photo RIGHT HERE!

Yes Boss…..I’ve got your photo RIGHT HERE!


What is this lovely building AND where is it located on Planet Earth????????????????????????   Don’t let time waste – you know you wanna be first so get to studying and guessing!


See you tomorrow for the Tell All! 

Professor Sammy

Make me proud now Students!

Make me proud now Students!


90 responses »

  1. Pretty sure Flynn has it. Custom House Tower, Boston, Massachusetts. I would not have known it if I hadn’t googled Flynn’s guess. It is a very cool piece of architecture.
    Suzie, Bim Bam Bum right back at you!
    Good Morning!


    • Hi Miss Pix! Google is sometimes VERY helpful yes????!!! Suzie’s “hot” this morning – not even one innuendo about me being old! That’s progress don’t you think???

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh Jeepers, this is not our day, so late showing up and we have no clue where in the world that is. We did enjoy Suzy Q’s cheer, even the part about the knees, she sure does try hard 🙂


  3. Oh gosh, you’d think this would be an easy one, wouldn’t you? Alas, for me, it is not. Now I know I was gonna stick with one place and go with that every week but I DO KNOW that there’s no way that that one place I chose could be this so I’m gonna have to have an option B. Halifax, Nova Scotia, aka HRM. That’s my guess and I’m stickin’ to it. Purrs, Seville.


  4. Good job Suzy Q! Always nice to see you. As always, I don’t have a clue, but it is a pretty church, at least I think it is a church. XO


    • Well know what? You’re not the only ones! Lotsa people scratch their head over the Teasers on Tuesdays but then out of the blue they will “get it” !!! Come back if something clicks!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Prof. Sammy I’m clueless A G A I N…but I am a loyal and attentive student so hopefully I will give a passing grade
    Hugs madi your bfff


  6. We see Flynn has it as well as some others. That’s okay! We weren’t up that early. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh Brian thanks for letting me know about the little guy – so cute…..he was one lucky boy to find a rescuer there with your Dad! It is a way cool Teaser today isn’t it? We’ll find out the scoop tomorrow!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh wow…….do they have one of those there? Like the leaning tower of PIZZA (hahahahaha – how about a nice tuna pizza right about now?!?!). Anyway, tomorrow we’ll see what the photo ACTUALLY is. OK? OK!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Not onlee are wee berry late Uncle Sammy; wee have no clue where that beeuteeuss building iss…..
    LadyMum was goin to guess inn Luxembourg???? Where efurr THAT iss???
    Butt mee finkss Flynn iss rite; hee iss one wise mankat…..
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


    • Know what? Even if you aren’t right (and this time I’m sorry to say you aren’t!), you have TRIED and isnt’ that the most impawtant thing after all? YES! So BRAVO FOR YOU!

      Hugs, Sammy


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