Sammy’s Post-NYE Party



Happy New Year everyone!    So glad you could make it……………………I decided to host a “new years day recovery” spot for all of you who maybe partied a BIT too much as well as those of you who came to party some more to celebrate with me my 16th birthday.    SO, pull up a bed if you need one, or hit the buffet table…………mimosas, hot chocolate, just help yourself and let’s bring in the new year together!

Sam's Birthday 2012

Can you tell I’m excited?

First a thank you to my friends who sent me birthday cards yesterday!   WOO HOO!!!!   I started celebrating yesterday which was totally cool……………!

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Now please help yourselves to the breakfast buffet if you’re hungry…………………………!

YUM......fresh fruit!

YUM……fresh fruit!

Fresh baked pastries!

Fresh baked pastries!

Homemade blueberry bread!

Homemade blueberry bread!

An omelette station - just add what you like!

An omelette station – just add what you like!

Shrimp and grits?

Shrimp and grits?

Yummy casseroles....

Yummy casseroles….

Breakfast pizza? Oh yeah!

Breakfast pizza? Oh yeah!

Bacon -mania! YAY!

Bacon -mania! YAY!

Breakfast sausages....

Breakfast sausages….

Seafood galore if that's your favorite!

Seafood galore if that’s your favorite!



Bloody Sammys (hahaha)

Bloody Sammys (hahaha)

Fruit Juices of ALL kinds!

Fruit Juices of ALL kinds!

Hot chocolate bar

Hot chocolate bar

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and Tea

AND….when you choose to snooze?


Save some room for a little bit of SWEET after you eat!

Minion cupcakes.......

Minion cupcakes…….

Lemon poppyseed birthday cupcakes!

Lemon poppyseed birthday cupcakes!

When you feel ready to leave,

go knowing your pal Sammy

appreciated you stopping by

to celebrate the new year and

his SWEET SIXTEEN birthday party!  

Love you all, Sammy

Thanks for coming!!

Thanks for coming!!


119 responses »

  1. Count us in for the party, my dear friend! The food looks delicious.
    Wishing you a Happy Birthday, dear Sammy! Mr. Bowie says “Meow!”

    PS: Happy New Year! Wishing you and your family all the best for 2016!


  2. Snorts and oinks cousin. What a great party. I still haven’t been to bed yet. But Sshh don’t tell mom okay. Now where are those minion cupcakes. Licks piggy lips. Happy New Years!! XOXO – Bacon


  3. Oh and squeals. Did you think I forgot. Happy birthday!! 🎉 May this year bring you all the joy and happiness that it possibly can cousin. Love you buddy!! XOXO – Bacon


  4. Happy birthday, buddy! And happy 2016! I love your excited face. It reminds me of my own. A lot like my confused face, my bored face, my hungry face, and my tired face. I don’t like to waste too much energy on my face. I might need that energy to jump onto a chair to reach something yummy. Enjoy your special day, S.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so wise Cupcake…..why waste energy on a face when you can use it to STEAL something good that somebody ACCIDENTALLY forgets is “available” to little paws? Thanks for coming by – – – Happy New Year to you and your very talented Mommy!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy what a super post NYE and combo birthday bash…delish food comfy snuggle spots…a great way to start the year off! We wish you the happiest of Birthdays and continued good health..and look forward to another year of Gingerbread sweetness..loves Fozziemum and all the gang xx


    • Thank you for being our friend Fozziemum…….we do hope that you ALL have a good 2016 – maybe some some new adventures, new home perhaps, WHO KNOWS……new starts are a challenge but life is full of those right? Thanks for coming to my party too….would NOT have been the same without you!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Happy Birthday Sammy! 16 years is most impressive! We’ve loved reading your blog all year and hope you will continue now that you’re 16! Xxxx


    • Well my little friends, I plan to blog until I can’t blog any longer and have gone to the beautiful Rainbow Bridge – even then, my Mom says maybe I’ll blog as “Angel Sammy” !!!! It’s been fun getting to know you two – may your new year be full of more adventures and learning more new things……I’m sending you wishes for a very Happy New Year!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. A very Happy Birthday to you Sammy. Wow look at all that yummy food. We can’t wait to dig in and then have a nice nap on one of those great looking beds.
    We also wish you a very Happy and Healthy 2016.


  8. Happy Birthday sweet sixteen! Have a year full of wonderful moments, all tears are banned (eggs-cept those with joy… and those of my momma when google shows her the wrong pictures on tuesday hehehe)… let’s hope for a super 2016 where we all are together :o9


    • YES Easy that’s a great “Wish for the New Year”……it would be fun to all be together and I know I’m hoping my health hangs in there so I can be around for some more years – I’m having too much fun to leave! I hope you and your Dad have some MANFUN while your Mom is gone. HAPPY NEW YEAR my friend.

      Love, Sammy


    • Good Flynn! I’m glad you are here to help me celebrate and if you get a little snoozy later – help yourself to one of the comfy beds! Thank you for being my friend and here’s to a great 2016 for both of us!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Happy Birthday pal. Sorry I missed your party yesterday, but I wanted to wish you the best on your special birthday. WOW, this is quite a spread of food. Yes, thank you, I will help myself.


  10. Oh SAMMY! What a FEAST you have prepared! Thank you SO much. I had dessert first of course but those nommy bacon and eggs just called my name right after! Happy Sweet Sixteen darling. Love you.


    • Thank you for coming to my party Katie! I hope you enjoy the foodables and maybe take a snooze in one of the comfy beds then EAT MORE FOOD! IT’s a day of fun and celebration…….I sure didn’t think I’d get to be 16!

      Love, Sammy


  11. Happy Birthday Sammy. What a great feast you have prepared. We wanted to tell you thank you for bringing a smile to our face each and every day, we might not comment every day but we do read your blog every day and every day our mom says “Oh Sammy…” with a big smile. We’re looking forward to more Tuesday Teasers in 2016. Happy New Year to you and your family Sam.

    Love O&C


    • Hi Oliver and Calvin! I’m so glad you’re here to help me celebrate the new year AND my BIG 16! So glad you enjoy my blog because I really do enjoy writing one every day. If one or two people smile – then I’m HAPPY! See you Tuesday…….for the first Teaser of 2016!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMMY KIMMELL !!! Hugs my furrend. May you celebrate many many more.
    Thank you for all the pawtastic noms. I may just spend the day here grazing and napping and grazing and napping and….


  13. Happy 16th Birthday Sammy! All the FOOD looks delicious… breakfast sausages, shrimp and grits, all those pastries! Have a wonderful day today. A very Happy New Year to all the Kimmells! Hugs!


  14. Happy Sweet 16 Sammy! Sending you lots of love and good wishes from Cat Scout Sammy P, Phoebe and the rest of our clowder. Here’s to a year of health and happiness- and lots of stumping us on the Tuesday Teaser.XO


  15. What a great party Sammy! Looking forward to another great year with you our friend! Happy Happy 16th!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang


  16. Happy Purrday Sammy!!!! Thanks for inviting us to your party. We are starving and all this food is delicious.

    (Socks) Hi Pal, us old guys have to stick together (I am 15) I hope to see you in Scouts soon. In case you haven’t heard Daddy found a kitten December 26th (the vet assigned it a purrday of December 21st) so as you can see it is very young and takes up all the Mom’s time. How come she is the only one that can bottle feed the kitten? Anyway I miss all of you and hope to see everyone soon. Love ❤ you Scout brother. ~Socks


    • Hi Socks! Gosh it’s good to hear from you………we sure miss you at Scouts AND we have a QUEST (yes I know it’s a dirty word but hey what can I say?!) coming in February! EEEEK! A new little baby kitten to take care of? Wow…….you’ll have to name him Chris for Christmas – I’m glad your Dad found it – otherwise it may not have made it. Sending you wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR – enjoy the food!

      Love, Sammy


    • HI CK! You know what? I totally missed BACON DAY – can you believe it? ME??? The Baconator? Oh well…….I get bacon tomorrow anyway as it’s “Bacon Saturday” so I’ll just ask for EXTRA. Hope you had a good new year’s eve – we had a QUIET one! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Love, Sammy


  17. What a great way to start the year, Sammy!!! Thanks for the invite. We are all worn out from the very loud and very long fireworks in our neighborhood last night. We need today to sleep.

    Sending you and your family lots of wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. May 2016 bring you many good blessings.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Oh I hope the fireworks didn’t upset Ciara! We only had a couple of fireworks the whole night – we were HAPPY about that! Thank you for coming to my party………………and thank you for your friendship – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Love, Sammy


  18. Happy birthday, dearest friend, Sammy. Best birthday noms ever! The minion cupcakes are our favorite! We are wishing you the best birthday ever and many, many more. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to us. We love you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Mom Janet ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for coming by my party gang. Let’s hope the new year is HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, and ready for us to rock it !! Thanks for being our friends – always and forever.

      Love and Happy New Year,
      Sammy and Mom Pam


  19. Hi “Sweet Sixteen”, 😉 and thx for the invitation. You really make my mouth water, with all that yummy food. 😉
    I wish you a wonderful remainder of your birthday, and again all the best for the coming year(s) in your life,


  20. dood…we did manage ta steel de cell ewe lar!! may bee we will make sum looooooong diztanz callz while we iz at it! best fishes, happy day wishes N mice creem dishes 🎶🎶🎶 fora most total lee awesum 16….N heerz two another 16! thanx for all de grate eatz N pleez due knot say…boy look at thoz hog tabbies they eated all de fish…..we canna help R selves~~~😜 N joy yur day, eat lotz oh cake N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health. ❤️❤️❤️🐟🐟🐟loves frum uz all…..


    • Thanks to ALL of you for the wonderful card AND for just being my friends………you all always make me happy when you visit……and I hope you have a really FANTASTIC and FISH-FILLED new year!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Thank you Raz…………it would NOT have been the same without you my good buddy…………..thanks for the cool HAPPY VIDEO too – I’m going to have it on tomorrow’s blog!

      Love, Sammy


  21. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMMY! I just had to rush over and give my best wishes to you! DO you know, you are exactly twice my age!! Don’t want to rub it in or anything! Also wanted to come because you throw the best pawties!! Have a great year my friend xoxoxox


  22. Happy Meowday and New years Sammy. Those pastries sure look noommy. We hope yous day and year is filled wiff luv and health and happiness. Fanks fur bein’ our furiend. Now those are sum really cool beds. 🙂

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  23. Happy Birthday Sammy!! You’re 16….hhhooolllyy Cow Kitty. You look pretty dang good for 16. You must be very wise. That is why your our top kitty in the patrols.

    This food is delicious…these Minions cupcakes are to die for….just sayin’ and how did you come up with these Bloody Sammys…..they are top notch.

    Thank you for being…well, YOU.




    • Hi Shoko! So happy you came by…..lotsa good stuff to munch on huh? I can’t believe I’m 16 but there you are – I’ve made it to that and looking forward to my NEXT birthday party! Have another Minion cupcake or two – – – make sure and take a “kitty bag” home for Kali and your Mom too!

      Love, Sammy


  24. Sammy my two birthday boy brothers join in sharing birthdays today. WE are so glad to be helping you celebrate. We wish for many many more!
    Happy Mew Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Happy 16ht Birthday sweet Unccle Sammy!!!!
    Yur thee best an you meen thee werld to mee! May you have many more years with us….
    Mee apawlogizess fur beein so late to yur pawty. Mee sorta gotted inn to B-I-G trubble today not once, not twice butt three timess an spent quite a bit of time inn time out (inn bathroom!).
    Ladymum said mee should beehave more like YOU!
    Mee iss goin just curl up inn thee round brown chair with sum leftover shrimp an bee a good kittyboy ok Unccle???
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


    • Dear Nephew……you’re still a young guy and bound to get just a bit “wound up” with all the excitement of new toys and all those grand presents you got from all your friends and fans!!!!! I bet today you’re all recovered and will stay out of trouble….right? THanks for coming to the party though – it wouldn’t have been the same without you there to help your old uncle celebrate. Here’s to a wonderful new year for all of us dear boy……..

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • ew mew mew Unccle mee was ALL wound up this morning!! Jumpin on LadyMum an droppin toy mousiess on her! Wee had sum wrestling an then mee had breakfast an the mee played an played….an played….mee goin fur a ‘happy nappy’ now (2 Pee Em). Mee even went out inn Condo twice today!! Mee iss pooped now…
        Yur thee deerest Unccle Unccle Sammy am mee adoress you with all mee furry heart!
        ***nose kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  26. Am sorry I got here so late but wanted to get in my Super Happy Birthday wish. Thank you so much for getting out the leftovers for me when I finally made it–good stuff. I so wanted to crawl on one of your wonderful beds and stay the night but I had to come home. Have a fabulous year and I’ll be there to see you every day either early or late.


    • I’m so glad you came by!!!! There was so much food, we’ll be having leftovers for a while that’s for sure and I had a most wonderful birthday. Thank you for the birthday wishes……….also thanks for being my friend! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

      Love, sammy


  27. So sorry I couldn’t join you properly for your birthday party Sammy 😦 Was knocked under by a tummy bug and all your delectable food was wasted on me! Did manage to spoil Ed with his tuna though! Here indeed is to your next birthday party and we’ll hopefully be in the thick of it then. Take care dear boy xxx


  28. 😉 Mee sure doess Unccle Sammy!!! Mee adoress you all so…..
    Mee was out inn Condo today (Tuesday) fur 25 minuttss……..BBRRRRR berry chilley an yet ree-freshin!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


  29. Mee went out today fur about 10 minuttss…it was so chilley….so mee came back inn an snuggled LadyMum……
    Shee sayss maybe tomorrow will bee better Unccle 😉
    Wee has thee Fireplace Channelle on rite now an it feelss so warm inn here…mew mew mew…..thee power of thee mind…..
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • If the fireplace channel works for you and Ladymum then keep it on!!! We’re keeping warm here too – blankets or fireplace or turning the heat up a bit……’s just been super cold and the older I get the more I feel it!

      Stay warm young man and keep Ladymum cozy too!
      Love, Uncle Sammy


  30. Sammy, I am so, so, SO VERY SORRY for missing your birthday party. I knew it was your birthday. I thought about your birthday coming up a few days before the big day and then the big day arrived and… MOUSES!

    But better late than never so… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY PAL!!! May your the coming year be filled with love & friendship, nip and some bacon, too. purrs



    • Seville no worries about missing my birthday – really – we had a blast but then everybody has a blast the day after New Year’s Eve right? Maybe a little TIRED from all the partying but still, we like to start out the new year feeling perky! Thanks for coming by – as you say, better late than never and I’m so happy to hear from you!

      Love, Sammy


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