Tuesday Teaser!



As promised – Tuesday arrived right when it should…..between Monday and Wednesday (haha) and Tuesday means TEASER!    Let’s get right to this GUEST TEASER – what do you say?   Mr. Briefcase guy – please show my friends the photo of today’s stumper!

Yes Sir!   Here it is!

Here's the Teaser for today!

Here’s the Teaser for today!


Now, please remember that you must tell me WHERE this photo was taken – I need to know the actual name of this structure (yes I already know it’s a lighthouse!), and where it’s located – what country or state, city or village???   Be specific as to location if you can.  OK?   NOW GO FOR IT!

If you are the very first person to COMMENT today on the blog you will get THIS for being so speedy quick!


If you are the very FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on today’s post, you will be the proud owner of this:


If you are RIGHT but not FIRST, you still get to strut your stuff with this:


If you are wrong or clueless, you get to add one of my FABULOUS Greenies to your collection (or start a collection if this is your first WRONG guess on a Teaser of mine!):


Swell?  You betcha.   Tomorrow we’ll find out where this photo was snapped and by WHOM………..my Guest Teaser will get a badge to proclaim that they TEASED all of you, and I’ll probably immediately start looking for another Teaser to fool you NEXT Tuesday!

GOOD LUCK PEEPS!    I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines………………………..

The Teaser Cheerleader!

The Teaser Cheerleader!

Ra Ra Ree

Kick ‘Em In The Knee

Ra Ra Rass

Kick ‘Em In The OTHER Knee!

I'm so danged funny!

I’m so danged funny!

79 responses »

  1. We have a guess, Peggy’s Cove on the Eastern Shore of St. Margaret’s Bay in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 🙂 We hope we were specific enough, haha!


  2. It looks like a New England lighthouse but mum doesn’t think it is one that she has seen. If it is at Peggy’s Cove as has already been guessed, that is why because she hasn’t been there.


  3. Mom forgot again that it is Tuesday. The only thing she can come up with is Peggy’s Cove, Halifax, Nova Scotia, but the terrain does not look right. We love the Teaser Cheerleader. Great addition. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  4. Changing our answer after more Google research. We knew the terrain was not correct for Peggy’s Cove. Our new answer is Mulholland Point Lighthouse at the west end of Campobello Island, New Brunswick, across the border from Lubec, Maine. That’s our FINAL answer! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Is that your FINAL answer or your FINAL FINAL answer? Or is it your POSSIBLY FINAL ANSWER????? Just foolin’ – sounds like you did a lot of research to get to this guess so we’ll find out tomorrow if you’re right or WHAT!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Mee-you Unccle Sammy 12:10 Pee Em an wee are furinallee here!! Woo Hoo!
    LadyMum sayss thee lighthouse lookss like it iss in Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario….butt shee finkss it iss inn Nova Scotia out inn Eastern Canada….
    At leest shee iss tryin rite Unccle??? 😉
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Hi Nephew! Well you and Ladymum did get here – no matter WHAT time it was……so welcome to Tuesday Teaser! Thanks for taking a peek and making a guess – come see me tomorrow and see if Ladymum did well!

      Love, and Hugs, Uncle Sammy


  6. dood…..by all de codz in all de seez we swear thiz bee de lite houz yur mom & dad wented two & like yur mom painted it…knot de act shoo ull lite houz coz that wood knot bee a vacationz…but a painting oh de light houz….sew we will guess this iz in norway but google iz knot given up de name oh de houz it self ~~~~~~
    🙂 ♥♥♥


    • Mr. Google isn’t cooperating today??? Not fair!!!!! Well, guess what – my Mom and Dad have never been to this particular lighthouse……they’d LIKE to see it in purrrrrson but haven’t. Tomorrow you’ll get to find out who the Guest Teaser was who sent the photo to me! Meanwhile if you’ll excuse me, I have to go nap on my BEEEEEAUTIFUL fleece blankie. IT’s the most comfy spot in my world!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  7. I waited and waited trying to recapture my 59th place…but I’m too early.
    For sure that photo is not one of the lighthouses on the NC coast.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  8. Hello Sammy..goodmorning..wrong morning..dang..went to bed late got up early and those comments were already longer than a shopping list bwahahaah i would have said isle of wight..but i think perhaps the clever cookies already have the answers..Sammy i need a time machine to catch up bwahahaha 🙂 mind you i would there in a heartbeat..a very pretty place..i have a thing about light houses 🙂 Loves Fozziemumxxx


  9. Is there a prize for being really really late Sammy? MOL! How about North America, hmmmm Maine sounds good because I am hungry for some lobster!
    Luv Ya Sammy!!!!!


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