Finally Teaser Tell All



Ready for me to open the silver briefcase????



Well, you had to wait a whole extra day to get the news on the Teaser this week.  Was it horrible having to wait?  Did you go nuts having TWO DAYS to think about the Teaser?   I went nuts waiting for Mom and Dad to get home from their overnight getaway but now that they ARE home, we’re ready for the BIG REVEAL on the Teaser photo!

Here’s the photo again:


Where was the photo snapped?  My Mom took this picture when she and Dad were on their honeymoon in 1990 on the THIRD stop of their trip which was in (drum roll please) LUCERNE, SWITZERLAND!!!!!   See those white blobs in the photo?  Mom edited (sloppy but at least you couldn’t see) a couple of Swiss flags on the two shops.

SNEAKY?  Yep……it was a rainy day Mom says but that didn’t keep them from wandering around and window shopping – lots of beautiful jewelry stores here and other nice shops.

Now – who was my FIRST COMMENTER on Tuesday morning after the blog post went live?   It was my old pals Oliver and Calvin who don’t have a blog but are “frequent flyers” when it comes to First Commenters!   Let’s give them a round of applause – AND this badge:

You commented on the Teaser blog FIRST!

Who was my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER after this TWO DAY Teaser-fest where I gave you two days to figure out where the photo was taken?   Drum roll please:


ME!   Why?  Because nobody got it right!!!!!  I “gotcha” !

I did have a lot of great guesses though……….even some guesses that it was Switzerland – but NOBODY guessed Lucerne.  I have had some OTHER Lucerne Teaser photos before just not this one.  WOO HOO FOR ME!

But all the rest of you are still winners because you ALL get a GREENIE!'re wrong!

I hope you had fun with this week’s Teaser……….I did……..but I didn’t enjoy my Mom and Dad leaving me again because we had a huge storm and lots of rain and wind and Mom’s lap wasn’t available for me to use for safety.  Pitiful isn’t it?   While I was here suffering, Mom and Dad were here:

BOATCABIN4 BOATCABIN9 BOATCABIN10That’s right – relaxing on a boat in Solomon’s Island, Maryland with my Dad’s brother and his wife!   Did they think about me all alone?  Maybe……actually Mom was very happy to see me and I was happy to see her when they got back.   She promised NOT to do another overnight trip for a while………..thank heavens!

Love, Sammy



50 responses »

  1. It looks like your humans had a great time, Sammy! My human’s boyfriend is actually coming out to Maryland this weekend… in all the rain! Oh well, he has work to do!


    • EEEEEK…….it appears that they will certainly have TONS of rain because that hurricane is headed this way! Hope he gets here OK and is somewhere in MD that’s NOT along the shore!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Well done on beating everyone Sammy! Looks like your Mom and Dad had a great time.
    My mum has been there, but it was back in 1967 when she went with her school. She would never have remembered it now. She didn’t take any photos back then either. They stayed at a place called Kandersteg, and Lucerne was one of the places they were taken to visit from there.
    The hotel was for visiting students and was next to the scout centre. She says she remembers that part very well!!


    • Hi Flynn!!!! Lucerne was a beautiful spot my Mom says…..they were there before that big long wooden bridge was burned that goes over the river. Even though it was rainy while they were there, they had a wonderful time exploring the city. I bet your Mom had a super fun time too with her class!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Concats Oliver and Calvin!!! and the greenie to my momma please, because my dad said the apotheke signs aren’t black in austria and germany BUT IN SWITZERLAND! and she wouldn’t listen to him… and there we have it…throw all your greenies on her :o)


  4. Woohoo! It’s the greenie for me!
    I’m glad your mom and dad are back now, Sammy. Are you punishing them for leaving you without your mom’s lap during a storm?


  5. When Mom showed Dad the Teaser, he said Switzerland, but she ignored him. Nothing new there. Even though we said, “phooey” that we weren’t first, if Mom Pam is going by minutes and not using seconds we tied for first. Looks as if Mom Pam and Dad David had a great trip; though, we are sorry you were left alone, Sammy. Hope you don’t need to worry about flooding. We already have a lot of flooding here with water in our basement, and the prediction here is for 4 to 10 more inches starting tonight. When we had our 1985 flood, it was said that was a 100-year flood. Now the weather people are saying this could be comparable. Stay dry, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh NO on the possible flooding in your house. Thank heavens we’re on this hill and while we can see flooding down in the woods with the little creek, nothing happening up here and our sump pump is working fine so far. More rain coming though so paws crossed that you will be alright…………too bad your Mom didn’t listen to your Dad although there were a lot who said Switzerland, just not Lucerne! Sorry about the “FIRST COMMENT” thing – Mom can’t seem to make up her mind to use seconds or stick with minutes……she SHOULD make it one way or the other though to be fair! MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love and Hugs and Prayers for no floods, Sammy


  6. Aaaaaaaw Sammy weez so glad yous pawents awe back home. We know yous happy they be back too. As fur da teaser, yous know we never even twy, but yous pawents sure have seen a lot of da world. Dat’s so neat. Y’all be safe. Weez sendin’ purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  7. So glad things are back to normal, Sammy. It looks like your pawrents had a good time on their trip. Stay safe in the storms.


  8. dood…sea…we new if that smushy stuff wood move outta de way we wood noe eggz act lee wear thiz waz…..

    looks like yur mom N dad hada grate time…mumz de werd on de partee at yur place while they waz gone…. tho due pleez let uz noe if ya find R fake eye dee !!

    heerz two a frigate mackerull kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


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