Teaser Tell All




Let's see who the winners are THIS week!!

Let’s see who the winners are THIS week!!

We had a good Teaser yesterday don’t you think?    We also had ONE “First Commenter” too instead of a bunch registering during the same minute!!!    But first, let’s show the photos one last time!


My sincere thanks to our Guest Teaser, Miss Jackie who is Flynn’s Mum at Two Devon Cats!   We are so happy that she sends us some real WHOPPERS from time to time – these were great.  Wanna know where they were taken?   St. Petersburg, Russia!!   The first photo is obviously of three happy little girls in a fountain which is in the gardens at Peterhof Palace……then the canal photo  shows several bridges over one of the canals off the River Neva…..and the adorable bronze griffin resides on the University steps in front of the Academy of Arts on the River Neva.   THANK YOU MISS JACKIE AND FLYNN!   This is for you:

Thanks Miss Jackie and Flynn!

Thanks Miss Jackie and Flynn!

Who was our first (and only) FIRST COMMENTER?    Well, in spite of the fact that his grandparents are visiting this week so you just KNOW things are busy at his crib, our friend Easy managed to comment FIRST yesterday morning.   This is for you Easy:


And who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?   Why it was Easy’s Grandmother!  That’s right – she saw the photo and guessed St. Petersburg, Russia and she was RIGHT ON!   Let’s hear it for Easy’s Grandmom!!!!!    This is for your Grandmother Easy……………..


There were SEVERAL of you who also guessed St. Petersburg, Russia – BRAVO FOR ALL OF YOU WHO DID because each of you gets one of these!


Were you WRONG?   Were you CLUELESS?   Were you in need of some GREEN in your life?   Good – because if any of those apply to you, this is for you!


FUN!   Thanks as always for joining in and don’t forget – if you have some photos you think might make good TEASERS, send them to me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com !!  I’ll be looking for them.

HUGS and Happy Wednesday





45 responses »

  1. What a reeleef LadyMum was wrong so iss ok we were so late Unccle 😉
    LadyMum iss a 1/4 Russian butt nevurr been there…shee needss sum Gee-pgrafee lessonss, mew mew mew…..
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  2. Mom’s been there, but we sure didn’t recognize it. Those little girls must have been wearing different dresses when she was there. It was fall. MOL! Another big greenie for us! Yippee! That bathroom is almost papered. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • HI Marty! I agree with you that it was a grand Teaser………..Flynn’s Mum and Dad are world travelers so they often send us photos – it’s nice to have EVERYONE pawticipate in Teasers!!

      Love, Sam


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