Sunday Selfie and More………..


First things first – here’s my contribution to the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop by The Cat On My Head!    Can’t miss this “hop” – it’s fun to see everyone’s selfies on Sunday!

This is me with my "mini-me" doing a double selfie!

This is me with my “mini-me” doing a double selfie!

Click their badge to see other selfies!


Secondly although I normally don’t include other things on my Sunday Selfie, this is a little bit special so allow me to just mention that when we first read about “Bootsie” – the cat who was abandoned by his humans when they packed up and moved away leaving him behind on his own, it touched us.   All stories like this touch us all – we all care about every animal we read about that’s in need and we’d like to help EVERYONE……………but when we learned there would be an Auction to benefit Bootsie, Mom and I decided to donate one of her kids’ books – “Feral’s Rainbow Forest Family” to the auction.


The auction will start today, August 9th and you’ll be able to see everything that’s up by going to    It may take them a while to add items to the auction so check back frequently please!


Thank you Miss Ann at Zoolatry for this sweet badge for Bootsie!

Bootsie is in need of surgery……….and the auction will help but so does contributing if you can to the special fund Brian Frum set up through the below:

Click on the picture and read Bootsie’s story and give any amount you can.  It all helps.

Thanks to Dash and Brian for caring enough to do this on Bootsie’s behalf…….

Here’s hoping Bootsie gets the help he needs AND a forever home – a REALLY forever home where he won’t be discarded and left behind – ever again.

Love, Sammy

55 responses »

  1. I hope so much that Bootsie can have that surgery and I cross my paws for a furever home … we all deserve one…
    Have a super sunday, with a double selfie it will be an egg-stra good sunday :o)


    • Oh I hope so Easy!!!! I loved seeing your baby and puppy pictures on your blog about “HAPPY”…….it made ME happy to see you so happy……….that’s what friends do right?

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. A super selfie Sammy 🙂 and yes Bootsies story is very sad…we have shared his story and sent some green papers and really hope he soon has a home of his own with real caring owners who love him paw pats and loves Dinnermintz xxx


  3. That is a great double selfie Sammy! It is very sad that Bootsie was callously deserted by his owners. I am going to get mum to look to see what she can donate.


    • Poor Bootsie…..Mom said she can’t even imagine packing up everything and leaving ME behind…….it’s just so SAD and we hope Bootsie gets the surgery he needs AND a REAL caring home!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! I wasn’t here yesterday as I was running a BIG FAT Cat Scouts event – a trip to the Grand Canyon . We were busy ALL weekend……….I was happy when it was OVER. I missed commenting on my comments! I hope you and CH had a FAB weekend!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. I love your selfie. And that was very sweet of you and your Mom to donate her book to Bootsie’s auction-anyone that wins it will love it.


  5. Double the fun, double the pleasure with your special double selfie, Sammy. Two handsome kitties:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  6. Sammy, we love your selfie, and that was so nice of you to post about Bootsie. Mom sent some money and put his You Caring donation button on our sidebar. She hopes to have some things for the auction and maybe find some things to bid on as well. What happened to Bootsie is just so sad and WRONG! Thanks so much for continuing to join our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  7. Furabuluss selfie there Unccle Sammy!!!
    Poor bootsie beein abandoned!! Iss hee inn New Zeeland???
    Mee an LadyMum are havin $money$ trubble so wee are not abull to send any an wee feels bad…butt wee ARE purrayin fur Bootsie dailee!!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


  8. We are late here (due to hosting the auction!!) and we are very VERY grateful for you terrific book which has bids on it!!! We are grateful for your including Bootsie’s details. We aim to do our best, and we will push hard, as we suspect there may be a small underestimate in his vet fees. We can cope, we will manage! THANK YOU!!


    • Oh I do hope that enough money is raised for dear Bootsie’s surgery! We’re super happy that Mom’s book has some bids…..we will continue to drive people to the Auction on our blog – and thanks for coming by!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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