

Hello Friends!!

In the last several days three of my blog friends have nominated me to do the “Eight Photos of Happiness” blog tag  and today (now that Teaser is over with!) I’m happy to do that post.   There are so many things that make me happy this should be easy peasy right?

This blog idea was created by Ariel’s Little Corner of the Internet and it’s really a sweet “tag” as I’ve had fun seeing everyone else’s posts since it started going around.

First of all here are the three friends who nominated me:

Wag-n-Woof Pet


Clowie’s Corner


The rules for this tag are:

Thank the nominator and link to them (done – in fact all three of them!)

Link the creator (Ariel – done)

Post eight photos – the photos can be anything that represents  a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy AND a brief description why you chose it

Spread the “HAPPINESS” by nominating up to ten other blogs!

My 8 “Happy” Photos


This makes me super happy – this is my Super Sam drawing that Nellie (Cat From Hell) and her Mom Miss Barb made for ME.  Why does this make me happy?  Because I’ve been a BIG FAN of Nellie’s “Finish the Sentence” game ever since she started but until YESTERDAY, Randomizer had never landed on MY NAME!   My  sentence had been “If I were a Super Hero I would…….(and I said I’d like to wear a SUPER SAM cape!)   THANK YOU NELLIE AND MISS BARB – you made me HAPPY!

Sam Portrait  With Mom

My Mom – my best friend – she does everything she can to make me happy and moments like this really DO the trick!

I believe I'll have a little walkabout!

I believe I’ll have a little walkabout!

Being allowed to go outside with my Mom or Dad makes me happy….I love to eat grass….smell things in the breeze….watch cars go by……


It’s a little thing BUT it makes me VERY happy – TISSUE PAPER!

Sam Sunny Library

Napping in the sun makes me HAPPY!


My Mom says she'll share her recliner AND her Mother's Day with ME!!!!!!

Napping next to my Mom makes me HAPPY!

Early morning bird watching

Watching squirrels and birds from my perch makes me HAPPY!


My favorite treat – BACON – makes me HAPPY!

There are my eight “HAPPY” photos.  I could have shown a ton more because so many things make me happy including balogging, Cat Scouts, all my wonderful friends and most of all what makes me happy is that I’ve been here on earth for almost SIXTEEN YEARS…………….THAT REALLY MAKES ME HAPPY!

As for who to nominate – so many of you already have done this “Tag” post that I will leave it up to you ALL to decide if you’d like to share your “HAPPY” or not – if you would, please follow the rules and have fun with it.    I sure did!

LOVE AND HUGS (Happy ones!)

Oh yes.......I am one happy boy.

Oh yes…….I am one happy boy.


74 responses »

  1. You look cool in that cape, Sammy!
    It’s lovely to see the things that make you happy. You’ve found some great spots for napping and your spot by the window looks purrfect for watching some live entertainment.
    Thank you for the mention, my kitty pal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for tagging us Clowie…..we already knew that we’re a happy bunch in my house but going through all the photos just reminded us all of how much FUN we have together. I’m a very lucky (and happy) boy!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Super Sammy is totally who you are! I loved reading the 8 things that make you happy as you make so many happy reading your blog and sharing your life. It is evident how loved you are by your parents and how much you love them. Your handsome ginger face makes me smile and brings me hope that my mancat Kaspars can make it to be as old as you, this would make me happier than anything. He is 14 this year and sadly a few months ago was diagnosed to be in the early stages of kidney failure. A special diet seemed to work until a few weeks ago he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and skin cancer on his nose. He is on medication for his thyroid and we go to the vet next week to check his levels, so we are crossing our paws that has settled. The good thing is he is eating and engaging in his home security patrol officer job that he thrives on so that is another thing that helps me keep happy thoughts he will be celebrating his 16 years just like you Sammy. Like you, Kaspars is a tough, manly mancat on the exterior to most everyone around him, but underneath he is a true Mama’s boy who needs his loves from me. We Mama’s love our little boys so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I think Kaspars will be like me – in spite of any adversity (I have hyperthyroidism too and bad arthritis) we love being here in this life SO MUCH that we will hang on and live every minute with our humans that we can to the fullest! We all begin to show signs of age and it reminds us that we’re here for a short time and to make the most of it……….I feel like I have done that……….I have had a TOTALLY fabulous life and wouldn’t change a thing. I’m sorry Kaspars has skin cancer on his nose – I hope they can treat it with a topical cream? So far I haven’t had cancer I’m happy to say but YES on kidney issues and thyroid stuff. Tell Kaspars for me that I hope he hangs in there for a LONG TIME and to stay positive and enjoy life. Eating, drinking, and carrying on with fun things like “house patrol” and “lap naps” will keep us forever young in our minds and hopefully our bodies won’t let us down!

      Sending you all special hugs…………………….
      Happy Sam!


  3. Love your 8 happy things, Sammy! (A few of those are my happy things, too!) Motor Mommy might just borrow this idea for one of her upcoming blog posts.
    Love, Sundae


  4. AHHHHHHHHHH Sammy these photos made us happy too. The first family cat was a tissue paper lover too. he liked sitting on mom’s pattern pieces when she was cutting out patterns. We love you framed in bacon
    Hugs madi your bff


  5. We love your happy photos, Sammy! You have a good life there, and we can’t believe that you will be turning 16 on your next birthday…that is truly something to be very happy about!


  6. Sammy what wonderful 8 happy things..we love Miss barbs picture it suits you to a T ..and we love the best the tissue paper picture…you look like the kitty that got the cream 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


    • Oh indeed! We have all kinds of birds and Mom has bunches of birdfeeders…………I especially like the BIG piliated woodpeckers…..only birds I’m not happy to see when they’re in my yard are the turkey buzzards – ‘scuze me for saying it but they are truly UUUUUGGGGGLY!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Dat’s pawsum Sammy. Weez had no idea it was a tag fing. We just fawt peeps were postin’ what made them happy and we fawt dat was pawsum. Luvved all yous fotos and knowin’ you has made us happy.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  8. Mee so happy yur so happy Unccle Sammy!!!!
    Wee luv yur fotoss’. Thee tisshue papurr foto iss mee favorite! Sirprize sirprize!! 😉
    Mew mew mew…
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


    • The tissue photo makes Mom a bit sad because she says it was back when I was “chubby” and there was more of me to love. HAHAHA Now that I’m skinny, she can pick me up and I’m light as a feather. I do love my tissue though!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy time to dubble up on thee bacon then…put sum weight back on 😉
        An fankss fur menshunnin tisshue papurr…LadyMum has not given mee any inn 2 weeks…
        “OH LadyMum time fur sum tisshue papurr pleeze….”
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


          • Mee could have tissue papurr a lot more…ladyMum furgot to give mee sum fur weeks!! When wee meowed ’bout it shee apawlogzed an gave mee a nice gold sheet…mee did a good job shreddin it….
            mee likes thee metallick papurr thee best…iss shiney!!!
            Mew mew mew…
            **paw patsss** neffktty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  9. This is one of the nicest awards we have seen in a long time – it is so much fun to see all the happiness in all our friends’ lives. Family is love and love is happiness:)

    Woos- Ciara and Lightning


  10. Me never gotted a chance to reads my email yesterday Sammy and mes did not sees your 8 happy pictures! They is most excellent (my purrsonal fav is the one of yous and your Mommy) and mes honored that yous included the cartoon of yous that the Cartoon Monkey did!
    Loves yous lots Sammy now mes off to catch more fish!
    Your Nellie Bellie


  11. Excellent photo choices, Sammy. We did our post today. We weren’t given all the rules when we were tagged. We were just told to link to our nominator. We didn’t nominate anyone ’cause we’ve already seen this done on so many of the blogs we follow. Mom picked photos that made her happy NOT so much us (especially NOT Mauricio). XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo


    • It was a fun “tag” and it’s tough to find people who HAVEN’T done it – we just said anyone who wanted to do it should. Tough keeping up with things sometimes isn’t it!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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