Teaser Tell All



Your Secret Agent Teaser Man


So what was inside the silver briefcase this week?   Who was the Guest Teaser and where was the photo taken????

Here’s the photos first of all…………


This was indeed up at the tippity top of Grandfather Mountain – the highest peak in the Blue Ridge mountain range outside of Linville, North Carolina!

My Guest Photo was sent in by my good friend Madi whose humans visited Grandfather mountain just a few weeks ago and sent these photos to my Mom who thought they’d be GREAT for my Teaser.   THANK YOU MADI and MOM CECELIA!

Thank you Madi and Mom Cecelia!

Thank you Madi and Mom Cecelia!

It was a mad scramble for FIRST COMMENTER but Miss Annie of Animal Couriers was the FIRST!   This is for you!


Then the guesses began coming in and the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was:

Miss Caren and Cody from CAT CHAT !   WOO HOO!  This is for you:


Then came the others who guessed RIGHT and below is your badge!


AND – as always – there were just a few (!!) of you who didn’t know or guessed wrong and you get (that’s right…..you know it’s coming!) the below:


That was a goodie yes?   You know that Madi’s Mom and Dad had to wait for them to open up that suspension bridge because when they got there initially the WIND was too high to allow access?   Super duper windy on top of Grandfather Mountain……………..!!!

Thanks for playing along – see you next Tuesday I hope !!!


Sammy the Tease



Now for the second half of the show……………….(haha, surprise)!  Today is a fun day in the blogosphere – it’s called N.O.M.S. Day which stands for “Not Of My Species” and it’s a celebration of the fact that we ALL get along together – no matter what kind of animal or species we are, we can all be friends.   We are celebrating it in the Tabby Cat Club today in fact so if you CLICK HERE you can see the posts the TCC participants have put together.   This was my “poster” for the occasion:


No matter what species you are – HAVE A SUPER WEDNESDAY!!!

Love, Sammy of species feline!

55 responses »

  1. Concats Cody Caren and Dakota! Concats Miss Annie, you have fast cars huh? I was #46 this time, butt to be a part of it is great too, right? It’s true we all can be friends, no matter if we are dog or cat or a gator…wait…a gator? really?


    • Hi Easy! Yep – even a gator OR an invisible dog like your Mom saw next door!!!!! Doesn’t matter……..we’re all here together so we should be friends and get along right? Except for snakes that is……that’s where I draw the line………….

      Love, Sammy


      • ooooh me tooo…..but they can be on planet earth too… just please not next to me :o) My momma really thought there is a dog, the whole house was on fire within seconds… hope Santa can deliver the glasses :o)


    • Hi Austin! YAY for Cody and Miss Caren is right……………and I agree about that bridge – I’m glad Madi’s Mom and DAd could walk over it because I know me and may parents wouldn’t do it in a DREAM!

      The NOMS thing – if you feel so close to another critter that you simply MUST have a taste (!!) I say GO FOR IT!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Congrats to all the winners. Good job everyone. And congrats to you Sammy for winning the deal over at Nellie’s . Well done. You all have a great day.


  3. Concats to Animal Couriers and Caren and Cody.
    I had two NOMS friends when it first started, Gerald the Majestic goat and Eric Squaredog, but neither of them blog any more. Of course I have lots more NOMS friends now.


  4. Great pics. My pawrents have never been to Grandfather Mountain, but they’d be too afraid to go on that bridge anyway.
    Have a great day, Sammy. Concats on your “win” at Nellie’s!
    Love, Sundae


  5. Awesome NOMS day – what a great idea! And the mountains – WOW – I’m not really that far from the Blue Ridge Mountains. Daddy says it’s like a jump, skip and then another double jump for us. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  6. Those were some awesome pics from Madi and her Mom. And wow, that was a whopper of a storm on the horizon.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  7. Mee-you ladyMum said shee wood LUV to go to Thee Blue Mountianss…if shee efurr gets there shee will now know what it looks like!!!! Mew mew mew….
    An mee luvss this speshell day! As you know mee has a doggie furend named Jade an thee 6 horses at thee farm an wee are furendss. Here mee iss furendss with Hailey thee ShihTzu an Missy thee ShihTzu….doggies are so cool…an mee BFF iss Noodle thee Schnoodle who mee nicky-named Moodle!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


  8. The Blue Ridge Mountains!! Wow! I’d like to see mom go there…specially when I’ve done something wrong! MOL
    Concats to our winners. Every teaser is pretty tough for me so the winners are fantastic to get these pictures right.

    I know Sammy…take a picture of an ant hill and then tell everyone they must name the town its close to. Mol Gotta kid ya buddy!




  9. Wow! Sammy wes was BOTH winner today! Mes gotted the right place and yous gotted to be a super hero!
    What a GREAT day!


  10. When we NOMS Day on another blog, it was the first we had heard of it, and so didn’t post about it. The humans have never been to Grandfather Mtn., but Mom is adding it to her list. It looks like a really cool place. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Crew! Ann of Zoolatry had sent out a badge for NOMS Day or we wouldn’t have known either!!!! Grandfather Mountain looks scary but my Mom said the same thing – a little bit of scary isn’t such a BAD thing if you can get those magnificent views!

      Love, Sammy


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